Tuesday 25 June 2013

1414 CN - Xinjiang Tianshan (2013)

Brief Description

"Xinjiang Tianshan comprises four components—Tomur, Kalajun-Kuerdening, Bayinbukuke and Bogda— that total 606,833 hectares. They are part of the Tianshan mountain system of Central Asia, one of the largest mountain ranges in the world. Xinjiang Tianshan presents unique physical geographic features and scenically beautiful areas including spectacular snow and snowy mountains glacier-capped peaks, undisturbed forests and meadows, clear rivers and lakes and red bed canyons. These landscapes contrast with the vast adjacent desert landscapes, creating a striking visual contrast between hot and cold environments, dry and wet, desolate and luxuriant. The landforms and ecosystems of the site have been preserved since the Pliocene epoch and present an outstanding example of ongoing biological and ecological evolutionary processes. The site also extends into the Taklimakan Desert, one of the world’s largest and highest deserts, known for its large dune forms and great dust storms. Xinjiang Tianshan is moreover an important habitat for endemic and relic flora species, some rare and endangered."

Source UNESCO WH website http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/1414 

1414-001     Tomur 托木尔峰自然保护区 (托木尔峰,科其喀尔峰,汗腾格里峰,台兰峰)
1414-002     Kalajun-Kuerdening 喀拉峻-库尔德宁自然保护区 (雪岭云杉)
1414-003     Bayinbuluke 巴音布鲁克自然保护区 (开都河)
1414-004     Bogda 天山天池国家公园 博格达峰自然保护区

Mount Tomur 托木尔峰
Bayinbuluke National Nature Reserve 巴音布鲁克自然保护区-Swan lake天鹅湖
Bayinbuluke National Nature Reserve 巴音布鲁克自然保护区-开都河

Tianshan Tianchi National Park 天山天池国家公园

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