Wednesday 29 February 2012

614 TR - City of Safranbolu (1994)

Brief Description

"From the 13th century to the advent of the railway in the early 20th century, Safranbolu was an important caravan station on the main East–West trade route. The Old Mosque, Old Bath and Süleyman Pasha Medrese were built in 1322. During its apogee in the 17th century, Safranbolu's architecture influenced urban development throughout much of the Ottoman Empire."



Source UNESCO WH website

Monday 27 February 2012

PT562 - Historic Centre of Santarem (1996)

Courtesy of Lidia from Portugal

GE5233 - Tbilisi Historic District (2007)

Courtesy of Lidia from Portugal

460 CU - Trinidad and the Valley de los Ingenios (1988)

Brief Description

"Founded in the early 16th century in honour of the Holy Trinity, the city was a bridgehead for the conquest of the American continent. Its 18th- and 19th-century buildings, such as the Palacio Brunet and the Palacio Cantero, were built in its days of prosperity from the sugar trade."



Source UNESCO WH website

Courtesy of Lidia from Portugal

FR84 Vézelay Church available for swap

FR84-01 Vézelay (0 available) 08/07/2012 1 postcard on its way to rita_simões in exchange for Palau islands (received)

840 CU - Viñales Valley (1999)

Brief Description

"The Viñales valley is encircled by mountains and its landscape is interspersed with dramatic rocky outcrops. Traditional techniques are still in use for agricultural production, particularly of tobacco. The quality of this cultural landscape is enhanced by the vernacular architecture of its farms and villages, where a rich multi-ethnic society survives, illustrating the cultural development of the islands of the Caribbean, and of Cuba."



Source UNESCO WH website

Courtesy of Lidia from Portugal

1376 BB - Historic Bridgetown and its Garrison (2011)

Brief Description

"Historic Bridgetown and its Garrison, an outstanding example of British colonial architecture consisting of a well-preserved old town built in the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries, which testifies to the spread of Great Britain's Atlantic colonial empire. The property also includes a nearby military garrison which consists of numerous historic buildings. With its serpentine urban lay-out the property testifies to a different approach to colonial town-planning compared to the Spanish and Dutch colonial cities of the region which were built along a grid plan."

Source UNESCO WH website

Courtesy of Lidia from g+

814 DM - Morne Trois Pitons National Park (1997)

Brief Description

"Luxuriant natural tropical forest blends with scenic volcanic features of great scientific interest in this national park centred on the 1,342-m-high volcano known as Morne Trois Pitons. With its precipitous slopes and deeply incised valleys, 50 fumaroles, hot springs, three freshwater lakes, a 'boiling lake' and five volcanoes, located on the park's nearly 7,000 ha, together with the richest biodiversity in the Lesser Antilles, Morne Trois Pitons National Park presents a rare combination of natural features of World Heritage value."


"这个国家公园位于海拔1342米的毛恩特鲁瓦皮顿火山区中心,园内丰富的天然热带森林与具有重要科学价值的火山景致交织在一起。特 鲁瓦-皮顿山国家公园近7000公顷的园区内自然景观星罗棋布:陡峭的斜坡、幽深的峡谷、50处火山喷气孔、温泉、3处淡水湖、一个“沸腾湖”以及五座火 山。这里还有着小安的列斯群岛最丰富的生物物种资源,展现了一幅自然景观与世界遗产价值相融合的奇妙图景。"

Source UNESCO WH website

Courtesy of Lidia from Portugal

200 LK - Sacred City of Anuradhapura (1982)

Brief Description

"This sacred city was established around a cutting from the 'tree of enlightenment', the Buddha's fig tree, brought there in the 3rd century B.C. by Sanghamitta, the founder of an order of Buddhist nuns. Anuradhapura, a Ceylonese political and religious capital that flourished for 1,300 years, was abandoned after an invasion in 993. Hidden away in dense jungle for many years, the splendid site, with its palaces, monasteries and monuments, is now accessible once again."


