Monday 27 December 2010

1335 CN - China Danxia (2010)

Brief Description

"China Danxia is the name given in China to landscapes developed on continental red terrigenous sedimentary beds influenced by endogenous forces (including uplift) and exogenous forces (including weathering and erosion). The inscribed site comprises six areas found in the sub-tropical zone of south-west China. They are characterized by spectacular red cliffs and a range of erosional landforms, including dramatic natural pillars, towers, ravines, valleys and waterfalls. These rugged landscapes have helped to conserve sub-tropical broad-leaved evergreen forests, and host many species of flora and fauna, about 400 of which are considered rare or threatened."

"中国丹霞是中国境内由陆相红色砂砾岩在内生力量(包括隆起)和外来力量(包括风化和侵蚀)共同作用下形成的各种地貌景观的 总称。这一遗产包括中国西南部亚热带地区的6处遗址。它们的共同特点是壮观的红色悬崖以及一系列侵蚀地貌,包括雄伟的天然岩柱、岩塔、沟壑、峡谷和瀑布 等。这里跌宕起伏的地貌,对保护包括约400种稀有或受威胁物种在内的亚热带常绿阔叶林和许多动植物物起到了重要作用。"

 Source UNESCO WH website

1335-001 Chishui - West Section 贵州赤水-西剖面
1335-002 Chishui - East Section 贵州赤水-东剖面
1335-003 Taining - North Section 福建泰宁-北剖面
1335-004 Taining -South Section 福建泰宁-南剖面
1335-005 Langshan 湖南崀山
1335-006 Danxiashan 广东丹霞山
1335-007 Longhushan: Longhushan Section 江西龙虎山:龙虎山剖面
1335-008 Longhushan: Guifeng Section 江西龙虎山:龟峰剖面
1335-009 Jianglangshan 浙江江郎山

1335-004 Taining -South Section 福建泰宁-南剖面
1335-005 Langshan 湖南崀山
1335-06 Danxiashan 长老峰景区
1335-06 Danxiashan 宝塔峰/卧龙岗
1335-06 Danxiashan 巴寨景区
1335-06 Danxiashan 锦岩寺
1335-06 Danxiashan 阳元石景区
1335-06 Danxiashan 阳元石
1335-06 Danxiashan 阴元石

1335-07 Longhushan: Longhushan Section 江西龙虎山:龙虎山剖面

1335-07 Longhushan 江西龙虎山-排衙峰
1335-07 Longhushan 江西龙虎山-仙水岩
1335-09 Jianglangshan 浙江江郎山

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