Wednesday 20 January 2010

868 FR - Routes of Santiago de Compostela in France (1998)

Brief Description

"Santiago de Compostela was the supreme goal for countless thousands of pious pilgrims who converged there from all over Europe throughout the Middle Ages. To reach Spain pilgrims had to pass through France, and the group of important historical monuments included in this inscription marks out the four routes by which they did so."


ID Name & Location

868-001 Cathédrale Saint-Front
N45 11 2.60
E0 43 22.60

868-002 Eglise Saint-Avit
N44 46 0.00
E0 48 0.00

868-003 Eglise abbatiale Notre-Dame de la Nativité
N44 48 41.28
E0 52 25.49

868-004 Ancienne cathédrale Saint-Jean-Baptiste
N44 25 53.40
W0 12 40.70

868-005 Basilique Saint-Seurin
N44 50 36.20
W0 35 8.00

868-006 Basilique Saint-Michel
N44 50 4.20
W0 33 53.80

868-007 Cathédrale Saint-André
N44 50 15.70
W0 34 39.10

868-008 Ancienne abbaye Notre-Dame de la Sauve Majeure
N44 46 10.70
W0 18 42.80

868-009 Eglise Saint-Pierre
N44 46 0.00
W0 18 0.00

868-010 Eglise de Notre-Dame-de-la-Fin-des-Terres
N45 30 50.50
W1 7 18.60

868-011 Eglise Sainte-Quitterie
N43 40 60.00
W0 16 0.00

868-012 Clocher-porche de l'ancienne église
N44 12 0.00
W1 13 60.00

868-013 Abbaye Saint-Jean
N43 31 0.00
W1 3 0.00

868-014 Abbaye
N43 45 0.00
W0 34 0.00

868-015 Cathédrale Saint Caprais
N44 12 23.80
E0 37 6.70

868-016 Cathédrale Sainte-Marie
N43 29 26.90
W1 28 36.80

868-017 Eglise Saint-Blaise
N43 15 0.00
W0 46 0.00

868-018 Porte Saint Jacques
N43 9 50.20
W1 14 8.70

868-019 Eglise Sainte Marie
N43 11 17.10
W0 36 58.40

868-020 Eglise Notre-Dame-du-Port
N45 46 49.80
E3 5 20.90

868-021 Cathédrale Notre-Dame
N45 2 47.90
E3 52 58.20

868-022 Hôtel-Dieu Saint-Jacques
N45 2 55.10
E3 52 39.60

868-023 Le Mont-Saint-Michel*
N48 38 11.00
W1 30 39.80

868-024 église prieurale Sainte-Croix-Notre-Dame
N47 10 38.50
E3 0 58.70

868-025 église Saint-Jacques d’Asquins
N47 28 57.60
E3 45 14.90

868-026 Basilique Sainte-Madeleine
N47 27 59.40
E3 44 53.90

868-027 collégiale Saint-Etienne (anciennement collégiale Saint-Jacques)
N46 35 44.20
E1 48 30.10

868-028 cathédrale Saint-Etienne*
N47 4 56.30
E2 23 53.70

868-029 basilique Notre-Dame
N48 58 36.70
E4 28 10.70

868-030 église Notre-Dame-en-Vaux
N48 57 26.80
E4 21 49.20

868-031 Tour Saint-Jacques (vestige de l'église Saint-Jacques-de-la-Boucherie)
N48 51 28.70
E2 20 56.10

868-032 ancienne abbaye de Gellone
N43 44 1.70
E3 32 56.10

868-033 Pont du Diable
N43 42 28.30
E3 33 26.50

868-034 ancienne abbatiale
N43 40 36.50
E4 25 55.10

868-035 église Saint-Léonard
N45 50 14.40
E1 29 22.50

868-036 église Notre-Dame de Tramesaygues
N42 55 0.00
E1 1 0.00

868-037 ancienne cathédrale et cloître, cathédrale Notre-Dame-de-la-Sède, palais épiscopal, rempart
N43 0 4.80
E1 8 13.50

