Brief Description
"Between 1919 and 1933, the Bauhaus School, based first in Weimar and then in Dessau, revolutionized architectural and aesthetic concepts and practices. The buildings put up and decorated by the school's professors (Walter Gropius, Hannes Meyer, Laszlo Moholy-Nagy and Wassily Kandinsky) launched the Modern Movement, which shaped much of the architecture of the 20th century."
"包豪斯学派(the Bauhaus School)首先兴起于魏玛(Weimar),然后扩展到了德绍(Dessau),于1919至1933年期间对当时的建筑和美学观念及实践产生了革命 性影响。由该学派的教授们(沃尔特·格罗皮斯、汉斯·梅尔、拉斯罗·摩利那基和韦斯利·坎丁斯基)修建和装潢的一系列建筑代表了“现代运动”的兴起,同时 也为20世纪建筑的发展奠定了基础。"
Source UNESCO WH website
729-001 Main building of the Weimar Academy for Architecture and Building Arts - University, Weimar
729-002 The Van-de-Velde building of the Academy for Architecture and Building Arts -University, Weimar
729-003 The “Haus am Horn”, Weimar
729-004 The Bauhaus, Dessau
729-005 The Masters’ Houses, Dessau
729bis-006 House with Balcony access - Peterholzstr. 40
729bis-007 House with Balcony access - Peterholzstr. 48
729bis-008 House with Balcony access - Peterholzstr. 56
729bis-009 House with Balcony access - Mittelbreite 6
729bis-010 House with Balcony access - Mittelbreite 14
729bis-011 The ADGB Trade Union School
"包豪斯学派(the Bauhaus School)首先兴起于魏玛(Weimar),然后扩展到了德绍(Dessau),于1919至1933年期间对当时的建筑和美学观念及实践产生了革命 性影响。由该学派的教授们(沃尔特·格罗皮斯、汉斯·梅尔、拉斯罗·摩利那基和韦斯利·坎丁斯基)修建和装潢的一系列建筑代表了“现代运动”的兴起,同时 也为20世纪建筑的发展奠定了基础。"
Source UNESCO WH website
729-002 The Van-de-Velde building of the Academy for Architecture and Building Arts -University, Weimar
729-003 The “Haus am Horn”, Weimar
729bis-006 House with Balcony access - Peterholzstr. 40
729bis-007 House with Balcony access - Peterholzstr. 48
729bis-008 House with Balcony access - Peterholzstr. 56
729bis-009 House with Balcony access - Mittelbreite 6
729bis-010 House with Balcony access - Mittelbreite 14
729bis-011 The ADGB Trade Union School
Courtesy of thuegirl from postcrossing forum
Lower right 729-001 Main building of the Weimar Academy
for Architecture and Building Arts - University, Weimar
for Architecture and Building Arts - University, Weimar

Courtesy of UteChris from postcrossing forum
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