Saturday 30 July 2011

633 RU - White Monuments of Vladimir and Suzdal (1992)

Brief Description

"These two artistic centres in central Russia hold an important place in the country's architectural history. There are a number of magnificent 12th- and 13th-century public and religious buildings, above all the masterpieces of the Collegiate Church of St Demetrios and the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Virgin."

"这两个位于俄罗斯中部的艺术中心在俄罗斯建筑史上占据重要的位置。这里有许多修建于12世纪和13世纪的宏伟公共设施以及 宗教建筑,其中最为有名的是圣德米特洛的学院教堂和维尔京的圣母升天大教堂这两个杰作。"
Source UNESCO WH website
633-001 Cathedral of the Assumption, Vladimir
633-002 The Golden Gate, Vladimir
633-003 The Prince Castle in Bogolyubovo (Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin and Staircase Tower of the Palace of Andrei Bogolyubsky) , Vladimir
633-004 Church of the Intercession on the River Nerl, Vladimir
633-005 Cathedral of St. Demetrius, Vladimir

633-006 Kremlin of Suzdal and Cathedral of the Nativity, Suzdal 633-007 Monastery of Our Savior and St Euthymius, Suzdal
633-008 Church of Sts Boris and Gleb, Suzdal (Kideksha)

Courtesy of Miledi from postcrossing forum
633-001 Cathedral of the Assumption Vladimir and
633-005 Cathedral of St. Demetrius Vladimir
Courtesy of Galina from Russia
633-002 The Golden Gate, Vladimir

Courtesy of Miledi from postcrossing forum
633-003 Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin and
Staircase Tower of the Palace of Andrei Bogolyubsky
Courtesy of MariitD from postcrossing forum
633-004 Church of the Intercession on the River Nerl, Vladimir

Courtesy of PrincessYulianna from postcrossing forum
633-006 Kremlin of Suzdal and Cathedral of the Nativity, Suzdal
633-007 Monastery of Our Savior and St Euthymius, Suzdal
633-008 Church of Sts Boris and Gleb, Suzdal (Kideksha)

540 RU - Historic Centre of Saint Petersburg and Related Groups of Monuments (1990)

Brief Description

"The 'Venice of the North', with its numerous canals and more than 400 bridges, is the result of a vast urban project begun in 1703 under Peter the Great. Later known as Leningrad (in the former USSR), the city is closely associated with the October Revolution. Its architectural heritage reconciles the very different Baroque and pure neoclassical styles, as can be seen in the Admiralty, the Winter Palace, the Marble Palace and the Hermitage."

" 被称为“北方威尼斯”的圣彼得堡,以其无数的河道和400多座桥梁而闻名于世,这是在彼得大帝统治下于1703年开始实施的宏大城市规划的一个重要成果。 此地后改名为列宁格勒(位于前苏联),而 且与十月革命密切相关。它的建筑遗产与截然不同的巴洛克式建筑风格和纯古典式建筑风格极其和谐,我们可在海军部、冬宫、大理石宫以及爱尔米塔什博物馆看到 这些。"

