Wednesday 4 November 2020

US6235 - Early Chicago Skyscrapers (2017)

This is a serial proposal of 9 primarily commercial buildings in Chicago’s central business district, the “Loop.”The buildings are:
Auditorium Building                                        16TN  448139  4636208
Second Leiter Building                                     16TN  447952  4636279
Marquette Building                                          16TN  447752  4636621
Rookery Building                                            16TN  447571  4636545
Monadnock Building                                       16TN  447761  4636420
Old Colony Building                                        16TN  447808  4636280
Fisher Building                                                16TN  447818  4636325
Schlesinger & Mayer Building                         16TN  447950  4636824
[later Carson Pirie Scott & Co. department store]                   
Ludington Building                                          16TN  448020  4635421

Courtesy of scopemouth from Postcrossing forum
(lower left) Auditorium Building

Sunday 1 November 2020

326 JO - Petra (1985)

Brief Description

"Inhabited since prehistoric times, this Nabataean caravan-city, situated between the Red Sea and the Dead Sea, was an important crossroads between Arabia, Egypt and Syria-Phoenicia. Petra is half-built, half-carved into the rock, and is surrounded by mountains riddled with passages and gorges. It is one of the world's most famous archaeological sites, where ancient Eastern traditions blend with Hellenistic architecture."

"佩 特拉城位于红海和死海之间,它的历史可以追溯到史前时代,最初是由纳米泰人沙漠商队建立的,它位于阿拉伯、埃及、叙利亚腓尼基之间的交通要塞。佩特拉城一 半向外突出,一半嵌入岩石中,周围群山环绕,山中道路蜿蜒,峡谷深深,是世界上最著名的考古遗址之一。古希腊建筑与古代东方传统在这里交汇相融。"

Source UNESCO WH website
Courtesy of Diaboluke from postcrossing
Courtesy of Elia03 from postcrossing forum

Saturday 31 October 2020

669 ES - Routes of Santiago de Compostela: Camino Francés and Routes of Northern Spain (1993)

Brief Description

"Santiago de Compostela was proclaimed the first European Cultural itinerary by the Council of Europe in 1987. This route from the French-Spanish border was – and still is – taken by pilgrims to Santiago de Compostela. Some 1,800 buildings along the route, both religious and secular, are of great historic interest. The route played a fundamental role in encouraging cultural exchanges between the Iberian peninsula and the rest of Europe during the Middle Ages. It remains a testimony to the power of the Christian faith among people of all social classes and from all over Europe.
A network of four Christian pilgrimage routes in northern Spain, the site is an extension of the Route of Santiago de Compostela, a serial site inscribed on the World Heritage List in 1993. The extension represents a network of almost 1,500 km: coastal, interior of the Basque Country–La Rioja, Liébana and primitive routes. It includes a built heritage of historical importance created to meet the needs of pilgrims, including cathedrals, churches, hospitals, hostels and even bridges. The extension encompasses some of the earliest pilgrimage routes to Santiago de Compostela, following the discovery in the 9thcentury of a tomb believed to be that of St. James the Greater."

"1987年,欧洲议会宣布将冈斯特拉的圣地亚哥之路列为第一批欧洲文化之路。该遗址穿越法国和西班牙边境,从古至今一直是 朝圣者们通往冈斯特拉的圣地亚哥的必经之路。沿路共有约1800座建筑,无论是宗教建筑还是世俗建筑,都有重大的历史意义。这条路对于中世纪时期促进伊比 利亚半岛和欧洲其他地区的文化交流起到十分重要的作用,同时它也见证了基督教信仰在全欧洲社会各阶层人士心中的重要地位。
北部西班牙的四条基督教朝圣者之路,这是对1993年列入世界遗产名录的圣地亚哥康波斯特拉之路的扩展。扩展包括了位于巴斯克自治区拉里奥哈(La Rioja),利艾巴纳(Liébana )境内近1,500公里的道路,还包括一些具有历史意义的遗址如教堂、医院、旅馆以及桥梁,都是为满足朝圣者需要而建的建筑。这次扩展纳入了九世纪时发现据信是圣雅各之墓后,通往圣地亚哥康波斯特拉最早的朝圣之路。"

Source UNESCO WH website
1993  French Way
#km from St-Jean km to Santiago Distance Begins Arrives

1 0 769 25 Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port, France Roncesvalles