868-038 abbatiale Sainte-Foy
N44 35 56.10
E2 23 50.40

868-039 pont sur le Dourdou
N44 35 53.80
E2 23 32.00

868-040 Pont-Vieux
N44 31 21.90
E2 45 46.40

868-041 pont sur le Lot
N44 33 11.10
E2 40 19.20

868-042 pont dit “ des pèlerins ” sur la Boralde
N44 34 60.00
E2 55 0.00

868-043 ancienne cathédrale Notre-Dame
N43 1 0.00
E0 34 0.00

868-044 basilique paléochrétienne, chapelle Saint-Julien
N43 1 0.00
E0 34 0.00

868-045 basilique Saint-Sernin
N43 36 28.50
E1 26 28.70

868-046 Hôtel-Dieu Saint-Jacques
N43 35 56.00
E1 26 11.90

868-047 Basilique Saint-Just
N43 1 60.00
E0 34 0.00

868-048 cathédrale Sainte-Marie
N43 38 47.10
E0 35 6.70

868-049 Pont d’Artigues ou de Lartigues
N43 55 60.00
E0 16 60.00

868-050 collégiale Saint-Pierre
N43 58 0.00
E0 28 60.00

868-051 cathédrale Saint-Etienne
N44 26 44.70
E1 25 56.50

868-052 pont Valentré
N44 26 42.40
E1 25 54.40

868-053 dolmen de Pech-Laglaire 2
N44 31 60.00
E1 52 60.00

868-054 hôpital Saint-Jacques
N44 36 30.50
E2 1 45.90

868-055 Basilique Saint-Sauveur et crypte Saint-Amadour
N44 48 0.00
E1 37 0.00

868-056 hospice du Plan et chapelle Notre-Dame-de-l’Assomption, connue sous le nom de chapelle des Templiers
N42 46 60.00
E0 13 0.00

868-057 église paroissiale Saint-Jean-Baptiste*
N42 43 59.20
W0 0 35.30

868-058 église Saint-Laurent
N42 54 0.00
E0 22 0.00

868-059 église Saint-Jacques
N43 1 60.00
E0 1 0.00

868-060 église Notre-Dame-du-Bourg
N43 49 21.30
E1 43 32.30

868-061 abbatiale Saint-Pierre et cloître
N44 6 20.10
E1 5 3.50

868-062 cathédrale Notre-Dame*
N49 53 42.00
E2 18 6.00

868-063 église paroissiale Saint-Jacques le Majeur et Saint-Jean-Baptiste
N49 40 35.40
E2 21 45.80

868-064 église paroissiale Saint-Jacques
N49 25 0.70
E2 49 38.00

868-065 église Saint-Eutrope
N45 44 36.60
W0 38 28.50

868-066 abbaye royale Saint-Jean-Baptiste
N45 56 36.90
W0 31 23.50

868-067 église Saint-Hilaire
N46 13 11.90
W0 8 58.30

868-068 église Saint-Pierre
N46 1 23.20
W0 21 17.10

868-069 église Saint-Hilaire-le-Grand
N46 34 38.90
E0 19 56.90

868-070 ancien hôpital des Pèlerins
N45 34 8.50
W0 33 7.30

868-071 Eglise St Honorat*
N43 40 16.30
E4 38 12.40

868-072 entre Nasbinals et Saint- Chély-d'Aubrac (17 km)
N44 39 45.70
E2 55 15.60

868-073 Chemin du Puy : de Saint-Côme-d'Olt à Estaing (17 km)
N44 31 7.80
E2 40 19.20

868-074 Chemin du Puy : de Montredon à Figeac (18 km)
N44 37 1.30
E2 40 19.20

868-075 Chemin du Puy : de Faycelles à Cajarc (22,5 km)
N44 33 54.70
E1 50 31.60

868-076 Chemin du Puy : de Bach à Cahors (26 km)
N44 21 2.80
E1 25 54.80

868-077 Chemin du Puy : de Lectoure à Condom (35 km)
N43 57 24.50
E0 37 32.50

868-078 Chemin du Puy : d'Aroue à Ostabat (22 km)
N43 19 0.70
W1 4 19.30

Source UNESCO WH website

Courtesy of Asa from postcrossing forum

Courtesy of Asa from postcrossing forum

868-023 Le Mont-Saint-Michel, Ille-et-Vilaine, Basse-Normandie, France

868-026 Abbaye Sainte-Marie-Madeleine de Vézelay

Courtesy of lmc from postcrossing forum
868-031 église Saint-Jacques-de-la-Boucherie, Paris, Ile-de-France, France

