Thursday 28 October 2010

44 BG - Thracian Tomb of Kazanlak (1979)

Brief Description

"Discovered in 1944, this tomb dates from the Hellenistic period, around the end of the 4th century BC. It is located near Seutopolis, the capital city of the Thracian king Seutes III, and is part of a large Thracian necropolis. The tholos has a narrow corridor and a round burial chamber, both decorated with murals representing Thracian burial rituals and culture. These paintings are Bulgaria’s best-preserved artistic masterpieces from the Hellenistic period."


"卡赞利克的色雷斯古墓发现于1944年,其历史年代可追溯到古希腊时期,即公元前4世纪末左右。古墓位于色雷斯王修瑟斯三 世时期的都城修瑟波利斯(Seutopolis)附近,是色雷斯王国大片墓地中的一部分。该古墓内有狭长的地道和圆形墓室,均以壁画装饰。这些壁画代表了 卡赞利克的墓葬仪式和文化。古墓中的绘画作品是保加利亚保存最完好的古希腊时期艺术杰作。"

Source UNESCO WH website

Courtesy of Childish from postcrossing forum

216 BG - Rila Monastery (1983)

Brief Description

"Rila Monastery was founded in the 10th century by St John of Rila, a hermit canonized by the Orthodox Church. His ascetic dwelling and tomb became a holy site and were transformed into a monastic complex which played an important role in the spiritual and social life of medieval Bulgaria. Destroyed by fire at the beginning of the 19th century, the complex was rebuilt between 1834 and 1862. A characteristic example of the Bulgarian Renaissance (18th–19th centuries), the monument symbolizes the awareness of a Slavic cultural identity following centuries of occupation."


"里拉修道院是里拉的隐士圣约翰于公元10世纪建造的。约翰死后被东正教封为圣徒,所以他以前修道的地方和他的坟墓成为了圣 地,并且成为了修道院。这个小修道院在中世纪保加利亚的宗教生活和社会生活中扮演着非常重要的角色。19世纪初,修道院毁于一次火灾,后又于1834至 1862年间重建。里拉修道院是18和19世纪保加利亚文艺复兴时期的代表之作,表现了数个世纪的被占领历史后斯拉夫文化认同感的觉醒。"

Source UNESCO WH website

Courtesy of Childish from postcrossing forum

42 BG - Boyana Church (1979)

Brief Description

"Located on the outskirts of Sofia, Boyana Church consists of three buildings. The eastern church was built in the 10th century, then enlarged at the beginning of the 13th century by Sebastocrator Kaloyan, who ordered a second two storey building to be erected next to it. The frescoes in this second church, painted in 1259, make it one of the most important collections of medieval paintings. The ensemble is completed by a third church, built at the beginning of the 19th century. This site is one of the most complete and perfectly preserved monuments of east European medieval art."


"博雅纳教堂位于索菲亚城郊外,由三座建筑物组成。东侧的教堂最初建于公元10世纪,后于公元13世纪初由卡洛扬大总督指挥 扩建。卡洛扬大总督还决定在东侧教堂旁再建一座双层教堂。第二个教堂里有绘于公元1259年的壁画,这些艺术品使该世界遗产成为了最重要的中世纪绘画收藏 地之一。第三座教堂建于19世纪初,最终构成了一个完整的教堂群。该遗产是最完整、保存最完好的建筑之一,体现了东欧中世纪的艺术风格。"

Source UNESCO WH website

Courtesy of Childish from postcrossing forum

378 ES - Mudejar Architecture of Aragon (1986)

Brief Description

"The development in the 12th century of Mudejar art in Aragon resulted from the particular political, social and cultural conditions that prevailed in Spain after the Reconquista. This art, influenced by Islamic tradition, also reflects various contemporary European styles, particularly the Gothic. Present until the early 17th century, it is characterized by an extremely refined and inventive use of brick and glazed tiles in architecture, especially in the belfries."

