Brief Description
"It represents the addition of three Imperial Tombs of the Qing Dynasty in Liaoning to the Ming tombs inscribed in 2000 and 2003. The Three Imperial Tombs of the Qing Dynasty in Liaoning Province include the Yongling Tomb, the Fuling Tomb, and the Zhaoling Tomb, all built in the 17th century. Constructed for the founding emperors of the Qing Dynasty and their ancestors, the tombs follow the precepts of traditional Chinese geomancy and fengshui theory. They feature rich decoration of stone statues and carvings and tiles with dragon motifs, illustrating the development of the funerary architecture of the Qing Dynasty. The three tomb complexes, and their numerous edifices, combine traditions inherited from previous dynasties and new features of Manchu civilization."
"位于辽宁省的清朝盛京三陵建于17世纪,是继2000年和 2003年列入《世界遗产名录》的明朝寝陵之后的三座清朝皇家寝陵,分别为永陵、福陵和昭陵,是开创满清皇室基业的皇帝及其祖先的陵墓。寝陵遵照中国传统 的占卜和风水理论而建,饰以大量以龙为主题的石雕、雕刻和瓦片,展示了清朝墓葬建筑的发展。盛京三陵及其众多建筑将以前朝代的传统和满族文化的新特征融为 一体。"
Source UNESCO WH website
"位于辽宁省的清朝盛京三陵建于17世纪,是继2000年和 2003年列入《世界遗产名录》的明朝寝陵之后的三座清朝皇家寝陵,分别为永陵、福陵和昭陵,是开创满清皇室基业的皇帝及其祖先的陵墓。寝陵遵照中国传统 的占卜和风水理论而建,饰以大量以龙为主题的石雕、雕刻和瓦片,展示了清朝墓葬建筑的发展。盛京三陵及其众多建筑将以前朝代的传统和满族文化的新特征融为 一体。"
Source UNESCO WH website
1004-001 | Xianling Tomb | Hubei | Zhongxiang | 2000 | |||
Hebei | Zunhua | 2000 | |||||
Hebei | Yi County | 2000 | |||||
Beijing | Changping District | 2003 | |||||
Jiangsu | Nanjing | 2003 | |||||
1004-006 | Tomb of Chang Yuchun | Jiangsu | Nanjing | 2003 | |||
1004-007 | Tomb of Qiu Cheng | Jiangsu | Nanjing | 2003 | |||
1004-008 | Tomb of Wu Liang | Jiangsu | Nanjing | 2003 | |||
1004-009 | Tomb of Wu Zhen | Jiangsu | Nanjing | 2003 | |||
1004-010 | Tomb of Xu Da | Jiangsu | Nanjing | 2003 | |||
1004-011 | Tomb of Li Wenzhong | Jiangsu | Nanjing | 2003 | |||
1004-012 | Yongling Tomb of the Qing dynasty | Liaoning | Fushun | 2004 | |||
Liaoning | Shenyang | 2004 | |||||
Liaoning | Shenyang | 2004 | |||||
1004-002 清东陵 石牌坊
1004-002-04 清东陵 文宗咸丰帝之定陵
1004-002-05 清东陵 穆宗同治帝之惠陵
1004-002-05 清东陵 慈禧太后的普陀峪定东陵

Western Qing Tombs Baoding City, Yixian County, Hebei Province, China

Changling Mausoleum, Ming Tombs, Changping, Beijing

1004-005 南京 明孝陵
Xiaoling Tomb Jiangsu Province Nanjing City
Xiaoling Tomb Jiangsu Province Nanjing City
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