Courtesy of Helent from postcrossing forum

868-037 Saint-Lizier: former cathedral and cloister, Midi-Pyrénées
Courtesy of nathj92 from postcrossing
868-040 Pont-Vieux, Espalion, Aveyron, Midi-Pyrénées

Courtesy of Helent from postcrossing forum
868-043 Saint-Bertrand-de-Comminges: former cathedral Notre-Dame – Midi-Pyrénées
 Courtesy of famalubel from Spain
868-045 basilique Saint-Sernin Toulouse, Haute-Garonne, Midi-Pyrénées, France

Courtesy of GAMADOR from postcrossing
868-048 cathédrale Sainte-Marie, Auch, Gers, Midi-Pyrénées, France
Courtesy of nathj92 from postcrossing
868-052 pont Valentré, Cahors, Lot, Midi-Pyrénées, France
Courtesy of stess29 from vacation RR
868-055 Basilique Saint-Sauveur, Rocamadour, Lot, Midi-Pyrénées, France

868-062 Cathédrale Notre-Dame, Amiens, Somme, Picardie, France

868-072 entre Nasbinals et Saint- Chély-d'Aubrac (17 km)
868-073 Chemin du Puy : de Saint-Côme-d'Olt à Estaing (17 km)
Commemorative postmark of Sur le chemin de St Jacques de Compostel in St Alban

828 IT - Historic Centre of Urbino (1998)

Brief Description

"The small hill town of Urbino, in the Marche, experienced a great cultural flowering in the 15th century, attracting artists and scholars from all over Italy and beyond, and influencing cultural developments elsewhere in Europe. Owing to its economic and cultural stagnation from the 16th century onwards, it has preserved its Renaissance appearance to a remarkable extent."


Source UNESCO WH website

356 TR - Historic Areas of Istanbul (1985)

Brief Description

"With its strategic location on the Bosphorus peninsula between the Balkans and Anatolia, the Black Sea and the Mediterranean, Istanbul has been associated with major political, religious and artistic events for more than 2,000 years. Its masterpieces include the ancient Hippodrome of Constantine, the 6th-century Hagia Sophia and the 16th-century Süleymaniye Mosque, all now under threat from population pressure, industrial pollution and uncontrolled urbanization."

"伊斯坦布尔历史区域位于巴尔干与安纳托利亚、黑海与地 中海之间的波斯弗如斯佩宁苏拉。两千多年来,伊斯坦布尔总是与一些重要的政治、宗教和艺术事件联系在一起。它的杰作包括古代君士坦丁堡竞技场、6世纪的哈 吉亚•索菲亚教堂和16世纪的苏莱曼清真寺。这些遗迹现在受到了人口过盛、工业污染以及过度城市化的威胁。"

Source UNESCO WH website
Süleymaniye Mosque (lower centre) and Yeni Mosque (Upper left)

294 LB - Baalbek (1984)

Brief Description

"This Phoenician city, where a triad of deities was worshipped, was known as Heliopolis during the Hellenistic period. It retained its religious function during Roman times, when the sanctuary of the Heliopolitan Jupiter attracted thousands of pilgrims. Baalbek, with its colossal structures, is one of the finest examples of Imperial Roman architecture at its apogee."



Source UNESCO WH website

825 IT - Archaeological Area and the Patriarchal Basilica of Aquileia (1998)

Brief Description

"Aquileia (in Friuli-Venezia Giulia), one of the largest and wealthiest cities of the Early Roman Empire, was destroyed by Attila in the mid-5th century. Most of it still lies unexcavated beneath the fields, and as such it constitutes the greatest archaeological reserve of its kind. The patriarchal basilica, an outstanding building with an exceptional mosaic pavement, played a key role in the evangelization of a large region of central Europe."