"公元12世纪穆德哈尔艺术的发展与收复国土后西班牙当时的政治、社会和文化状况息息相关。这种艺术形式不仅受到了伊斯兰传 统的影响,而且还体现出了当时欧洲的风格,特别是哥特式风格。从公元17世纪初一直到现在,这种艺术风格在建筑中,特别是在钟楼建筑中,以创造性地精妙使 用砖块和釉面砖而闻名。"
Source UNESCO WH website

378-001     Torre, techumbre y cimborrio de la catedral de Santa María de Mediavilla,Teruel
378-002     Torre e iglesia de San Pedro,Teruel
378-003     Torre de la iglesia de San Martín,Teruel
378-004     Torre de la iglesia del Salvador,Teruel,
378-005     Abside, claustro y torre de colegiata de Santa María, Calatayud
378-006     Iglesia parroquial de Santa Tecla,Cervera de la Cañada
378-007     Iglesia de Santa María,Tobed
378-008     Restos mudéjares de palacio de la Aljafería, Zaragoza
378-009     Torre e iglesia parroquial de San Pablo, Zaragoza,

378-010     Abside, parroquieta y cimborrio de La Seo, Zaragoza
378-003     Torre de la iglesia de San Martín,Teruel

Courtesy of Pilar from Spain
 378-008     Restos mudéjares de palacio de la Aljafería, Zaragoza
378-009     Torre e iglesia parroquial de San Pablo, Zaragoza,
Courtesy of davidzaz from postcrossing forum
378-010 Abside, parroquieta y cimborrio de La Seo,
City and province of Zaragoza

664 ES - Archaeological Ensemble of Mérida (1993)

Brief Description

"The colony of Augusta Emerita, which became present-day Mérida in Estremadura, was founded in 25 B.C. at the end of the Spanish Campaign and was the capital of Lusitania. The well-preserved remains of the old city include, in particular, a large bridge over the Guadiana, an amphitheatre, a theatre, a vast circus and an exceptional water-supply system. It is an excellent example of a provincial Roman capital during the empire and in the years afterwards."


"今天位于埃斯特雷马杜拉的梅里达是于公元前25年西班牙战役结束后建立的,当时是罗马皇帝奥古斯都的殖民地,也是卢西塔尼 亚的首都。旧城遗址迄今完好,其中特别著名的有瓜迪亚纳河上的大桥、圆形阶梯剧场、剧院、大马戏场和先进的供水系统。梅里达城是古罗马帝国时期以及后来的 很长一段时间内外省首府建设的杰出典范。"

Source UNESCO WH website

Courtesy of ninocas from postcrossing forum

Courtesy of Gosia from postcrossing forum

IE5528 - The Royal Sites of Ireland: Cashel, Dún Ailinne, Hill of Uisneach, Rathcroghan Complex, and Tara Complex (2010)

Courtesy of chrissybaby from postcrossing
001 - The Rock of Cashel (Irish: Carraig Phádraig),
also known as Cashel of the Kings and St. Patrick's Rock

- Cashel: N52 31 17 W7 53 16
- Dún Ailinne: N53 7 3 W6 45 50
- Hill of Uisneach: N53 29 16 W7 31 43
- Rathcroghan Complex: N53 46 46 W8 15 18
- Tara Complex: N53 35 9 W6 33 42

IE5523 - The Historic City of Dublin (2010)

Courtesy of starie from postcrossing

Tuesday 26 October 2010

12 ET - Tiya (1980)

Brief Description

"Tiya is among the most important of the roughly 160 archaeological sites discovered so far in the Soddo region, south of Addis Ababa. The site contains 36 monuments, including 32 carved stelae covered with symbols, most of which are difficult to decipher. They are the remains of an ancient Ethiopian culture whose age has not yet been precisely determined."



Source UNESCO WH website

Courtesy of Pavel from Czech

Courtesy of MissDaisy44 from flickr

875 ES - Archaeological Ensemble of Tárraco (2000)

Brief Description

"Tárraco (modern-day Tarragona) was a major administrative and mercantile city in Roman Spain and the centre of the Imperial cult for all the Iberian provinces. It was endowed with many fine buildings, and parts of these have been revealed in a series of exceptional excavations. Although most of the remains are fragmentary, many preserved beneath more recent buildings, they present a vivid picture of the grandeur of this Roman provincial capital."