Source UNESCO WH website

  1. Historic Centre of St. Petersburg
  2. Historical Part of the Town of Kronstadt
  3. Fortress of Kronstadt
    • Forts of the Island Kotlin
      • Redoubts Dena (Fort Den)
      • Fort Shanz
      • Fort Catherine
      • Fort Rift
      • Fort Constantin
      • Tolbukhin Signal Tower on Tolbukhin Island
    • Forts of the Gulf of Finland
      • Obrutchev Fort
      • Totleben Fort
      • North Forts Nos. 1-7
      • Paul Fort (Riesbank)
      • Kronshlot Fort
      • Alexander Fort ("Tchumny")
      • Peter Fort
      • South Forts Nos. 1-3
    • Forts of the Coast of the Gulf of Finland
    • Civil Engineering
      • the Barrier of Cribwork
      • the Barrier of Pile
      • the Barrier of Stone
  4. Historical Centre of the Town of Petrokrepost (Shlisselburg)
  5. The Oreshek Fortress on Orekhovy Island at the source of the Neva
  6. Palaces and Park Ensembles of the Town of Pushkin and its Historical Centre
  7. Palaces and Parks of the town of Pavlovsk and its Historical Centre
  8. Pulkovo Observatory
  9. Palace and Park Ensemble of the Village of Ropsha
  10. Palace and Park Ensemble of the Village of Gostilitsy
  11. Palace and Park Ensemble of the Village of Taytsy
  12. Palace and Park Ensemble of the Town of Gatchina and its Historical Centre
  13. Ensemble of the Coastal Monastery of Saint Sergius
  14. Palace and Park Ensemble of the Town of Strelna and its Historical Centre
  15. Palace and Park Ensemble "Mikhailovka"
  16. Palace and Park Ensemble "Znamenka"
  17. Palace and Park Ensemble of the Town of Petrodvorets and its Historical Centre
  18. Palace and Park Ensemble "Sobstvennaya Datcha"
  19. Palace and Park Ensemble "Sergeevka"
  20. Palace and Park Ensembles of the Town of Lomonosov and its Historical Centre
    • Historical Centre of the Town of Lomonosov (Oranienbaum), including the Palace and Park Ensemble of the Upper Park and Lower Garden
    • Mordvinov's Estate
    • Maximov's Datcha
    • Zubov's Estate "Otrada"
    • Ratkov-Rozhnov's Estate "Dubki"
    • S. K. Grieg's Estate "Sans Ennui"
    • Datcha of the Hospital
  21. Scientific Town-Institution of Physiologist I. P. Pavlov
  22. Zinoviev's Estate
  23. Shuvalov's Estate
  24. Viazemsky's Estate
  25. Sestroretsky Razliv
  26. I. Repin Estate "The Penates"
  27. Cemetery of the Village of Komarovo
  28. Lindulovskaya Rotcsha
  29. River Neva with Banks and Embankments
  30. Izhorsky Bench (Glint)
  31. Dudergofs Heights
  32. Koltushi Elevation
  33. Yukkovskaya Elevation
  34. The Roads
  35. Canals
    • Ligovsky Canal
    • the Maritime Channel
    • Petrovsky canal
    • Kronstadsky canal
    • Zelenogorsky canal
  36. The Green Belt of Glory
    • the Blockade Ring
    • the Road of Life
    • Oranienbaumsky Spring-Board
540-001 Historic Centre of St. Petersburg
Courtesy of Galina from Russia

Peter Fort and Paul Fort

Church of the Savior on Blood

Palace Square, Winter Palace

Panoramic view of the Moika River
The Kazan Cathedral
St. Isaac's Square, Cathedral and Monument to Nicholas I
Decembrists' Square and Monument to Peter the Great
Panoramic view of Vasilyevsky Island

Courtesy of DickLez from postcrossing

Courtesy of Rolen from Russia

Courtesy of kossatik from Russia

Courtesy of OurSous from Russia

Courtesy of  lassesity from Russia

Courtesy of forget_me_not from postcrossing forum
2017 EUROPA STAMP - Mikhailovsky Castle

Courtesy of PrincessYulianna from postcrossing forum
540-002 Historical Part of the Town of Kronstadt

Courtesy of bogdanovskaya from postcrossing forum
Catherine Palace
 540-006 Palaces and Park Ensembles of the Town of Pushkin and its Historical Centre

Courtesy of bogdanovskaya from postcrossing forum
Pavlovsk Palace

540-007 Palaces and Parks of the town of Pavlovsk and its Historical Centre

540-012 Palace and Park Ensemble of the Town of Gatchina
and its Historical Centre

540-014 Palace and Park Ensemble of the Town of Strelna
and its Historical Centre
Courtesy of ffuture from postcrossing

540-017 The Palace and Park Ensembles of the Town of Peterhof

540-020 Palace and Park Ensembles of the Town of Lomonosov
and its Historical Centre

 540-020 Oranienbaum The Chinese Palace

Tuesday 19 July 2011

548 PE - Río Abiseo National Park (1990)

Brief Description

"The park was created in 1983 to protect the fauna and flora of the rainforests that are characteristic of this region of the Andes. There is a high level of endemism among the fauna and flora found in the park. The yellow-tailed woolly monkey, previously thought extinct, is found only in this area. Research undertaken since 1985 has already uncovered 36 previously unknown archaeological sites at altitudes of between 2,500 and 4,000 m, which give a good picture of pre-Inca society."


