Tuesday 16 March 2010

855 BE - Flemish Béguinages (1998)

Brief Description

"The Béguines were women who dedicated their lives to God without retiring from the world. In the 13th century they founded the béguinages, enclosed communities designed to meet their spiritual and material needs. The Flemish béguinages are architectural ensembles composed of houses, churches, ancillary buildings and green spaces, with a layout of either urban or rural origin and built in styles specific to the Flemish cultural region. They are a fascinating reminder of the tradition of the Béguines that developed in north-western Europe in the Middle Ages."
"“比津”(Béguines)是指献身上帝,却又不脱离 世俗世界的妇女。这些妇女在13世纪建立了“比津社区”,也就是一个个封闭的社区,以满足她们的精神和物质需要。佛兰德比津社区是一处建筑群,包括民居、 教堂、辅助建筑以及绿地,社区规划既有城市痕迹,也有乡村特色,反映了佛兰德地区的文化。这些建筑向我们展示了中世纪北欧和西欧形成的比津传统。"
Source UNESCO WH website http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/855

855-001 Béguinage de Hoogstraten
855-002 Béguinage de Lier (Lierre)
855-003 Grand Béguinage de Mechelen (Malines)
855-004 Béguinage de Turnhout
855-005 Beguinage de Sint-Truiden (Saint Trond)
855-006 Béguinage de Tongeren (Tongres)
855-007 Béguinage de Dendermonde (Termonde)
855-008 Petit Béguinage de Gent (Gand)
855-009 Béguinage de Sint-Amandsberg / Gent (Mont-Saint-Amand-lez-Gand)
855-010 Béguinage de Diest
855-011 Grand Béguinage of Leuven (Louvain)
855-012 Béguinage de Bruges (Brugge)
855-013 Béguinage de Kortrijk (Courtrail)

Courtesy of Tine from picasa
855-001 Béguinage de Hoogstraten
Hoogstraten, Antwerpen, Flanders, Belgium

Courtesy of Tine from picasa
855-004 Béguinage de Turnhout
Turnhout, Antwerpen, Flanders, Belgium

855-005 Beguinage de Sint-Truiden (Saint Trond)
Sint-Truiden (Saint Trond), Limbourg, Flanders, Belgium
Courtesy of zwartje from postcrossing
855-006 Béguinage de Tongeren (Tongres)
Tongeren (Tongres), Limbourg, Flanders, Belgium

855-010 Béguinage de Diest
Diest, Vlaams Bramant, Flanders, Belgium

855-012 Béguinage de Bruges (Brugge)
Bruges (Brugge), West-Vlaanderen, Flanders, Belgium
Courtesy of PC_2 from postcrossing
855-013 Béguinage de Kortrijk (Courtrail)

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