Tuesday 31 January 2012

ID2003 - Raja Ampat Islands (2005)

Courtesy of shinta from postcrossing forum

CN5338 Site of Southern Yue State available for swap

CN5338-02-A01 Nanyue King Tomb (0 available)
20/02/12 1 postcard on its way to elbe (received) unesco tentative tag in exchange tag Aletta2 for another unesco tentative

CN5338-02-A02 Nanyue King Tomb(1 available)

CN5338-02-A03 Nanyue King Tomb(1 available)

CN5338-02-A04 Nanyue King Tomb(1 available)

CN5338-02-A05 Nanyue King Tomb(1 available)

CN5338-02-A06 Nanyue King Tomb(1 available)

CN5338-02-A07 Nanyue King Tomb(1 available)

CN5338-02-A08 Nanyue King Tomb(1 available)

CN5338-02-A09 Nanyue King Tomb (0 available)

CN5338-02-A10 Nanyue King Tomb(0 available)
16/03/2012 1 postcard on its way to SLLiew (received) in exchange for a tentative card (Completed)

CN5347 - Karez Wells (2008)

1318 IT - Longobards in Italy. Places of the power (568-774 A.D.) (2011)

Brief Description

"The Longobards in Italy, Places of Power, 568 - 774 A.D. comprises seven groups of important buildings (including fortresses, churches, and monasteries) throughout the Italian Peninsula. They testify to the high achievement of the Lombards, who migrated from northern Europe and developed their own specific culture in Italy where they ruled over vast territories in the 6th to 8th centuries. The Lombards synthesis of architectural styles marked the transition from Antiquity to the European Middle Ages, drawing on the heritage of Ancient Rome, Christian spirituality, Byzantine influence and Germanic northern Europe. The serial property testifies to the Lombards' major role in the spiritual and cultural development of Medieval European Christianity, notably by bolstering the monastic movement."

Source UNESCO WH website http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/1318

Cividale del Friuli
Temple of Clitumnus located at Campello sul Clitunno
Santa Sofia located at Benevento
Sanctuary of Monte Sant'Angelo located at Monte Sant'Angelo

Courtesy of dora92 from postcrossing forum
1318-001 Capitolium in Brescia
Courtesy of Cri from postcrossing forum
 1318-002 Cividale del Friuli

Courtesy of Gosia from postcrossing forum
1318-003 Torba Monastery

Courtesy of Paolo from g+
1318-003 The castrum with the Torba Tower
and the church outside the walls, Santa Maria foris portas
Courtesy of mucciniale from postcrossing forum
1318-004 Spoleto (Basilica di San Salvatore)

1330 UA - Residence of Bukovinian and Dalmatian Metropolitans (2011)

Brief Description

"The Residence of Bukovinian and Dalmatian Metropolitans represents a masterful synergy of architectural styles built by Czech architect Josef Hlavka from 1864 to 1882. The property, an outstanding example of 19th-century historicist architecture, also includes a seminary and monastery and is dominated by the domed, cruciform Seminary Church with a garden and park. The complex expresses architectural and cultural influences from the Byzantine period onward and embodies the powerful presence of the Orthodox Church during Habsburg rule, reflecting the Austro-Hungarian Empire policy of religious tolerance."

Source UNESCO WH website http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/1330

Courtesy of Paolo from g+

295 LB - Byblos (1984)

Brief Description

"The ruins of many successive civilizations are found at Byblos, one of the oldest Phoenician cities. Inhabited since Neolithic times, it has been closely linked to the legends and history of the Mediterranean region for thousands of years. Byblos is also directly associated with the history and diffusion of the Phoenician alphabet."



Source UNESCO WH website http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/295

Courtesy of Paolo from g+

Friday 20 January 2012

906 RO - Dacian Fortresses of the Orastie Mountains (1999)

Brief Description

"Built in the 1st centuries B.C. and A.D. under Dacian rule, these fortresses show an unusual fusion of military and religious architectural techniques and concepts from the classical world and the late European Iron Age. The six defensive works, the nucleus of the Dacian Kingdom, were conquered by the Romans at the beginning of the 2nd century A.D.; their extensive and well-preserved remains stand in spectacular natural surroundings and give a dramatic picture of a vigorous and innovative civilization."


