Monday 23 February 2009

723 PT - Cultural Landscape of Sintra (1995)

Brief Description

"In the 19th century Sintra became the first centre of European Romantic architecture. Ferdinand II turned a ruined monastery into a castle where this new sensitivity was displayed in the use of Gothic, Egyptian, Moorish and Renaissance elements and in the creation of a park blending local and exotic species of trees. Other fine dwellings, built along the same lines in the surrounding serra, created a unique combination of parks and gardens which influenced the development of landscape architecture throughout Europe."
"辛特拉是19世纪第一块云集欧洲浪漫主义建筑的土地。费迪 南德二世把被毁坏的教堂改建成了一座城堡,这一建筑集中了哥特式、埃及式、摩尔式和文艺复兴时期的建筑特点,同时在城堡的公园里把许多国外树种与本地树木 混合栽种。该地还有许多其他精美的建筑,全都倚着周围的山脉而建,这些公园和庭院景致交相辉映,美不胜收,对整个欧洲的景观建筑设计发展产生了重大影响。"
Source UNESCO WH website

Courtesy of manelmor from postcrossing

Saturday 21 February 2009

263 PT - Monastery of the Hieronymites and Tower of Belém in Lisbon (1983)

Brief Description

"Standing at the entrance to Lisbon harbour, the Monastery of the Hieronymites – construction of which began in 1502 – exemplifies Portuguese art at its best. The nearby Tower of Belém, built to commemorate Vasco da Gama's expedition, is a reminder of the great maritime discoveries that laid the foundations of the modern world."

Source UNESCO WH website

263bis-001     Monastery of the Hieronymites
263bis-002     Tower of Belem

Monastery of the Hieronymites

Courtesy of geminiscp from postcrossing forum
Tower of Belém
Courtesy of chezdc from postcrossing official

Courtesy of bogdanovskaya from postcrossing forum
Azulejo -Portugal blue tiles
Azulejo -Portugal blue tiles

Thursday 19 February 2009

320 ES - Works of Antoni Gaudí (1984)

Brief Description

"Seven properties built by the architect Antoni Gaudí (1852–1926) in or near Barcelona testify to Gaudí’s exceptional creative contribution to the development of architecture and building technology in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. These monuments represent an eclectic, as well as a very personal, style which was given free reign in the design of gardens, sculpture and all decorative arts, as well as architecture. The seven buildings are: Casa Vicens; Gaudí’s work on the Nativity façade and Crypt of La Sagrada Familia; Casa Batlló; Crypt in Colonia Güell."

"在巴塞罗那市区或近郊的7处安东尼·高迪的建筑作品, 见证了他对19世纪末和20世纪初建筑技术的杰出创意与贡献。圭尔公园、圭尔宫、米拉大楼、文生宅圣家大教堂、巴特里奥之家和克洛尼亚古埃尔宫,这些建筑 物都呈现了折衷主义风格,非常人性化,这对花园、雕塑以及所有装饰艺术和建筑的设计产生了极大影响。"
Source UNESCO WH website

320-001     Parque Güell
320-002     Palacio Güell
320-003     Casa Mila
320-004     Casa Vicens
320-005     Nativity Façade and Crypt of the Sagrada Familia
320-006     Casa Batlló

320-007     Crypt at the Colònia Güell

Courtesy of ninocas from postcrossing forum

Courtesy of Anastasia991 from postcrossing forum

320-001 Parque Güell
Courtesy of Childish from postcrossing forum
320-001 Parque Güell
Courtesy of klayreh from postcrossing forum
320-003 Casa Milà (La Pedrera)

Courtesy of famalubel from Spain
320-004     Casa Vicens
320-005 Nativity Façade and Crypt of the Sagrada Familia
Courtesy of Gigi from postcrossing forum
320-006 Casa Batlló

Tuesday 17 February 2009

383 ES - Cathedral, Alcázar and Archivo de Indias in Seville (1987)

Brief Description

"Together these three buildings form a remarkable monumental complex in the heart of Seville. The cathedral and the Alcázar – dating from the Reconquest of 1248 to the 16th century and imbued with Moorish influences – are an exceptional testimony to the civilization of the Almohads as well as that of Christian Andalusia. The Giralda minaret is the masterpiece of Almohad architecture. It stands next to the cathedral with its five naves; the largest Gothic building in Europe, it houses the tomb of Christopher Columbus. The ancient Lonja, which became the Archivo de Indias, contains valuable documents from the archives of the colonies in the Americas."

"位于塞维利亚中心的三座建筑——大教堂、城堡和西印度群岛档案馆——共同组成了非凡的古迹建筑群。大教堂和城堡的历史可以 追溯到收复领土的1248年至公元16世纪间,这两个建筑受到了摩尔人风格的影响,同时,它们也是阿尔默哈德文明和信奉基督教的安达卢西亚文明的历史见 证。西拉尔达大寺院是阿尔默哈德时代的建筑杰作,在它旁边是塞维利亚大教堂,该大教堂共有五个大殿,是欧洲最大的哥特式建筑,教堂中存放着克里斯托弗·哥 伦布的棺墓。西印度群岛档案馆由一个拍卖厅改建而成,馆中存放着早期殖民者发现美洲时的宝贵档案文献。"

Source UNESCO WH website

Courtesy of Ogait postcrossing forum
Cathedral, Alcázar and Archivo de Indias
Reales Alcázares

Monday 16 February 2009

314 ES - Alhambra, Generalife and Albayzín, Granada (1984)

Brief Description

"Rising above the modern lower town, the Alhambra and the Albaycín, situated on two adjacent hills, form the medieval part of Granada. To the east of the Alhambra fortress and residence are the magnificent gardens of the Generalife, the former rural residence of the emirs who ruled this part of Spain in the 13th and 14th centuries. The residential district of the Albaycín is a rich repository of Moorish vernacular architecture, into which the traditional Andalusian architecture blends harmoniously."

"俯瞰着低处的现代城镇,艾勒 汉卜拉宫和阿尔巴济坐落在两个相邻的小山上,一直保持着中世纪格拉纳达地区的风貌。艾勒汉卜拉堡垒和民居区的东面是风景秀美的赫内拉利费花园,公元13世 纪至14世纪统治着西班牙这部分土地的埃米尔们就曾居住在这里。阿尔巴济住宅区保留着大量摩尔人建筑风格的各式建筑,同时在这些建筑中还可以看到传统的安 达卢西亚建筑风格被完美地融入其中。"

Source UNESCO WH website


Courtesy of bogdanovskaya from postcrossing forum
Court of the Lions
Courtesy of famalubel from postcrossing forum
east of Alhambra

Friday 13 February 2009

379 ES - Historic City of Toledo (1986)

Brief Description

"Successively a Roman municipium, the capital of the Visigothic Kingdom, a fortress of the Emirate of Cordoba, an outpost of the Christian kingdoms fighting the Moors and, in the 16th century, the temporary seat of supreme power under Charles V, Toledo is the repository of more than 2,000 years of history. Its masterpieces are the product of heterogeneous civilizations in an environment where the existence of three major religions – Judaism, Christianity and Islam – was a major factor."

"托莱多城的历史长达两千多年,曾先后是罗马帝国统治下的城市, 西哥特王国的首都,科尔多瓦酋长国的要塞,基督教国家和摩尔人战斗的前线,以及公元16世纪查尔斯五世统治时期的最高权力临时所在地。托莱多城与众不同之 处在于在同一种环境中孕育了不同的文明,而产生多种文明的主要原因是三种主要宗教——犹太教、基督教和伊斯兰教在这块土地上共同存在。"
Source UNESCO WH website