Friday 21 December 2007

267 CH - Old City of Berne (1983)

Brief Description

"Founded in the 12th century on a hill site surrounded by the Aare River, Berne developed over the centuries in line with a an exceptionally coherent planning concept. The buildings in the Old City, dating from a variety of periods, include 15th-century arcades and 16th-century fountains. Most of the medieval town was restored in the 18th century but it has retained its original character."

"伯尔尼古城于公元12世纪建在阿勒河环绕的山丘上,古城几百年 来不断发展进步,但城市的规划理念却始终如一。 伯尔尼古城保留有15世纪典雅的拱形长廊和16世纪的喷泉等建筑,这些建筑的历史可追溯到各个不同的历史时期。这座中世纪城镇的主体建筑在18世纪重新修 建,并保留了原来的历史风貌。"
Source UNESCO WH website
Courtesy of book from postcrossing

Monday 17 December 2007

1037 CH - Swiss Alps Jungfrau-Aletsch (2001)

Brief Description

"The extension of the natural World Heritage property of Jungfrau - Aletsch - Bietschhorn (first inscribed in 2001), expands the site to the east and west, bringing its surface area up to 82,400 ha., up from 53,900. The site provides an outstanding example of the formation of the High Alps, including the most glaciated part of the mountain range and the largest glacier in Eurasia. It features a wide diversity of ecosystems, including successional stages due particularly to the retreat of glaciers resulting from climate change. The site is of outstanding universal value both for its beauty and for the wealth of information it contains about the formation of mountains and glaciers, as well as ongoing climate change. It is also invaluable in terms of the ecological and biological processes it illustrates, notably through plan succession. Its impressive landscape has played an important role in European art, literature, mountaineering and alpine tourism."
"自然世界遗产少女峰–阿雷奇冰河–毕奇霍 恩峰(最早于2001年被列入)从东部扩展到西部,面积从53 900公顷扩展到82 400公顷。该遗址为阿尔卑斯高山——包括山脉最受冰河作用的部分和欧亚大陆山脉最大的冰川——的形成提供了一个杰出的实例。它以生态系统多样性为特点, 包括特别受气候变化冰川融化而形成的演替阶段。该遗址因景色秀美、而且包含山脉和冰川形成以及正在发生的气候变化方面的丰富知识而具有突出的全球价值。在 它尤其通过植物演替所阐释的生态和生物过程方面,该遗址的价值无法衡量。其令人难忘的景观在欧洲艺术、文化、登山和阿尔卑斯山旅游中起着重要作用。"
Source UNESCO WH website
Courtesy of The_Antipodes from postcrossing

Monday 13 August 2007

1033 AT - Historic Centre of Vienna (2001)

Brief Description

"Vienna developed from early Celtic and Roman settlements into a Medieval and Baroque city, the capital of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. It played an essential role as a leading European music centre, from the great age of Viennese Classicism through the early part of the 20th century. The historic centre of Vienna is rich in architectural ensembles, including Baroque castles and gardens, as well as the late-19th-century Ringstrasse lined with grand buildings, monuments and parks."

"维也纳是从早期哥特人和罗马人聚落发展起来的,后来成了一 个中世纪巴洛克风格的城市——奥匈帝国首都。从伟大的维也纳古典乐派时代开始一直到20世纪初,维也纳一直作为欧洲音乐中心发挥着重要的作用。维也纳历史 中心汇集了大量建筑艺术,包括巴洛克风格的城堡和花园,还有建于19世纪晚期的环城大道,两旁是宏伟的楼群,也有古迹和公园。"

Source UNESCO WH website

St. Stephen's Cathedral

Wiener Staatsoper
50 years of OPEC stamp with the first day special cancellation

 Hofburg - the Imperial Palace

786 AT - Palace and Gardens of Schönbrunn (1996)

Brief Description

"From the 18th century to 1918, Schönbrunn was the residence of the Habsburg emperors. It was designed by the architects Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach and Nicolaus Pacassi and is full of outstanding examples of decorative art. Together with its gardens, the site of the world’s first zoo in 1752, it is a remarkable Baroque ensemble and a perfect example of Gesamtkunstwerk."