2 25 744 21.5 Roncesvalles, Spain Zubiri

3 46.5 722.5 22 Zubiri Pamplona

4 68.5 700.5 23.5 Pamplona Puente la Reina

5 92 677 22 Puente la Reina Estella

6 114 655 22 Estella Los Arcos

7 136 633 28 Los Arcos Logroño

8 164 605 29 Logroño Nájera

9 193 576 21 Nájera Santo Domingo de la Calzada

10 214 555 23 Santo Domingo de la Calzada Belorado

11 237 532 24 Belorado San Juan de Ortega

12 261 508 28 San Juan de Ortega Burgos

13 289 480 40 Burgos Castrojeriz

14 329 440 23 Castrojeriz Frómista

15 352 417 19 Frómista Carrión de los Condes

16 371 398 39 Carrión de los Condes Sahagún

17 410 359 19.5 Sahagún El Burgo Ranero

18 429.5 339.5 38 El Burgo Ranero León

19 467.5 301.5 24 León Villadangos del Páramo

20 491.5 277.5 28 Villadangos del Páramo Astorga

21 519.5 249.5 20 Astorga Rabanal del Camino

22 539.5 229.5 32.5 Rabanal del Camino Ponferrada

23 572 197 23 Ponferrada Villafranca del Bierzo

24 595 174 30 Villafranca del Bierzo O Cebreiro

25 625 144 36.5 O Cebreiro Sarria

26 661.5 107.5 21 Sarria Portomarín

27 682.5 86.5 24.5 Portomarín Palas de Rei

28 707 62 25.5 Palas de Rei Arzúa

29 732.5 36.5 36.5 Arzúa Santiago de Compostela

2015 extension Northern Way
1 P‐1 CATHÉDRALE SAN SALVADOR ET CHAMBRE SAINTE, Principauté des Asturies, Oviedo 43° 21' 45" N 5° 50' 35" W    
2 P‐2 EGLISE ET MONASTÈRE DE SAN SALVADOR, Principauté des Asturies, Salas 43° 24' 32" N 6° 9' 24" W
3 P‐3 CATHÉDRALE DE LUGO, Galice, Lugo 43° 0' 33" N 7° 33' 29" W
4 P‐4 REMPARTS ROMAINS DE LUGO, Galice, Lugo 43° 0' 36" N 7° 33' 21" W
5 C‐1 COLLÉGIALE DE ZIORTZA, Pays Basque, Ziortza‐Bolibar 43° 14' 52" N 2° 33' 43" W
6 C‐2 CATHÉDRALE DE SAINT JACQUES APÔTRE, Pays Basque, Bilbao 43° 15' 25" N 2° 55' 25" W
7 C‐3 ÉGLISE SANTA MARÍA DE LA ASUNCIÓN, Cantabrie, Castro Urdiales 43° 23' 4" N 3° 12' 56" W
8 C‐4 COLLÉGIALE DE SANTA JULIANA ET SON CLOÎTRE Cantabrie Santillana del Mar 43° 23' 31" N 4° 6' 21" W
9 C‐5 EGLISE SAN SALVADOR, Principauté des Asturies, Villaviciosa 43° 29' 6" N 5° 21' 31" W
10 C‐6 EGLISE SANTA MARÍA DE SOTO DE LUIÑA, Principauté des Asturies, Cudillero 43° 33' 42" N 6° 13' 49" W
11 C‐7 CATHÉDRALE DE MONDOÑEDO, Galice, Mondoñedo 43° 25' 41" N 7° 21' 45" W
12 C‐8 MONASTÈRE DE SOBRADO DOS MONXES, Galice, Sobrado dos Monxes 43° 2' 19" N 8° 1' 20" W
13 I‐1 CHAUSSÉE ET TUNNEL DE SAN ADRIÁN Pays Basque, Asparrena 42° 56' 7" N 2° 19' 0" W
14 I‐2 CATHÉDRALE DE VITORIA‐GASTEIZ, Pays Basque, Vitoria‐Gasteiz 42° 51' 2" N 2° 40' 20" W
15 I‐3 PONT DE BRIÑAS SUR LE FLEUVE EBRO, La Rioja, Haro 42° 35' 21" N 2° 50' 32" W
16 L‐1 MONASTÈRE DE SANTO TORIBIO DE LIÉBANA, Cantabrie, Camaleño 43° 9' 0" N 4° 39' 15" W

Courtesy of Nelinha postcrossing forum

Courtesy of Iside82 postcrossing forum
Pamplona - 185 Our Lady Cathedral 
Courtesy of BabyShukra postcrossing forum
Estella - 478 Church of San Pedro de la Rúa 

Courtesy of BabyShukra postcrossing forum
Puente La Reina - 499 Bridge over the Arga river 
 Courtesy of BabyShukra postcrossing forum

Muruzábal - 519 Church of Santa María de Eunate 
Courtesy of miceu from flickr
Santiago de Compostela - 852 Santiago de Compostela Cathedral
Burgos - 986 Santa María Cathedra
 Courtesy of estrellacards postcrossing forum
León - 1537 Santa María Cathedral León
stamp showing the Camino de Santiago, Santiago de Compostela Cathedral 
 Courtesy of estrellacards postcrossing forum
Ponferrada - 1806 Castle