"阿奎拉(位于意大利东北部地区弗留利威尼西 亚朱利亚区)是早期罗马帝国最大最富有的城市之一,在5世纪中叶被阿提拉(Attila)匈奴帝国国王毁灭。阿奎拉大部分遗迹仍埋在地下而未被发掘,正由 于此,它才是这一类型中最大的古迹区。这里的长方形主教教堂是用优质的马赛克铺筑的著名建筑,同时它也在中欧大部地区的传教过程中发挥了关键作用。"

Source UNESCO WH website

832 IT - Villa Romana del Casale (1997)

Brief Description

"Roman exploitation of the countryside is symbolized by the Villa Romana del Casale (in Sicily), the centre of the large estate upon which the rural economy of the Western Empire was based. The villa is one of the most luxurious of its kind. It is especially noteworthy for the richness and quality of the mosaics which decorate almost every room; they are the finest mosaics in situ anywhere in the Roman world."


Source UNESCO WH website

831 IT - Archaeological Area of Agrigento (1997)

Brief Description

"Founded as a Greek colony in the 6th century B.C., Agrigento became one of the leading cities in the Mediterranean world. Its supremacy and pride are demonstrated by the remains of the magnificent Doric temples that dominate the ancient town, much of which still lies intact under today's fields and orchards. Selected excavated areas throw light on the later Hellenistic and Roman town and the burial practices of its early Christian inhabitants."

"自公元前6世纪被作为希腊的殖民地以来,阿克里真托便成 为地中海地区的重要城市之一。阿克里真托的至高地位和无尚荣耀也体现在主宰这个古城的壮丽的陶立克式庙宇中。直到今天,古城的大部分还完好地躺在农田或果 园的地下。对考古区域进行有选择的发掘,有助于了解后来的古希腊和古罗马城市,还有助于了解古基督教居民的殡葬仪式。"

Source UNESCO WH website

404 GR - Acropolis, Athens (1987)

Brief Description

"The Acropolis of Athens and its monuments are universal symbols of the classical spirit and civilization and form the greatest architectural and artistic complex bequeathed by Greek Antiquity to the world. In the second half of the fifth century bc, Athens, following the victory against the Persians and the establishment of democracy, took a leading position amongst the other city-states of the ancient world. In the age that followed, as thought and art flourished, an exceptional group of artists put into effect the ambitious plans of Athenian statesman Pericles and, under the inspired guidance of the sculptor Pheidias, transformed the rocky hill into a unique monument of thought and the arts. The most important monuments were built during that time: the Parthenon, built by Ictinus, the Erechtheon, the Propylaea, the monumental entrance to the Acropolis, designed by Mnesicles and the small temple Athena Nike. "



Source UNESCO WH website

Monday 18 January 2010

DE1155 Old town of Regensburg available for swap

DE1155-1 Old town of Regensburg with Stadtamhof (0 available)18/04/10 1 postcard on its way to Iside82 (received) in exchange for ES669 - Route of Santiago de Compostela (Completed)

Sunday 17 January 2010

381 ES - Old City of Salamanca (1988)

Brief Description

"This ancient university town north-west of Madrid was first conquered by the Carthaginians in the 3rd century B.C. It then became a Roman settlement before being ruled by the Moors until the 11th century. The university, one of the oldest in Europe, reached its high point during Salamanca's golden age. The city's historic centre has important Romanesque, Gothic, Moorish, Renaissance and Baroque monuments. The Plaza Mayor, with its galleries and arcades, is particularly impressive."