"达亚恩城堡修建于公元前1世纪达亚恩人统治时期,体现了古老的军事宗教建筑技巧和欧洲铁器时代晚期建筑理念不同寻常的相互融合。这 里的6个防御工事,即达亚恩王国的中心,在公元2世纪时被罗马人占领; 大面积保存完好的遗址被壮丽的自然景观环绕,勾勒出一幅充满力量和革新意义的生动画面。"

Source UNESCO WH website http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/906

906-001     Sarmizegetusa 
906-002     Costesti-Cetatuie
906-003     Costesti -Blidaru
906-004     Luncani-Piatra Rosie
906-005     Banita
906-006     Capâlna  

Courtesy of jennifermuliadi from postcrossing forum
906-001     Sarmizegetusa

Courtesy of violeta13 from postcrossing forum
906-003 Costesti -Blidaru Costesti

Tuesday 17 January 2012

GR1790 - The broader region of Mount Olympus (2003)

Courtesy of Childish from postcrossing forum

RS1700 - The Djavolja Varos (Devil's Town) Natural Landmark (2002)

Courtesy of Childish from postcrossing forum

BG1948 - The Ancient Plovdiv (2004)

Courtesy of Childish from postcrossing forum

AT30 - Heiligenkreuz Abbey (1994)

Courtesy of Childish from postcrossing forum

BG50 - The town of Melnik and the Rozhen Monastery (1984)

Courtesy of Childish from postcrossing forum

BG5640 - Rocks of Belogradchik (2011)

Courtesy of Childish from postcrossing forum

BG49 - The Bachkovo Monastery (1984)

Courtesy of Childish from postcrossing forum

23 SY - Site of Palmyra (1980)

Brief Description

"An oasis in the Syrian desert, north-east of Damascus, Palmyra contains the monumental ruins of a great city that was one of the most important cultural centres of the ancient world. From the 1st to the 2nd century, the art and architecture of Palmyra, standing at the crossroads of several civilizations, married Graeco-Roman techniques with local traditions and Persian influences."



Source UNESCO WH website http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/23

Courtesy of Childish from postcrossing forum

22 SY - Ancient City of Bosra (1980)

Brief Description

"Bosra, once the capital of the Roman province of Arabia, was an important stopover on the ancient caravan route to Mecca. A magnificent 2nd-century Roman theatre, early Christian ruins and several mosques are found within its great walls."



Source UNESCO WH website http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/22

Courtesy of Childish from postcrossing forum

21 SY - Ancient City of Aleppo (1986)

Brief Description

"Located at the crossroads of several trade routes from the 2nd millennium B.C., Aleppo was ruled successively by the Hittites, Assyrians, Arabs, Mongols, Mamelukes and Ottomans. The 13th-century citadel, 12th-century Great Mosque and various 17th-century madrasas, palaces, caravanserais and hammams all form part of the city's cohesive, unique urban fabric, now threatened by overpopulation."


"阿勒颇从公元前2000年起就处于几条商道的交汇处,相继由希泰人、亚述人、阿拉伯人、蒙古人、马穆鲁克人和土耳其人统治过。古城 内13世纪的城堡、12世纪的大清真寺和17世纪的穆斯林学校、宫殿、沙漠旅店及浴室,构成了城市独特的建筑结构。阿勒颇现今面临人口过盛的困境。"

Source UNESCO WH website http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/21

Courtesy of Childish from postcrossing forum

165 FR - Cistercian Abbey of Fontenay (1981)

Brief Description

"This stark Burgundian monastery was founded by St Bernard in 1119. With its church, cloister, refectory, sleeping quarters, bakery and ironworks, it is an excellent illustration of the ideal of self-sufficiency as practised by the earliest communities of Cistercian monks."