Courtesy of Belenpp postcrossing forum


Sunday 18 October 2020

US6233 - Ellis Island (2017)

 Courtesy of Linda718 from Postcrossing forum

US5254 - White Sands National Monument (2008)

Courtesy of linda718 from postcrossing forum

1422 IR - Golestan Palace (2013)

Golestan Palace

"The lavish Golestan Palace is a masterpiece of the Qajar era, embodying the successful integration of earlier Persian crafts and architecture with Western influences. The walled Palace, one of the oldest groups of buildings in Teheran, became the seat of government of the Qajar family, which came into power in 1779 and made Teheran the capital of the country. Built around a garden featuring pools as well as planted areas, the Palace’s most characteristic features and rich ornaments date from the 19th century. It became a centre of Qajari arts and architecture of which it is an outstanding example and has remained a source of inspiration for Iranian artists and architects to this day. It represents a new style incorporating traditional Persian arts and crafts and elements of 18th century architecture and technology."

Source UNESCO WH website

Courtesy of Tremotina from postcrossing forum


958 AZ - Walled City of Baku with the Shirvanshah's Palace and Maiden Tower (2000)

Walled City of Baku with the Shirvanshah's Palace and Maiden Tower

"Built on a site inhabited since the Palaeolithic period, the Walled City of Baku reveals evidence of Zoroastrian, Sasanian, Arabic, Persian, Shirvani, Ottoman, and Russian presence in cultural continuity. The Inner City (Icheri Sheher) has preserved much of its 12th-century defensive walls. The 12th-century Maiden Tower (Giz Galasy) is built over earlier structures dating from the 7th to 6th centuries BC, and the 15th-century Shirvanshahs' Palace is one of the pearls of Azerbaijan's architecture"


"巴库城(Baku)的所在地自旧石器时代开始就有人类在此居住。巴库城集中展示了各个民族在当地文化的延续性,包括拜火教徒 (Zoroastrian)、萨桑王朝(Sasanian)、阿拉伯人、波斯人、希尔凡(Shirvani)、土耳其人和俄罗斯人。巴库内城保存了大量12世纪的防御墙。而同样在12世纪,当地人在一处公元前7世纪到公元前6世纪的建筑遗址之上建造了少女塔。建于15世纪的希尔凡王宫堪称阿塞拜疆建筑史上的一颗璀璨明珠。"

Source UNESCO WH website

Walled City of Baku
Shirvanshah's Palace 
Maiden Tower 
Courtesy of Tremotina from postcrossing forum
Maiden Tower

CA1943 - Quttinirpaaq (2004)

157 CA - SGang Gwaay (1981)

SGang Gwaay

"The village of Ninstints (Nans Dins) is located on a small island off the west coast of the Queen Charlotte Islands (Haida Gwaii). Remains of houses, together with carved mortuary and memorial poles, illustrate the Haida people's art and way of life. The site commemorates the living culture of the Haida people and their relationship to the land and sea, and offers a visual key to their oral traditions."


"安东尼岛上的尼斯停斯村(Ninstints)坐落在夏洛特女王群岛(the Queen Charlotte Islands)西侧的一个小岛上。村里的房屋遗迹以及图腾和死亡之柱,展示了海达人(Haida people)的艺术和生活方式。这个遗址是为了纪念海达人的生活文化以及他们同陆地和海洋的关系而设立,也为人们理解海达人口头传下来的传统提供了一个形象直观的途径。"

Source UNESCO WH website

482 MX - Historic Town of Guanajuato and Adjacent Mines (1988)

Historic Town of Guanajuato and Adjacent Mines

"Founded by the Spanish in the early 16th century, Guanajuato became the world's leading silver-extraction centre in the 18th century. This past can be seen in its 'subterranean streets' and the 'Boca del Inferno', a mineshaft that plunges a breathtaking 600 m. The town's fine Baroque and neoclassical buildings, resulting from the prosperity of the mines, have influenced buildings throughout central Mexico. The churches of La Compañía and La Valenciana are considered to be among the most beautiful examples of Baroque architecture in Central and South America. Guanajuato was also witness to events which changed the history of the country."



Source UNESCO WH website

Courtesy of Tremotina from postcrossing forum
subterranean streets

Sunday 13 September 2020

1518 TR - Archaeological Site of Ani (2016)

This site is located on a secluded plateau of northeast Turkey overlooking a ravine that forms a natural border with Armenia. This medieval city combines residential, religious and military structures, characteristic of a medieval urbanism built up over the centuries by Christian and then Muslim dynasties. The city flourished in the 10th and 11th centuries CE when it became the capital of the medieval Armenian kingdom of the Bagratides and profited from control of one branch of the Silk Road. Later, under Byzantine, Seljuk and Georgian sovereignty, it maintained its status as an important crossroads for merchant caravans. The Mongol invasion and a devastating earthquake in 1319 marked the beginning of the city’s decline. The site presents a comprehensive overview of the evolution of medieval architecture through examples of almost all the different architectural innovations of the region between the 7th and 13th centuries CE.