"古 代大学城萨拉曼卡位于马德里西北部,最早于公元前3世纪被迦太基人征服。该城后来成为罗马人的聚居地,这种状况一直维持到公元11世纪被摩尔人占领。这里 的大学是欧洲最古老的大学之一,萨拉曼卡的黄金时代也促成了大学的辉煌。这座古城的历史中心有许多具有重要的罗马风格、哥特风格、摩尔风格、文艺复兴时期 风格和巴洛克风格的建筑物。市长大厦以其别具风格的走廊和拱廊给人留下十分深刻的印象。"

Source UNESCO WH website

Old and the New Cathedral over Roman bridge
Plaza Mayor
A street of the Old city of Salamanca

371 GB - Ironbridge Gorge (1986)

Brief Description

"Ironbridge is known throughout the world as the symbol of the Industrial Revolution. It contains all the elements of progress that contributed to the rapid development of this industrial region in the 18th century, from the mines themselves to the railway lines. Nearby, the blast furnace of Coalbrookdale, built in 1708, is a reminder of the discovery of coke. The bridge at Ironbridge, the world's first bridge constructed of iron, had a considerable influence on developments in the fields of technology and architecture."


Source UNESCO WH website

Courtesy of Coffeedoff from postcrossing forum

1st class stamp showing Carding mill valley, not far from Ironbridge

Thursday 14 January 2010

GB374 Gwynedd available for swap

UK374 - Castles and Town Walls of King Edward in Gwynedd (1986)

UK374-01 Beaumaris Castle (0 available)
14/01/10 1 postcard on its way to MsMoney (received) in exchange for GR404 - Acropolis, Athens (Completed)
14/01/10 1 postcard on its way to Asa (received) in exchange for FR868 - Routes of Santiago de Compostela in France (Completed)
18/01/10 1 postcard on its way to chiarandino (received) in exchange for IT824 - Botanical Garden (Orto Botanico), Padua (Completed)
20/01/10 1 postcard on its way to Nanou in exchange for DK1149 - Ilulissat Icefjord (received)
22/01/10 1 postcard on its way to radekcz2003 (received) in exchange for CZ732 - Kutná Hora: Historical Town Centre with the Church of St Barbara and the Cathedral of Our Lady at Sedlec (Completed)
25/01/10 1 postcard on its way to elbe (received) in exchange for EG87 - Temple of Karnak (Completed)
25/01/10 1 postcard on its way to Malgosia (received) in exchange for SK973 - Bardejov Town Conservation Reserve (Completed)
27/02/10 1 postcard on its way to TG250607 (received) in exchange for DE288 - Castles of Augustusburg and Falkenlust at Brühl (Completed)
04/03/10 1 postcard on its way (TAG) to SLLiew (received) in exchange (TAG) cherokee for Thailand tentative list (Completed)
04/03/10 1 postcard on its way to TAG FloridaGirl (received) in exchange TAG ritz for PH677 - Baroque Churches of the Philippines (lost in post)
10/03/10 1 postcard on its way TAG to MariitD (received) in exchange TAG Poncha for RU768 - Golden Mountains of Altai (Completed)
22/03/10 1 postcard on its way to seetas (received) in exchange for IN925 - Rock Shelters of Bhimbetka (Completed)

UK374-02 Caernarfon Castle and Town Walls (0 available)
14/01/10 1 postcard on its way to sternchen84 (received) in exchange for DE896 - Museumsinsel (Museum Island), Berlin (Completed)
18/01/10 1 postcard on its way to chiarandino (received) in exchange for IT824 - Botanical Garden (Orto Botanico), Padua (Completed)
20/01/10 1 postcard on its way (TAG) to enajpostcards (received) in exchange (TAG) Nanou for LU699 - City of Luxembourg: its Old Quarters and Fortifications (Completed)
20/01/10 1 postcard on its way to Nanou in exchange for US442 - Monticello and the University of Virginia in Charlottesville (received)
22/01/10 1 postcard on its way to radekcz2003 (received) in exchange for CZ763 - Lednice-Valtice Cultural Landscape (Completed)
25/01/10 1 postcard on its way to elbe (received) in exchange for EG89 - Mosque of Ahmed Ibn Tulun, The Citadel Area (Completed)
25/01/10 1 postcard on its way to Malgosia (received) in exchange for IT550 - Historic Centre of San Gimignano (Completed)
25/01/10 1 postcard on its way (TAG) to Beachyblonde (received) in exchange (TAG) elbe for IN250 - Great Living Chola Temples (Completed)
02/03/10 1 postcard on its way to sylwiail (received) in exchange for PL1053 - Wooden Churches of Southern Little Poland (Completed)
03/03/10 1 postcard on its way to Bine (received) in exchange for DE187 - St Mary's Cathedral and St Michael's Church at Hildesheim (Completed)
12/04/10 1 postcard on its way to JOinHanoi (received) in exchange for VT948 - Hoi An Ancient Town (Completed)
26/08/10 1 postcard on its way to (TAG)Bodexs (received) in exchange (TAG)Childish for JP688 - Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto (Rokuon-ji Japan) (Completed)