"公元前3世纪,斯里兰卡佛教尼姑会的创始人桑哈米塔把一枝从佛教“启蒙树”无花果树上剪下的枝条带回到锡兰(今斯里兰卡),以这枝 无花果枝条为中心人们建起了阿努拉德普勒圣城。阿努拉德普勒圣城曾是锡兰的政治和宗教中心,有一千三百多年的辉煌历史。公元993年时,因遭遇外敌入侵, 这座圣城被人们遗弃。在茂密的丛林中隐藏了许多年后,这座古圣城的遗址又重新被人们发现,她那恢宏的宫殿,轩昂的庙宇向世人展示着阿努拉达普拉圣城曾经的 辉煌。"

Source UNESCO WH website

Courtesy of Lidia from Portugal

Wednesday 15 February 2012

937 AR - Península Valdés (1999)

Brief Description

"Península Valdés in Patagonia is a site of global significance for the conservation of marine mammals. It is home to an important breeding population of the endangered southern right whale as well as important breeding populations of southern elephant seals and southern sea lions. The orcas in this area have developed a unique hunting strategy to adapt to local coastal conditions."



Source UNESCO WH website

Courtesy of Emerich from Czech

Courtesy of Saint from postcrossing forum
orcas hunting sea lion

1081 MN - Orkhon Valley Cultural Landscape (2004)

Brief Description

"The 121,967-ha Orkhon Valley Cultural Landscape encompasses an extensive area of pastureland on both banks of the Orkhon River and includes numerous archaeological remains dating back to the 6th century. The site also includes Kharkhorum, the 13th- and 14th-century capital of Chingis (Genghis) Khan’s vast Empire. Collectively the remains in the site reflect the symbiotic links between nomadic, pastoral societies and their administrative and religious centres, and the importance of the Orkhon valley in the history of central Asia. The grassland is still grazed by Mongolian nomadic pastoralists."


"占地121 967公顷的鄂尔浑峡谷文化景观包括鄂尔浑河两岸辽阔的牧地与可追溯到公元6世纪的考古遗迹群。此外,这个地区还包含13世纪和14世纪成吉思汗的大帝国 首都哈尔和林。鄂尔浑峡谷文化景观中的遗址都清楚地反映出游牧生活、游牧民族社会与管理和宗教中心的共生关联性,并且展现出鄂尔浑峡谷在中亚历史上的重要 性。现在这片草原上仍有蒙古国的游牧民族在此放牧。"

Source UNESCO WH website

Courtesy of Saint from postcrossing forum

Saturday 11 February 2012

596 RO - Villages with Fortified Churches in Transylvania (1993)

Brief Description

"These Transylvanian villages with their fortified churches provide a vivid picture of the cultural landscape of southern Transylvania. The seven villages inscribed, founded by the Transylvanian Saxons, are characterized by a specific land-use system, settlement pattern and organization of the family farmstead that have been preserved since the late Middle Ages. They are dominated by their fortified churches, which illustrate building styles from the 13th to the 16th century."

"特兰西瓦尼亚村落和它的防御教堂,展现出了一幅生动的图画,为南部特兰西瓦尼亚的文化景观增色不少。这些村落有着自己独特的土地利 用制度、居住方式以及农庄的家庭组织单位,这些特点使特兰西瓦尼亚村落独具特色,自中世纪后期以来,村落及其设防的教堂一直完好保存下来,是13世纪至 16世纪建筑史上重要的插曲。"

Source UNESCO WH website

596bis-001 Village of Biertan
596bis-002 Village of Prejmer-Tartlau
596bis-003 Village of Viscri

596bis-004 Village of Dârjiu
596bis-005 Village of Saschiz-Keisd
596bis-006 Village of Câlnic
596bis-007 Village of Valea Viilor