"从18世纪到1918年,申布伦宫殿一直是哈布斯堡王朝 (Habsburg)君主的住所,由建筑师约翰·本哈德·菲舍尔·冯·埃尔拉赫(Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach)和尼古拉斯·帕卡西(Nicolaus Pacassi)设计建造,到处都有极其精美的装饰艺术品。和花园一起的,还有建于1752年的世界上第一个动物园,包括一系列风格奇异的巴洛克式建筑以 及各类艺术典范。"

Source UNESCO WH website

Courtesy of neko127 from postcrossing forum

Sunday 12 August 2007

806 AT - Hallstatt-Dachstein / Salzkammergut Cultural Landscape (1997)

Brief Description

"Human activity in the magnificent natural landscape of the Salzkammergut began in prehistoric times, with the salt deposits being exploited as early as the 2nd millennium BC. This resource formed the basis of the area’s prosperity up to the middle of the 20th century, a prosperity that is reflected in the fine architecture of the town of Hallstatt."

"在萨尔茨卡默古特 (Salzkammergut)秀美的自然景观中,从史前时代起就有了人类活动。早在公元前2000年,人类就开始在这里开采盐矿。一直到20世纪中叶, 这项资源一直是该地区繁荣昌盛的基础,这里的繁华从哈尔施塔特城(Hallstatt)的精美建筑中可见一斑。"
Source UNESCO WH website

Courtesy of Linzerin from postcrossing forum
Gosausee with the view of Dachstein

Friday 10 August 2007

784 AT - Historic Centre of the City of Salzburg (1996)

Brief Description

"Salzburg has managed to preserve an extraordinarily rich urban fabric, developed over the period from the Middle Ages to the 19th century when it was a city-state ruled by a prince-archbishop. Its Flamboyant Gothic art attracted many craftsmen and artists before the city became even better known through the work of the Italian architects Vincenzo Scamozzi and Santini Solari, to whom the centre of Salzburg owes much of its Baroque appearance. This meeting-point of northern and southern Europe perhaps sparked the genius of Salzburg’s most famous son, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, whose name has been associated with the city ever since."

"当萨尔茨堡还是大主教统治下的一个城邦的时候,就一直 在尽力保护那些建于中世纪至19世纪的珍贵城市建筑。在她广为人知之前就以其火焰样的哥特式艺术吸引了大批工匠和艺术家。后来,意大利建筑师文森佐·斯卡 莫齐(Vincenzo Scamozzi)和山迪尼·索拉里(Santini Solari)为这里带来了大量巴洛克风格的建筑,通过他们的作品,这个城市也得到了更大的知名度。也许正是这种南北欧艺术的交融才成就了萨尔茨堡最著名 的天才——乌夫冈·阿马戴乌斯·莫扎特(Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)。从那时起至今, 他的名字便一直和这个城市联系在一起。 "

Source UNESCO WH website

Courtesy of Sieglinde from Austria

Saturday 14 July 2007

394 IT - Venice and its Lagoon (1987)

Brief Description
"Founded in the 5th century and spread over 118 small islands, Venice became a major maritime power in the 10th century. The whole city is an extraordinary architectural masterpiece in which even the smallest building contains works by some of the world's greatest artists such as Giorgione, Titian, Tintoretto, Veronese and others."

