Sunday 15 December 2013

900 RU - Western Caucasus (1999)

Western Caucasus

"The Western Caucasus, extending over 275,000 ha of the extreme western end of the Caucasus mountains and located 50 km north-east of the Black Sea, is one of the few large mountain areas of Europe that has not experienced significant human impact. Its subalpine and alpine pastures have only been grazed by wild animals, and its extensive tracts of undisturbed mountain forests, extending from the lowlands to the subalpine zone, are unique in Europe. The site has a great diversity of ecosystems, with important endemic plants and wildlife, and is the place of origin and reintroduction of the mountain subspecies of the European bison."


"西高加索山在高加索山脉的最西端,位于黑海东北50公里处,占地275 000多公顷,是欧洲尚未受到人类重大干扰的少有的几座大山之一。其亚高山带的高山草原牧草只有野生动物食用。而从山下一直延伸到亚高山地带未遭破坏的广 阔山林,在欧洲也是罕见的。该地区拥有的大量本地植物和野生动物,显示了其生态系统的多样性。这里也是山区亚种欧洲野牛的起源地和重新引进之地。"

 Source UNESCO WH website

Courtesy of Anastasia from Russia


Saturday 14 December 2013

416 MX - Historic Centre of Puebla (1987)

Historic Centre of Puebla

"Puebla, which was founded ex nihilo in 1531, is situated about 100 km east of Mexico City, at the foot of the Popocatepetl volcano. It has preserved its great religious structures such as the 16th–17th-century cathedral and fine buildings like the old archbishop's palace, as well as a host of houses with walls covered in tiles (azulejos). The new aesthetic concepts resulting from the fusion of European and American styles were adopted locally and are peculiar to the Baroque district of Puebla." 


"普埃布拉城建于1531年,位于墨西哥城东约100公里的波波卡特佩特火山山脚下。那里保留着许多重要的宗教建筑,包括公元16 世纪至17世纪修建的大教堂、古老的大主教宫殿和许多用瓷砖(上光花砖)装饰的房屋。这些新的美学理念来源于欧洲风格、美洲风格与当地特色的融合,这一点 可以从普埃布拉地区的巴洛克风格中很好地看出来。"

Source UNESCO WH website

Courtesy of Brigitte from Germany

Sunday 24 November 2013

821 BR - Historic Centre of São Luís (1997)

Brief Description

"The late 17th-century core of this historic town, founded by the French and occupied by the Dutch before coming under Portuguese rule, has preserved the original rectangular street plan in its entirety. Thanks to a period of economic stagnation in the early 20th century, an exceptional number of fine historic buildings have survived, making this an outstanding example of an Iberian colonial town."



Source UNESCO WH website

Courtesy of Jamila from Brazil

35 GH - Asante Traditional Buildings (1980)

Brief Description

"To the north-east of Kumasi, these are the last material remains of the great Asante civilization, which reached its high point in the 18th century. Since the dwellings are made of earth, wood and straw, they are vulnerable to the onslaught of time and weather."



Source UNESCO WH website

Courtesy of Bonsei from Ghana
 middle pic on the right hand side shows the courtyard view of the Asante Traditional Building
Lower picture on the left hand side shows the Nzulezu Stilt Settlement which is on the tentative list

Wednesday 2 October 2013

606 BR - Serra da Capivara National Park (1991)

Brief Description

"Many of the numerous rock shelters in the Serra da Capivara National Park are decorated with cave paintings, some more than 25,000 years old. They are an outstanding testimony to one of the oldest human communities of South America."


"卡皮瓦拉山国家公园内众多岩洞中都发现有岩雕壁画,有些甚至可以追溯到25 000年前。这些壁画是南美洲最古老的人类存在的重要证据。"

Source UNESCO WH website

Courtesy of Rafabram from Brazil

ES5134 - Historic City-Centre of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (2007)

Courtesy of Manrico from Spain

Wednesday 18 September 2013

1364 BH - Pearling, Testimony of an Island Economy (2012)

Brief Description

The site consists of seventeen buildings in Muharraq City, three offshore oyster beds, part of the seashore and the Qal’at Bu Mahir fortress on the southern tip of Muharraq Island, from where boats used to set off for the oyster beds. The listed buildings include residences of wealthy merchants, shops, storehouses and a mosque. The site is the last remaining complete example of the cultural tradition of pearling and the wealth it generated at a time when the trade dominated the Gulf economy (2nd century to the 1930s, when Japan developed cultured pearls). It also constitutes an outstanding example of traditional utilization of the sea’s resources and human interaction with the environment, which shaped both the economy and the cultural identity of the island’s society.

