Sunday 6 October 2024

1567 FR - Funerary and memory sites of the First World War (Western Front) (2023)

 Funerary and memory sites of the First World War (Western Front)

All along the Western Front of the First World War, which stretched for some 700 km from the North Sea to the Franco-Swiss border, a series of 139 funerary and memorial sites bear witness to the common desire of the various parties involved in the conflict to honour their children who fell in battle. This objective takes the form of individual graves and/or memorials listing the names of the missing. Places dedicated to meditation, remembrance and tributes are specially created. Beyond the diversity in size, location and design, there is a clear desire to create spaces that are worthy of the sacrifice made. This is reflected in the choice of noble materials, as well as in calls for renowned architects, botanists, landscape architects and artists to design sites of exceptional architectural, artistic and landscape quality. These sites are visited daily by pilgrims, individual visitors, official delegations, school groups, local community representatives and descendants. They bear witness to funerary and memorial practices that are still relevant today, as remains discovered by chance or during archaeological excavations are still buried there with all honours. These commemorative sites represent a heritage that almost literally belongs to the whole world, spreading a message of reconciliation that is still very topical.



Source UNESCO WH website

Top right- ME 05 French ossuary and national necropolis Douaumont 
Lower left -ME08 Trench of the bayonets
Lower right - ME06 Fort of Douaumont

Postmark showing the 50 years anniversary of Battle of Verdun

Saturday 5 October 2024

1558 CZ - Žatec and the Landscape of Saaz Hops (2023)

 Žatec and the Landscape of Saaz Hops

This cultural landscape has been shaped for centuries by the living tradition of cultivating and trading the world’s most renowned hop variety, used in beer production around the globe. The property includes particularly fertile hop fields near the river Ohře that have been farmed continuously for hundreds of years, as well as historic villages and buildings used for processing hops. The urban component of the property is represented by the medieval centre of Žatec with its southern extension, known as the “Prague Suburb” (Pražské předměstí) including numerous specific 19th to 20th-century industrial structures. Together, these illustrate the evolution of the agro-industrial processes and socio-economic system of growing, drying, certifying, and trading hops from the Late Middle Ages to the present.



Source UNESCO WH website

1558rev-001 Saaz Hop Landscape
1558rev-002 Žatec

Courtesy of hs87 from Postcrossing forum

695 DK - Roskilde Cathedral (1995)

Brief Description

"Built in the 12th and 13th centuries, this was Scandinavia's first Gothic cathedral to be built of brick and it encouraged the spread of this style throughout northern Europe. It has been the mausoleum of the Danish royal family since the 15th century. Porches and side chapels were added up to the end of the 19th century. Thus it provides a clear overview of the development of European religious architecture."



Source UNESCO WH website

1499 AG - Antigua Naval Dockyard and Related Archaeological Sites (2016)

Antigua Naval Dockyard and Related Archaeological Sites

The site consists of a group of Georgian-style naval buildings and structures, set within a walled enclosure. The natural environment of this side of the island of Antigua, with its deep, narrow bays surrounded by highlands, offered shelter from hurricanes and was ideal for repairing ships. The construction of the Dockyard by the British navy would not have been possible without the labour of generations of enslaved Africans since the end of the 18th century. Its aim was to protect the interests of sugar cane planters at a time when European powers were competing for control of the Eastern Caribbean.

Source UNESCO WH website