Courtesy of Mircea from g+
from top left clock wise, card 1-6 (2 and 6 are not unesco sites)
card 1: 596bis-001 Village of Biertan
card 3: 596bis-007 Village of Valea Viilor
card 4: 596bis-003 Village of Viscri
card 5: 596bis-006 Village of Câlnic
Courtesy of Mircea from g+
596bis-002 Village of Prejmer-Tartlau

Tuesday 7 February 2012

CN5533 China Altay available for swap

CN5533-1-01 Kanas National Nature Reserve (0 available)19/03/12 1 postcard on its way to Childish (received) in exchange for another unesco tentative (Completed)

CN5533-1-02 Kanas National Nature Reserve (1 available)
20/09/12 1 postcard on its way to Diaboluke (received) in exchange for lake Maggiore (Completed)

CN5533-1-03 Kanas National Nature Reserve (0 available)
18/12/12 1 postcard on its way to Gosia (received) in exchange for lake Maggiore (Completed)

CN5533-1-04 Kanas National Nature Reserve (1 available)

CN5533-1-05 Kanas National Nature Reserve (1 available)

CN5533-1-06 Kanas National Nature Reserve (1 available)

CN5533-1-07 Kanas National Nature Reserve (1 available)

CN5533-1-08 Kanas National Nature Reserve (1 available)

CN5533-1-09 Kanas National Nature Reserve (1 available)

CN5533-1-10 Kanas National Nature Reserve (1 available)

CN5533-1-11 Kanas National Nature Reserve (1 available)

CN5533-1-12 Kanas National Nature Reserve (1 available)

CN5533-1-13 Kanas National Nature Reserve (1 available)

CN5533-1-14 Kanas National Nature Reserve (1 available)

CN5533-1-15 Kanas National Nature Reserve (1 available)

CN5533-1-16 Kanas National Nature Reserve (1 available)

CN5533-1-17 Kanas National Nature Reserve (1 available)

CN5533-1-18 Kanas National Nature Reserve (1 available)

CN5533-1-19 Kanas National Nature Reserve (1 available)
24/07/13 1 postcard on its way to famalubel in exchange for La Rioja and Rioja Alavesa Vine and Wine Cultural Landscape (received)

CN5533-1-20 Kanas National Nature Reserve (1 available)

CN5533-1-21 Kanas National Nature Reserve (1 available)

CN5533-1-22 Kanas National Nature Reserve (1 available)

CN5533-1-23 Kanas National Nature Reserve (1 available)

CN5533-1-24 Kanas National Nature Reserve (1 available)

CN5533-1-25 Kanas National Nature Reserve (1 available)

CN5533-1-26 Kanas National Nature Reserve (1 available)

CN5532 Taklimakan Desert available for swap

CN5532-1 Taklimakan Desert (0 available)19/03/12 1 postcard on its way to Childish (received) in exchange for another unesco tentative (Completed)

CN5532-3 Populus euphratica Forests (0 available)
10/08/12 1 postcard on its way to famalubel (received) in exchange for Churches of Valley de Boi (Completed)
12/08/18 1 postcard on its way to Mosshumla (received) in exchange for Christiansfeld (Completed)

CN5532-4 Taklimakan Desert (1 available)

CN5532-5 Populus euphratica Forests (1 available)

CN5532-6 Populus euphratica Forests (1 available)

CN5532-7 Populus euphratica Forests (1 available)

CN1213 Sichuan Wolong Giant Panda Sanctuary available for swap

CN1213-1 Sichuan Wolong Giant Panda (1 available)

08/07/20 1 postcards on its way to (TAG) coralfish in exchange for (TAG) Helenka AN-125 (Completed)

25/08/20 1 postcard on its way to PC_2 in exchange for Mexico 1410 El Pinacate and Gran Desierto de Altar Biosphere Reserve #2 (received)

CN1213-1MC Sichuan Wolong Giant Panda (1 available) this MC is from an official set for joint stamp issue between China and Australia. only swap for another MC or 2 normal cards10/12/2018 1 postcard on its way to Studart (Lost) in exchange for Brazil maxicard1493 BR - Pampulha Modern Ensemble (received)