UK374-03 Conwy Castle and Town Walls (0 available)
18/01/10 1 postcard on its way to chiarandino (received) in exchange for IT824 - Botanical Garden (Orto Botanico), Padua (Completed)
18/01/10 1 postcard on its way to abhishek_b4u (received) in exchange for IN233 - Qutb Minar and its Monuments, Delhi (Completed)
20/01/10 1 postcard on its way (TAG) to enajpostcards (received) in exchange (TAG) Nanou for US409 - Hawaii Volcanoes National Park (Completed)
20/01/10 1 postcard on its way to Nanou in exchange for DE974 - Monastic Island of Reichenau (received)
21/01/10 1 postcard on its way (TAG)edo (received) in exchange (TAG) Grisu for DK696 - Kronborg Castle (Completed)
22/01/10 1 postcard on its way to radekcz2003 (received) in exchange for CZ859 - Holy Trinity Column in Olomouc (Completed)
25/01/10 1 postcard on its way to elbe (received) in exchange for EG86 - Pyramid fields from Giza (Completed)
25/01/10 1 postcard on its way to Malgosia (received) in exchange for CZ901 - Litomyšl Castle (Completed)
27/02/10 1 postcard on its way to TG250607 (received) in exchange for DE846 - Classical Weimar (Completed)
01/03/10 1 postcard on its way to Martinha (received) in exchange for CH1037 - Swiss Alps Jungfrau-Aletsch (Completed)
03/03/10 1 postcard on its way to Bine (received) in exchange for DE846 - Classical Weimar (Completed)
23/03/10 1 postcard on its way to Catty412 (received) in exchange for US150 - Mammoth Cave National Park (Completed)
12/04/10 1 postcard on its way to SabineG (received) in exchange for DE1314 - The Wadden Sea (Completed)

UK374-04 Harlech Castle (0 available)18/01/10 1 postcard on its way to chiarandino (received) in exchange for IT712 - City of Vicenza and the Palladian Villas of the Veneto (Completed)
20/01/10 1 postcard on its way to Nanou in exchange for DE367 - Roman Monuments, Cathedral of St Peter and Church of Our Lady in Trier (received)
22/01/10 1 postcard on its way to radekcz2003 (received) in exchange for CZ621 - Historic Centre of Telč (Completed)
25/01/10 1 postcard on its way to elbe (received) in exchange for EG86 - Pyramid fields from Giza Sphinx (Completed)
25/01/10 1 postcard on its way to Malgosia (received) in exchange for CZ763 - Lednice-Valtice Cultural Landscape (Completed)
02/03/10 1 postcard on its way to sylwiail (received) in exchange for IE757 - Skellig Michael (Completed)
22/03/10 1 postcard on its way to pierresurleciel (received) in exchange for HR97 - Historical Complex of Split with the Palace of Diocletian (Completed)
14/04/10 1 postcard on its way to Joanna (received) in exchange for SK620 - Levoča, Spišský Hrad and the Associated Cultural Monuments (Completed)
08/05/10 1 postcard on its way to Ninich (received) in exchange for HR963 - The Cathedral of St James in Šibenik (Completed)
26/08/10 1 postcard on its way to (TAG)Bodexs (received) in exchange (TAG)Childish for BG359 - Thracian Tomb of Sveshtari (Completed)
30/08/10 1 postcard on its way to MsMoney (received) in exchange for ES987 - Roman Walls of Lugo (Completed)
28/09/10 1 postcard on its way to Childish (received) in exchange for BG216 - Rila Monastery (Completed)