"威尼斯始建于5世纪,由118个小岛构成,10世纪时成为当时最 主要的海上力量。整个威尼斯城就是一幅非凡的建筑杰作,即便是城中最不起眼的建筑也可能是出自诸如焦尔焦内(Giorgione)、提香 (Titian)、丁托列托(Tintoretto)、韦罗内塞(Veronese)等世界大师之手。"

Source UNESCO WH website

Rialto Bridge
Courtesy of edo from postcrossing forum
St Mark's Square

Isle Torcello

Saturday 16 June 2007

286 VA - Vatican City (1984)

Brief Description

"The Vatican City, one of the most sacred places in Christendom, attests to a great history and a formidable spiritual venture. A unique collection of artistic and architectural masterpieces lie within the boundaries of this small state. At its centre is St Peter's Basilica, with its double colonnade and a circular piazza in front and bordered by palaces and gardens. The basilica, erected over the tomb of St Peter the Apostle, is the largest religious building in the world, the fruit of the combined genius of Bramante, Raphael, Michelangelo, Bernini and Maderna."

"梵蒂冈城是基督教世界最神圣的地方之一,证明了过去辉煌的历史以及基 督教神圣精神的发展进程。这个小国境内云集了大量艺术和建筑杰作。城中心坐落着圣彼得基督教堂,教堂正面是两条柱廊和圆形广场,有宫殿和花园环绕。这座矗 立在使徒圣彼得陵墓上的长方形基督教堂,容取了布拉曼特、拉斐尔、米开朗基罗、贝尔尼尼和马德尔纳等大师的天才智慧,是世界上最大的宗教建筑。"
Source UNESCO WH website

Courtesy of ninocas from postcrossing forum

Courtesy of MoxisPilot from postcrossing forum
Piazza San Pietro

Sistine Chapel ceiling
Stamp of Swiss Guard of Vatican City and Postmark of St Peter's Square

Courtesy of MoxisPilot from postcrossing forum
La Cappella Sistina

Friday 15 June 2007

91 IT/VA - Historic Centre of Rome, the Properties of the Holy See in that City Enjoying Extraterritorial Rights and San Paolo Fuori le Mura (1980)

Brief Description

"Founded, according to legend, by Romulus and Remus in 753 BC, Rome was first the centre of the Roman Republic, then of the Roman Empire, and it became the capital of the Christian world in the 4th century. The World Heritage site, extended in 1990 to the walls of Urban VIII, includes some of the major monuments of antiquity such as the Forums, the Mausoleum of Augustus, the Mausoleum of Hadrian, the Pantheon, Trajan’s Column and the Column of Marcus Aurelius, as well as the religious and public buildings of papal Rome."

"根据神话传说,罗 马城由罗穆卢斯和瑞摩斯于公元前753年修建。罗马首先作为罗马共和国的首都,后来是罗马帝国的都城,再后来到了公元4世纪,这里则成了整个基督教世界的 中心。1990年,这个世界遗产地的范围扩大到了罗马八区的城墙。该文化遗址包括了一些著名的古代建筑,例如:古罗马广场、奥古斯都的陵墓、哈德良的陵 墓、万神殿、图拉真柱、马可·奥里利乌斯柱,以及罗马教皇的许多宗教和公共建筑。"
Source UNESCO WH website

Complesso dei San Giovanni in Laterano (Basilica, Palazzo Apostolico Lateranense, edifici annessi, Scala santa); 
Complesso di Santa Maria Maggiore (Basilica, edifici annessi); 
Palazzo di San Callisto, in Trastevere;
Palazzo della Cancelleria; 
Palazzo di Propaganda Fide, in Piazza di Spagna; 
Palazzo Maffei (Palazzo della Pigna); 
Palazzo del Santo Uffizio; 
Palazzo dei Convertendi; 
Palazzo detto dei Propilei; 
Palazzo Pio; Immobili sul Gianicolo; 
Basilica of San Paolo fuori le Mura.

Roman Forum

Courtesy of ninocas from postcrossing forum
The Colosseum
Piazza di Spagna
Piazza Navona

Courtesy of MoxisPilot from postcrossing forum
91-002a San Giovanni in Laterano
Courtesy of MoxisPilot from postcrossing forum
91-002b Complesso della Scala Santa
91-003 Basilica di S Maria Maggiore
Courtesy of MoxisPilot from postcrossing forum
91-013 Basilica di San Paolo fuori le Mura