Source UNESCO WH website 
Courtesy of Ulla from France

777 AM - Monasteries of Haghpat and Sanahin (1996)

Brief Description

"These two Byzantine monasteries in the Tumanian region from the period of prosperity during the Kiurikian dynasty (10th to 13th century) were important centres of learning. Sanahin was renown for its school of illuminators and calligraphers. The two monastic complexes represent the highest flowering of Armenian religious architecture, whose unique style developed from a blending of elements of Byzantine ecclesiastical architecture and the traditional vernacular architecture of the Caucasian region."


"在基乌里克王朝(Kiurikian dynasty)繁荣时期(大约从公元10到13世纪),土马尼亚地区(the Tumanian region)的这两个拜占庭式修道院是当时重要的学府。萨那欣修道院以其注释和书法学校而举世闻名。这两个修道院建筑群,融汇拜占庭教会建筑风格和高加 索地区本土传统建筑风格,形成了自己独特的艺术风格,代表了亚美尼亚宗教建筑顶尖水平。"

777-001     Monastery of Haghpat
777-002     Monastery of Sanahin

777-003     Sanahin Bridge

Source UNESCO WH website
Courtesy of Luca from Italy
 777-001     Monastery of Haghpat

777-002     Monastery of Sanahin

405 LK - Sinharaja Forest Reserve (1988)

Brief description

Located in south-west Sri Lanka, Sinharaja is the country's last viable area of primary tropical rainforest. More than 60% of the trees are endemic and many of them are considered rare. There is much endemic wildlife, especially birds, but the reserve is also home to over 50% of Sri Lanka's endemic species of mammals and butterflies, as well as many kinds of insects, reptiles and rare amphibians.


辛哈拉加森林保护区位于斯里兰卡西南部,是斯里兰卡唯一存活的一片原始热带雨林。这里60%以上的树木都是当地特有树种,其中许多 属于珍稀树种。保护区里还生存着很多当地特有的野生动物,并以鸟类居多。保护区还是斯里兰卡50%以上的哺乳动物和蝴蝶生存的家园,也是种类繁多的各种昆 虫、爬行动物和珍稀两栖动物繁衍生息的地方。

Source UNESCO WH website

 Courtesy of Ulla from France

208 AF - Cultural Landscape and Archaeological Remains of the Bamiyan Valley (2003)

Brief Description

The cultural landscape and archaeological remains of the Bamiyan Valley represent the artistic and religious developments which from the 1st to the 13th centuries characterized ancient Bakhtria, integrating various cultural influences into the Gandhara school of Buddhist art. The area contains numerous Buddhist monastic ensembles and sanctuaries, as well as fortified edifices from the Islamic period. The site is also testimony to the tragic destruction by the Taliban of the two standing Buddha statues, which shook the world in March 2001.


巴米扬山谷的文化景观和考古遗址向世人展示了从公元1世纪至13世纪期间以古代巴克特里亚文化为特征的艺术和宗教发展。正是在这一 发展过程中,佛教艺术的干达拉流派兼收并蓄了各种文化影响。这一地区汇集了大量的佛教寺院、庙宇,以及伊斯兰教时期的防御建筑。此遗址同时也见证了塔利班 政权无情摧毁两尊立佛像的暴行。这一事件在2001年3月曾震惊世界。

Source UNESCO WH website

 Courtesy of Luca from italy

Wednesday 11 September 2013

1366 TR - Selimiye Mosque and its Social Complex (2011)

Brief Description

The square Mosque with its single great dome and four slender minarets, dominates the skyline of the former Ottoman capital of Edirne. Sinan, the most famous of Ottoman architects in the 16th century, considered the complex, which includes madrasas (Islamic schools), a covered market, clock house, outer courtyard and library, to be his best work. The interior decoration using Iznik tiles from the peak period of their production testifies to an art form that remains unsurpassed in this material. The complex is considered to be the most harmonious expression ever achieved of the Ottoman külliye, a group of buildings constructed around a mosque and managed as a single institution.


