Sunday 15 December 2013

900 RU - Western Caucasus (1999)

Western Caucasus

"The Western Caucasus, extending over 275,000 ha of the extreme western end of the Caucasus mountains and located 50 km north-east of the Black Sea, is one of the few large mountain areas of Europe that has not experienced significant human impact. Its subalpine and alpine pastures have only been grazed by wild animals, and its extensive tracts of undisturbed mountain forests, extending from the lowlands to the subalpine zone, are unique in Europe. The site has a great diversity of ecosystems, with important endemic plants and wildlife, and is the place of origin and reintroduction of the mountain subspecies of the European bison."


"西高加索山在高加索山脉的最西端,位于黑海东北50公里处,占地275 000多公顷,是欧洲尚未受到人类重大干扰的少有的几座大山之一。其亚高山带的高山草原牧草只有野生动物食用。而从山下一直延伸到亚高山地带未遭破坏的广 阔山林,在欧洲也是罕见的。该地区拥有的大量本地植物和野生动物,显示了其生态系统的多样性。这里也是山区亚种欧洲野牛的起源地和重新引进之地。"

 Source UNESCO WH website

Courtesy of Anastasia from Russia


Saturday 14 December 2013

416 MX - Historic Centre of Puebla (1987)

Historic Centre of Puebla

"Puebla, which was founded ex nihilo in 1531, is situated about 100 km east of Mexico City, at the foot of the Popocatepetl volcano. It has preserved its great religious structures such as the 16th–17th-century cathedral and fine buildings like the old archbishop's palace, as well as a host of houses with walls covered in tiles (azulejos). The new aesthetic concepts resulting from the fusion of European and American styles were adopted locally and are peculiar to the Baroque district of Puebla." 


"普埃布拉城建于1531年,位于墨西哥城东约100公里的波波卡特佩特火山山脚下。那里保留着许多重要的宗教建筑,包括公元16 世纪至17世纪修建的大教堂、古老的大主教宫殿和许多用瓷砖(上光花砖)装饰的房屋。这些新的美学理念来源于欧洲风格、美洲风格与当地特色的融合,这一点 可以从普埃布拉地区的巴洛克风格中很好地看出来。"

Source UNESCO WH website

Courtesy of Brigitte from Germany