Source UNESCO WH website

Courtesy of PC_2 from postcrossing forum
Cathedral of Ani
The church of the Holy Redeemer
Manuchihr Mosque
Chapel in the Monastery of the Hripsimian Virgins
The Church of Saint Gregory of Tigran Honents
Church of St. Gregory of the Abughamrents
background is the city wall

Saturday 12 September 2020

1410 MX - El Pinacate and Gran Desierto de Altar Biosphere Reserve (2013)

El Pinacate and Gran Desierto de Altar Biosphere Reserve

The 714,566 hectare site comprises two distinct parts: the dormant volcanic Pinacate Shield of black and red lava flows and desert pavements to the east, and, in the west, the Gran Altar Desert with its ever changing and varied sand dunes that can reach a height of 200 metres. This landscape of dramatic contrast notably features linear, star and dome dunes as well as several arid granite massifs, some as high as 650 metres. The dunes emerge like islands from the sea of sand and harbour distinct and highly diverse plant and wildlife communities, including endemic freshwater fish species and the endemic Sonoran Pronghorn, which is only to be found in northwestern Sonora and in southwestern Arizona (USA). Ten enormous, deep and almost perfectly circular craters, believed to have been formed by a combination of eruptions and collapses, also contribute to the dramatic beauty of the site whose exceptional combination of features are of great scientific interest. The site is also a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve.

 Source UNESCO WH website

Courtesy of PC_2 from postcrossing forum

RU5309 - Rock Painting of Shulgan-Tash Cave (2018)

 Courtesy of PC_2 from postcrossing forum

RU5666 - Bashkir Ural (2012)

 Courtesy of PC_2 from postcrossing forum


Monday 20 July 2020

1523 RU - Churches of the Pskov School of Architecture (2019)

Churches of the Pskov School of Architecture
“This group of monuments is located in the historic city of Pskov, on the banks of the Velikaya River in the northwest of Russia. Characteristics of these buildings, produced by the Pskov School of Architecture, include cubic volumes, domes, porches and belfries, with the oldest elements dating back to the 12th century. Churches and cathedrals are integrated into the natural environment through gardens, perimeter walls and fences. Inspired by the Byzantine and Novgorod traditions, the Pskov School of Architecture reached its peak in the 15th and 16th centuries, and was one of the foremost schools in the country. It informed the evolution of Russian architecture over five centuries. “


Source UNESCO WH website

1523-001     The Cathedral of Ioann Predtecha (John the Precursor) of the Ivanovsky Monastery, 1240
1523-002     Ensemble of the Spaso-Mirozhsky Monastery: the Transfiguration Cathedral, 12th century    
1523-003     Church of the Archangel Michael with a bell tower, 14th century     Russian Federation     
1523-004     Church of Pokrova (Intercession) ot Proloma (at the breach in the wall), 15th-16th century     
1523-005     Church of Koz’ma and Damian s Primostya (near the bridge) remains of the belfry, gate, fence of the 15th-17th century     
1523-006     Church Georgiya so Vzvoza (St. George near the river descent), 1494     
1523-007     Church of Theophany with a belfry, 1489     
1523-008     Church Nikoly so Usokhi (St. Nicholas from the dry place), 16th century 
1523-009     Church Vasiliya na gorke (St. Basil the Great on the hill), 15th century  
1523-010     Ensemble of the Snetogorsky Monastery: The Cathedral of the Nativity of the Mother of God, 16th century 

Courtesy of verooro from postcrossing forum
1523-001     The Cathedral of Ioann Predtecha (John the Precursor) of the Ivanovsky Monastery, 1240

Courtesy of verooro from postcrossing forum
1523-002     Ensemble of the Spaso-Mirozhsky Monastery: the Transfiguration Cathedral, 12th century

Courtesy of verooro from postcrossing forum
1523-004 Church of Pokrova (Intercession) ot Proloma (at the breach in the wall), 15th-16th century    

Courtesy of verooro from postcrossing forum
1523-006 Church Georgiya so Vzvoza (St. George near the river descent), 1494

Courtesy of PC_2 from postcrossing forum
1523-009     Church Vasiliya na gorke (St. Basil the Great on the hill), 15th century 

Tuesday 7 July 2020

JP1321 The Architectural Work of Le Corbusier available for swap

JP1321-16 Musée National des Beaux-Arts de l’Occident (1 available)
30/09/2020 1 postcard on its way to Tremotina in exchange for Iran - Golestan Palace (received)
20/10/2023 1 postcard on its way to kara_ann in exchange for KE1295 - Fort Jesus, Mombasa (received)