"这座刻板的勃艮第修道院由圣伯纳尔(St Bernard)修建于1119年,修道院的教堂、回廊、餐厅、住宿区、面包房和钢铁厂一起,完美诠释了早期西斯特尔教团修道士自给自足的理想。"
Source UNESCO WH website http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/165
Courtesy of famalubel from postcrossing forum

Friday 13 January 2012

179 DZ - Tassili n'Ajjer (1982)

Brief Description

"Located in a strange lunar landscape of great geological interest, this site has one of the most important groupings of prehistoric cave art in the world. More than 15,000 drawings and engravings record the climatic changes, the animal migrations and the evolution of human life on the edge of the Sahara from 6000 BC to the first centuries of the present era. The geological formations are of outstanding scenic interest, with eroded sandstones forming ‘forests of rock’."


"该遗址所在地环境独特,如同月球表面,极具地质学研究意义,是世界上最重要的史前岩洞艺术群之一。15,000多幅绘画和雕刻作品 记录了公元前6000年至公元初几个世纪撒哈拉沙漠边缘地区的气候变化、动物迁徙和人类生活进化。当地的地质构成形态有着极高的观赏价值,被侵蚀的砂岩形 成了“石林”。 "

Source UNESCO WH website http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/179

Courtesy of Paul from postcrossing google+

193 DZ - Tipasa (1982)

Brief Description

"On the shores of the Mediterranean, Tipasa was an ancient Punic trading-post conquered by Rome and turned into a strategic base for the conquest of the kingdoms of Mauritania. It comprises a unique group of Phoenician, Roman, palaeochristian and Byzantine ruins alongside indigenous monuments such as the Kbor er Roumia, the great royal mausoleum of Mauritania."


"蒂帕萨位于地中海海滨,原是古罗马统治下古迦太基人的贸易港,后成为征服毛利塔尼亚王国的战略基地。该遗址不仅有一系列腓尼基人、 罗马人、古基督教和拜占庭时期的独特建筑群遗迹,还有当地的古迹,如宏伟的毛里塔尼亚皇家陵墓——克博·埃尔·罗米亚(Kbor er Roumia)。"

Source UNESCO WH website http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/193

Courtesy of Paul from postcrossing google+

194 DZ - Timgad (1982)

Brief Description

"Timgad lies on the northern slopes of the Aurès mountains and was created ex nihilo as a military colony by the Emperor Trajan in AD 100. With its square enclosure and orthogonal design based on the cardo and decumanus, the two perpendicular routes running through the city, it is an excellent example of Roman town planning."


"蒂姆加德位于奥雷斯山(the Aurès mountains)北麓,是公元100年古罗马皇帝图拉真(the Emperor Trajan)建立的军事殖民地。城市是方形垂直布局,以纵横两轴为基础,两条相互垂直的大街穿越整个城市,是古罗马城市规划的杰出代表"

Source UNESCO WH website http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/194

Courtesy of Paul from postcrossing google+

188 DZ - M'Zab Valley (1982)

Brief Description

"A traditional human habitat, created in the 10th century by the Ibadites around their five ksour (fortified cities), has been preserved intact in the M’Zab valley. Simple, functional and perfectly adapted to the environment, the architecture of M’Zab was designed for community living, while respecting the structure of the family. It is a source of inspiration for today’s urban planners."


"这是一个传统的人类居住地,由伊巴底人(the Ibadites)于十世纪围绕五座城邦修建而成,完整保存在姆扎卜山谷中。姆扎卜建筑简朴、实用,完美地与环境融为了一体。姆扎卡的建筑结构视为群体居 住而设计的,但同时也考虑到了家庭的结构,当今城市建筑的设计者可以此为借鉴。"

Source UNESCO WH website http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/188

Courtesy of Paul from postcrossing google+

565 DZ - Kasbah of Algiers (1992)

Brief Description

"The Kasbah is a unique kind of medina, or Islamic city. It stands in one of the finest coastal sites on the Mediterranean, overlooking the islands where a Carthaginian trading-post was established in the 4th century BC. There are the remains of the citadel, old mosques and Ottoman-style palaces as well as the remains of a traditional urban structure associated with a deep-rooted sense of community."


Source UNESCO WH website http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/565

Courtesy of Paul from postcrossing google+