"塔拉科现称塔拉戈纳,原来是罗马帝国统治时期西班牙的政治和商业中心,同时也是伊比利亚岛各省的宗教中心。城中有许多精美 的建筑,通过不断挖掘,这些古老的建筑一件件出现在了人们的面前。尽管许多建筑只剩下残破的碎片,或者被深埋在现有建筑物之下,但它们仍然向世人展示着这 一古代罗马帝国外省首府的风貌。"
Source UNESCO WH website

875-001     Roman walls
875-002     The imperial cult enclosure
875-003     Provincial Forum
875-004     The Circus
875-005     The Colonial Forum
875-006     The Roman Theatre
875-007     The Amphitheatre, basilica, and Romanesque church
875-008     Paleochristian cemetery
875-009     Aqueduct, 4 km N of Tarragona
875-010     Tower of the Scipios, 5 km E of Tarragona
875-011     Médol Quary, 9 km N of Tarragona
875-012     The "Centcelles" villa-mausoleum, 4.6 km NNW of Tarragona
875-013     The "dels Munts" villa, 10 km E of Taragona
875-014     Triumphal Arch of Berá, 20 km E of Taragona

Courtesy of Diaboluke from postcrossing
875-005 The Colonial Forum

Courtesy of famalubel from Spain
875-007 The Amphitheatre
875-007 Romanesque church
875-009 Aqueduct, 4 km N of Tarragona

Courtesy of Luca from Italy
875-010 Tower of the Scipios, 5 km E of Tarragona
Courtesy of Luca from Italy
875-014 Triumphal Arch of Berá, 20 km E of Taragona

327 JO - Quseir Amra (1985)

Brief Description

"Built in the early 8th century, this exceptionally well-preserved desert castle was both a fortress with a garrison and a residence of the Umayyad caliphs. The most outstanding features of this small pleasure palace are the reception hall and the hammam, both richly decorated with figurative murals that reflect the secular art of the time."

Source UNESCO WH website
Courtesy of Diaboluke from postcrossing

20 SY - Ancient City of Damascus (1979)

Brief Description

"Founded in the 3rd millennium B.C., Damascus is one of the oldest cities in the Middle East. In the Middle Ages, it was the centre of a flourishing craft industry, specializing in swords and lace. The city has some 125 monuments from different periods of its history – one of the most spectacular is the 8th-century Great Mosque of the Umayyads, built on the site of an Assyrian sanctuary."


"大马士革古城建于公元前3000年,是中东地区最古老的城市之一。中世纪时期,大马士革是繁荣的手工业中心,专门于刀剑和 饰带的制作。在它源于不同历史时期的125个纪念性建筑物中,以公元8世纪即倭马亚王朝哈里发时期的大清真寺最为壮观,大清真寺建在亚述国的一块圣地上。"

Source UNESCO WH website

Courtesy of Doris from postcrossing

Monday 25 October 2010

569 AL - Historic Centres of Berat and Gjirokastra (2005)

Brief Description

"Berat and Gjirokastra are inscribed as rare examples of an architectural character typical of the Ottoman period. Located in central Albania, Berat bears witness to the coexistence of various religious and cultural communities down the centuries. It features a castle, locally known as the Kala, most of which was built in the 13th century, although its origins date back to the 4th century BC. The citadel area numbers many Byzantine churches, mainly from the 13th century, as well as several mosques built under the Ottoman era which began in 1417. Gjirokastra, in the Drinos river valley in southern Albania, features a series of outstanding two-story houses which were developed in the 17th century. The town also retains a bazaar, an 18th-century mosque and two churches of the same period."
Source UNESCO WH website
Courtesy of Diaboluke from postcrossing
Museum-City of Gjirokastra
The Historic Center of Berat

570 AL - Butrint (1992)

Brief Description

"Inhabited since prehistoric times, Butrint has been the site of a Greek colony, a Roman city and a bishopric. Following a period of prosperity under Byzantine administration, then a brief occupation by the Venetians, the city was abandoned in the late Middle Ages after marshes formed in the area. The present archaeological site is a repository of ruins representing each period in the city’s development."


Source UNESCO WH website

Courtesy of Diaboluke from postcrossing

942 GR - Historic Centre (Chorá) with the Monastery of Saint John "the Theologian" and the Cave of the Apocalypse on the Island of Pátmos (1999)

Brief Description

"The small island of Pátmos in the Dodecanese is reputed to be where St John the Theologian wrote both his Gospel and the Apocalypse. A monastery dedicated to the ‘beloved disciple’ was founded there in the late 10th century and it has been a place of pilgrimage and Greek Orthodox learning ever since. The fine monastic complex dominates the island. The old settlement of Chorá, associated with it, contains many religious and secular buildings."