"里奥阿比塞奥国家公园建于1983年,目的是为了保护安第斯山脉潮湿森林里特有的动物和植物。该公园里的动植物具有很强的 当地特色,这里还发现过以前被认为已经绝种的黄尾毛猴。自1985年以来进行的研究,已经发现了36个前所未知的考古地点,均位于2500米至4000米 之间的高度,这非常有利于对印加帝国以前当地社会的了解。"

Source UNESCO WH website

Courtesy of MissDaisy66 from postcrossing forum

1371 ES - Cultural Landscape of the Serra de Tramuntana (2011)

Brief Description

The Cultural Landscape of the Serra de Tramuntana located on a sheer-sided mountain range parallel to the north-western coast of the island of Mallorca. Millennia of agriculture in an environment with scarce resources has transformed the terrain and displays an articulated network of devices for the management of water revolving around farming units of feudal origins. The landscape is marked by agricultural terraces and inter-connected water works - including water mills - as well as dry stone constructions and farms.

Source UNESCO WH website

Courtesy of gran7 from postcrossing forum

1325 KI - Phoenix Islands Protected Area (2010)

Brief Description

"The Phoenix Island Protected Area (PIPA) is a 408,250 expanse of marine and terrestrial habitats in the Southern Pacific Ocean. The property encompasses the Phoenix Island Group, one of three island groups in Kiribati, and is the largest designated Marine Protected Area in the world. PIPA conserves one of the world's largest intact oceanic coral archipelago ecosystems, together with 14 known underwater sea mounts (presumed to be extinct volcanoes) and other deep-sea habitats. The area contains approximately 800 known species of fauna, including about 200 coral species, 500 fish species, 18 marine mammals and 44 bird species. The structure and functioning of PIPA's ecosystems illustrates its pristine nature and importance as a migration route and reservoir. This is the first site in Kiribati to be inscribed on the World Heritage List."


"面积达40万8250平方公里的菲尼克斯群岛保护区,是南太平洋上海洋和陆地生物的栖息地。这一遗产由基里巴斯三座群岛中 的菲尼克斯群岛组成,是世界上最大的指定海洋保护区。保护区内拥有保存完好的海洋珊瑚群岛生态系统,其规模为世界最大之一。此外,区内还包括已知的14座 海底山峰(据推测为死火山)和其他深海栖息地。该地区已知的动物物种有大约800个,其中包括约200种珊瑚,500种鱼类,18种海洋哺乳动物和44种 鸟类。保护区生态系统的结构和功能显示了其原生态的本质,以及作为物种迁移路线与储藏库的重要性。菲尼克斯群岛保护区是基里巴斯首个列入世界遗产名录的遗 址。"

Source UNESCO WH website

Courtesy of MissDaisy66 from postcrossing forum

US5252 - Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge (2008)

Courtesy of MissDaisy66 from postcrossing forum

364 ZW - Great Zimbabwe National Monument (1986)

Brief Description

"The ruins of Great Zimbabwe – the capital of the Queen of Sheba, according to an age-old legend – are a unique testimony to the Bantu civilization of the Shona between the 11th and 15th centuries. The city, which covers an area of nearly 80 ha, was an important trading centre and was renowned from the Middle Ages onwards."



Source UNESCO WH website

Courtesy of MissDaisy66 from postcrossing forum

Wednesday 13 July 2011

IN5573 - The Qutb Shahi Monuments of Hyderabad Golconda Fort, Qutb Shahi Tombs, Charminar (2010)

IN5573-01 Golconda Fort
IN5573-02 Qutb Shahi Tombs

Courtesy of ahmedvnit from postcrossing forum
IN5507-03 Charminar

115 IR - Meidan Emam, Esfahan (1979)

Brief Description

"Built by Shah Abbas I the Great at the beginning of the 17th century, and bordered on all sides by monumental buildings linked by a series of two-storeyed arcades, the site is known for the Royal Mosque, the Mosque of Sheykh Lotfollah, the magnificent Portico of Qaysariyyeh and the 15th-century Timurid palace. They are an impressive testimony to the level of social and cultural life in Persia during the Safavid era."


"伊斯法罕王侯广场由阿拔斯一世大帝(Shah Abbas I the Great)建于17世纪初,广场四边是纪念碑建筑,与一组二层的拱廊相连。该遗址以它的皇家清真寺、希克斯罗图福拉清真寺、盖塞尔伊耶希华丽的门廊和 15世纪的提姆瑞德宫而闻名。所有这些反映了萨非(Safavid) 王朝时期波斯的社会文化生活。"

Source UNESCO WH website

Courtesy of Gilles from postcrossing forum