Wednesday 31 July 2024

1564 CA - Tr’ondëk-Klondike (2023)

Located along the Yukon River in the sub-arctic region of Northwest Canada, Tr’ondëk-Klondike lies within the homeland of the Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in First Nation. It contains archaeological and historic sources that reflect Indigenous people’s adaptation to unprecedented changes caused by the Klondike Gold Rush at the end of the 19th century. The series illustrates different aspects of the colonization of this area, including sites of exchange between the Indigenous population and the colonists, and sites demonstrating the Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in’s adaptations to colonial presence.

特朗代克-克朗代克(Tr’ondëk-Klondike)位于加拿大西北的育空河畔,属亚北极地区,是原住民族特朗代克·韦钦(Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in)的家园。19世纪末,克朗代克淘金热给原住民生活带来前所未有的冲击,该地区的考古和历史资源体现了他们如何应对这些改变。这一系列遗址反映了该地区殖民历史的不同方面,包括原住民与殖民者交流的场所,以及展现原住民族应对殖民影响的遗址。

Source UNESCO WH website

  • 1564-001 Fort Reliance
  • 1564-002 Ch’ëdähdëk (Forty Mile)
  • 1564-003 Ch’ëdähdëk Tth’än K’et (Dënezhu Graveyard)
  • 1564-004 Fort Cudahy and Fort Constantine
  • 1564-005 Tr’ochëk
  • 1564-006 Dawson City
  • 1564-007 Jëjik Dhä Dënezhu Kek’it (Moosehide Village
  • 1564-008 Tthe Zrąy Kek’it (Black City)

Courtesy of DavidJason from Postcrossing forum

1564-006 Dawson City

Tuesday 30 July 2024

1497 CA - Mistaken Point (2016)

 This fossil site is located at the south-eastern tip of the island of Newfoundland, in eastern Canada. It consists of a narrow, 17 km-long strip of rugged coastal cliffs. Of deep marine origin, these cliffs date to the Ediacaran Period (580-560 million years ago), representing the oldest known assemblages of large fossils anywhere. These fossils illustrate a watershed in the history of life on earth: the appearance of large, biologically complex organisms, after almost three billion years of micro-dominated evolution.  



Source UNESCO WH website

Courtesy of Beejoyful from Postcrossing forum

1507 TH - Phu Phrabat, a testimony to the Sīma stone tradition of the Dvaravati period (2024)

The property illustrates the Sīma stone tradition of the Dvaravati period (7th-11th centuries CE). While sacred boundary markers for areas of Theravada Buddhist monastic practice vary in materials, extensive use of stones is found only in the Khorat Plateau region in Southeast Asia. Buddhism’s arrival in the 7th century led to an increase in the erection of Sīma stones throughout the region for over four centuries. The Phu Phrabat Mountain area preserves the largest corpus in the world of in situ Sīma stones from the Dvaravati period, testifying to the tradition that once prevailed in the region. The scale of Sīma stone erection and rock shelter modification has transformed the natural landscape into a religious centre, and rock paintings on surfaces of 47 rock shelters are the physical evidence of human occupation over two millennia.

普普拉巴特(Phu Phrabat)历史公园体现了陀罗钵地王国时期(公元7-11世纪)的界石(Sīma)传统。在不同地区的上座部佛教寺院,用来标识修行区域的界标材质各不相同,只有在东南亚的呵叻高原地区才发现大量使用界石的情况。在佛教于公元7世纪传入该地区后长达4个多世纪的时间里,树立界石的场所逐渐增多。普普拉巴特山区保存着世界上数量最多的原址陀罗钵地时期界石,证明了该地区曾盛行这一传统。大量树立的界石和对岩棚的广泛改造,使这一自然景观转变为宗教中心。47座岩棚表面的岩画则是逾2千年来人类居住的例证。

Source UNESCO WH website
Courtesy of SLLiew from Malaysia

1638 CN - Badain Jaran Desert - Towers of Sand and Lakes (2024)

 Located in the Alashan Plateau in the hyper-arid and temperate desert region of northwestern China, the Badain Jaran Desert is a meeting point for three sandy regions of China and is the country’s third largest desert and second largest drifting desert. The property stands out with its high density of mega-dunes, intersected with inter-dunal lakes. It displays spectacular ongoing geological and geomorphic features of desert landscapes and landforms which may well be unparalleled. Noteworthy features, among others, include the world’s tallest, stabilized sand mega-dune (relative relief of 460 m); the highest concentration of inter-dunal lakes; and the largest expanse of so-called singing sands (describing the resonance caused for example by wind moving dry and loose sand) and wind-eroded landforms. The varied landscape also results in a high level of habitat diversity, and hence of biodiversity.


Source UNESCO WH website

1714 CN - Beijing Central Axis: A Building Ensemble Exhibiting the Ideal Order of the Chinese Capital (2024)

Running north to south through the heart of historical Beijing, the Central Axis consists of former imperial palaces and gardens, sacrificial structures, and ceremonial and public buildings. Together they bears testimony to the evolution of the city and exhibits evidence of the imperial dynastic system and urban planning traditions of China. The location, layout, urban pattern, roads and design showcase the ideal capital city as prescribed in the Kaogongji, an ancient text known as the Book of Diverse Crafts. The area, between two parallel rivers, has been settled for about 3,000 years, but the Central Axis itself originated during the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368) that established its capital, Dadu, in the northern part. The property also features later historical structures built during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) and improved during the Qing Dynasty (1636-1912).