"多德卡尼斯群岛的帕特莫斯小岛由于圣约翰神学家在此创作《福音书》和《启示录》而驰名。10世纪后期,有人在这里为“挚爱 的门徒”修建了一座修道院,从此,这里便一直是一个朝圣地,也是希腊东正教学习之地。岛上占主体地位的是精美的修道院建筑群,焦耳城(Chorá)古老的 住区及其周围有许多宗教和世俗的建筑。"

Source UNESCO WH website

Courtesy of mor_lefay from postcrossing

1179 CH - Swiss Tectonic Arena Sardona (2008)

Brief Description

"The Swiss Tectonic Arena Sardona in the north-eastern part of the country covers a mountainous area of 32,850 ha which features seven peaks that rise above 3,000 m. The area displays an exceptional example of mountain building through continental collision and features .excellent geological sections through tectonic thrust, i.e. the process whereby older, deeper rocks are carried onto younger, shallower rocks. The site is distinguished by the clear three-dimensional exposure of the structures and processes that characterize this phenomenon and has been a key site for the geological sciences since the 18th century. The Glarus Alps are glaciated mountains rising dramatically above narrow river valleys and are the site of the largest post-glacial landslide in the Central Alpine region."

Source UNESCO WH website

Courtesy of Doris from postcrossing

1302 CH - La Chaux-de-Fonds / Le Locle, Watchmaking Town Planning (2009)

Brief Description

"The site of La Chaux-de-Fonds / Le Locle watchmaking town-planning consists of two towns situated close to one another in a remote environment in the Swiss Jura mountains, on land ill-suited to farming. Their planning and buildings reflect watchmakers’ need of rational organization. Planned in the early 19th century, after extensive fires, the towns owed their existence to this single industry. Their layout along an open-ended scheme of parallel strips on which residential housing and workshops are intermingled reflects the needs of the local watchmaking culture that dates to the 17th century and is still alive today. The site presents outstanding examples of mono-industrial manufacturing-towns which are well preserved and still active. The urban planning of both towns has accommodated the transition from the artisanal production of a cottage industry to the more concentrated factory production of the late 19th and 20th centuries. The town of La Chaux-de-Fonds was described by Karl Marx as a “huge factory-town” in Das Kapital where he analyzed the division of labour in the watchmaking industry of the Jura."

Source UNESCO WH website

Courtesy of Doris from postcrossing

269 CH - Benedictine Convent of St John at Müstair (1983)

Brief Description

"The Convent of Müstair, which stands in a valley in the Grisons, is a good example of Christian monastic renovation during the Carolingian period. It has Switzerland's greatest series of figurative murals, painted c. A.D. 800, along with Romanesque frescoes and stuccoes."



Source UNESCO WH website

Courtesy of zasa from postcrossing forum

Courtesy of Doris from postcrossing

Saturday 23 October 2010

622 SK - Vlkolínec (1993)

Brief Description

"Vlkolínec, situated in the centre of Slovakia, is a remarkably intact settlement of 45 buildings with the traditional features of a central European village. It is the region’s most complete group of these kinds of traditional log houses, often found in mountainous areas."



Source UNESCO WH website

Courtesy of sylwiail from postcrossing forum

1070 RU - Citadel, Ancient City and Fortress Buildings of Derbent (2003)

Brief Description

"The Citadel, Ancient City and Fortress Buildings of Derbent were part of the northern lines of the Sasanian Persian Empire, which extended east and west of the Caspian Sea. The fortification was built in stone. It consisted of two parallel walls that formed a barrier from the seashore up to the mountain. The town of Derbent was built between these two walls, and has retained part of its medieval fabric. The site continued to be of great strategic importance until the 19th century."



Source UNESCO WH website

Courtesy of JoyM from postcrossing forum

429 GB - New Lanark (2001)

Brief Description 
"New Lanark is a small 18th- century village set in a sublime Scottish landscape where the philanthropist and Utopian idealist Robert Owen moulded a model industrial community in the early 19th century. The imposing cotton mill buildings, the spacious and well-designed workers' housing, and the dignified educational institute and school still testify to Owen's humanism."


Source UNESCO WH website

Robert Owen -The man behind the idea of New Lanark

 Arial view of New Larnak

Courtesy of Joana122 from postcrossing forum

 Robert Owens School of Children
 Institute for the formation of Character
 Mill number one

Courtesy of Coffeedoff from postcrossing forum
 Mill number three
 Mill number three
 Village Store
 Robert Owen House