。方形的赛里米耶清真寺巨大的中央圆顶与四座细长的宣礼塔矗立在埃迪尔内(Edirne)的天际线上,俯瞰着这座前奥斯曼帝国的首 都。16世纪著名的奥斯曼建筑师希南(Sinan)将这一建筑群视为自己最杰出的作品。赛里米耶清真寺建筑群还包括伊斯兰学校、一个室内市场、守卫室、外 庭及图书馆。清真寺使用伊兹尼克最巅峰时期出品的瓷砖作为内饰材料,代表着以这种瓷砖创造的艺术形式至今无人超越的最高成就。赛利米耶清真寺建筑群也被视 作奥斯曼时期库里耶(külliye ,意为一组围绕着清真寺修建的建筑群,并作为一个统一的机构进行管理)建筑作品所能达到的最和谐的境界。

Source UNESCO WH website
 Courtesy of Nihan from Turkey


Friday 6 September 2013

JP972 Gusuku Sites available for swap

JP972-008 Shikinaen (0 available)
05/08/13 1 postcard on its way to Diaboluke (received) in exchange for Armenia unesco site (Completed)

FR230 Abbey Church of Saint-Savin sur Gartempe available for swap

FR230-01 Abbey Church of Saint-Savin (0 available)
16/08/18 1 postcard on its way to dore92 (received) in exchange for Baekje (Completed)

Wednesday 28 August 2013

2013 swap record

04/08/13 3 postcards on its way to Gosia (received) in exchange for Malta tentative sites (Completed)

27/08/13 1 postcard of Haleakalā National Park on its way to KatrinS (received) in exchange for Naumburg Cathedral (Completed)

10/10/13 1 postcard on its way to Jamila (assume received) in exchange for Brazil unesco - Sao Luis (Completed)

Monday 5 August 2013

CN1414 Xinjiang Tianshan available for swap

CN1414-A Tianshan Tianchi NP (2 available)

20/09/2020 1 postcard on its way to ogait (Received) in exchange for Spain Seville (Completed)

CN1414-3-1 Bayinbuluke (0 available)

04/08/13 1 postcard on its way to Gosia (received) in exchange for Malta tentative site (Completed)

CN1414-3-2 Bayinbuluke (0 available)

CN1414-3-3 Bayinbuluke (0 available)

CN1414-4-1 Tianshan Tianchi NP (0 available)
04/10/13 1 postcard on its way to migalka in exchange for Wrangel Island (received)

CN1414-4-S01 Tianshan Tianchi NP (0 available)

CN1414-4-S02 Tianshan Tianchi NP (0 available)

CN1414-4-S03 Tianshan Tianchi NP (0 available)

CN1414-4-S04 Tianshan Tianchi NP (0 available)

CN1414-4-S05 Tianshan Tianchi NP (0 available)

CN1414-4-S06 Tianshan Tianchi NP (0 available)

CN1414-4-S07 Tianshan Tianchi NP (0 available)

CN1414-4-S08 Tianshan Tianchi NP (0 available)

CN1414-4-S09 Tianshan Tianchi NP (0 available)

CN1414-4-S10 Tianshan Tianchi NP (0 available)

CN1414-4-S11 Tianshan Tianchi NP (0 available)

CN1414-4-S12 Tianshan Tianchi NP (0 available)

CN1414-4-S13 Tianshan Tianchi NP (0 available)

CN1414-4-S14 Tianshan Tianchi NP (0 available)

CN1414-4-S15 Tianshan Tianchi NP (0 available)

CN1414-4-S16 Tianshan Tianchi NP (0 available)

CN1414-4-S17 Tianshan Tianchi NP (0 available)

CN1414-4-S18 Tianshan Tianchi NP (0 available)

CN1414-4-S19 Tianshan Tianchi NP (0 available)

CN1414-4-S20 Tianshan Tianchi NP (0 available)

CN1414-4-S21 Tianshan Tianchi NP (0 available)

CN1414-4-S22 Tianshan Tianchi NP (0 available)

CN1414-4-01MC Tianshan Tianchi National Park (1 available) swap for 1 MC card or 2 normal cards

CN1414-4-02MC Xinjiang Tianshan (1 available) swap for 1 MC card or 2 normal cards

CN1414-4-03MC Xinjiang Tianshan (1 available) swap for 1 MC card or 2 normal cards

CN1414-4-04MC Xinjiang Tianshan (1 available) swap for 1 MC card or 2 normal cards