Source UNESCO WH website


JP1484 - Japan’s Meiji Industrial Revolution sites available for swap

 JP1484-09 Niirayama reverberatory furnace (0 available)

28/07/24 1 postcard on its way to hidalgo (Received) in exchange for Iranian Unesco Tchogha Zanbil (Completed)

Saturday 20 July 2024

1528 ES - Prehistoric Sites of Talayotic Menorca (2023)

 Prehistoric Sites of Talayotic Menorca

Located on the island of Menorca in the western Mediterranean Sea, these archaeological sites are situated in agro-pastoral landscapes. A testimony to the occupation of the island by prehistoric communities, these sites display a diversity of prehistoric settlements and burial places. The materials, forms and locations of structures dating from the Bronze Age (1600 BCE) to the Late Iron Age (123 BCE) show the evolution of a “cyclopean” architecture built with very large blocks of stone. Astronomical orientations and visual interconnections between prehistoric structures indicate networks with possible cosmological meanings.



Source UNESCO WH website

Courtesy of Jordi_65 from Postcrossing Forum

526 DO - Colonial City of Santo Domingo (1990)

 Colonial City of Santo Domingo

After Christopher Columbus's arrival on the island in 1492, Santo Domingo became the site of the first cathedral, hospital, customs house and university in the Americas. This colonial town, founded in 1498, was laid out on a grid pattern that became the model for almost all town planners in the New World.


1492年克里斯托夫·哥伦布(Christopher Columbus)首次踏足这个岛屿后,圣多明各成为美洲第一个建立教堂、医院、海关和大学的地方。这座殖民地城镇建于1498年,呈网状布局,是后来几乎所有新大陆城镇规划者效仿的典范。

Source UNESCO WH website

Courtesy of Jordi_65 from Postcrossing Forum

Thursday 11 July 2024

GB1633 - The Slate Landscape of Northwest Wales available for swap

1633-02 Dinorwig Slate Quarry Mountain Landscape (1 available)

15/07/2024 1 postcard on its way to sebiusz in exchange for Polish Primeval forest - Polonina Wetlinska
15/07/2024 1 postcard on its way to Nikola2702 in exchange for one Croatia card to SLLIew in exchange for Nian Cave (received)
15/07/2024 1 postcard on its way to hidalgo in exchange for another UNESCO site
15/07/2024 1 postcard on its way to Xiaoi in exchange for German Moravian settlement (received)
15/07/2024 1 postcard on its way to DavidJason in exchange for Canada UNESCO Tr’ondëk-Klondike Dawson City (received)

Monday 8 July 2024

KP1278 - Historic Monuments and Sites in Kaesong available for swap

KP1278-01Manwoldae  满月台 (1 available)

KP1278-03 Kaesong Namdae Gate 开城南大门 (0 available)
08/07/24 1 postcard on its way to martinha (received) in exchange for Cordouan Lighthouse (Completed)

KP1278-04A Koryo Songgyungwan 高丽成均馆 (Taesong Temple) (1 available)

KP1278-04B Koryo Songgyungwan  (1 available)

KP1278-04C Koryo Songgyungwan  (1 available)

KP1278-05 Sungyang Sowon 崧阳书院 (0 available)
12/08/24 1 postcard on its way to silentcity (received) in exchange for Hospicio Cabanas in Mexico

KP1278-06A Sonjuk Bridge 善竹桥 (1 available)

KP1278-06B Phyochung Monuments 表忠碑 (1 available)

KP1278-07A Mausoleum of King Wang Kon 王建王陵 (0 available)
10/07/24 1 postcard on its way to Jordi_65 in exchange for Dominican Republic - Santo Dominique (received)

KP1278-08B Mausoleum of King Kongmin (현정릉/玄正陵 Hyonjongrung ) (0 available)
10/07/24 1 postcard on its way to Xiaoi (received) in exchange for German Danube limes - Porta Praetoria Regensburg (Completed)

KP1278-07A Mausoleum of King Wang Kon
15/08/24 1 postcard on its way to silentcity in exchange for Funerary and memory sites of the First World War (Belgium) (received)

Thursday 4 July 2024

1278 KP - Historic Monuments and Sites in Kaesong (2013)

Historic Monuments and Sites in Kaesong

Situated in Kaesong city, in the south of the country, the site consists of 12 separate components, which together testify to the history and culture of the Koryo Dynasty from the 10th to 14th centuries. The geomantic layout of the former capital city of Kaesong, its palaces, institutions and tomb complex, defensive walls and gates embody the political, cultural, philosophical and spiritual values of a crucial era in the region’s history.  The monuments inscribed also include an astronomical and meteorological observatory, two schools (including one dedicated to educating national officials) and commemorative steles. The site testifies to the transition from Buddhism to neo-Confucianism in East Asia and to the assimilation of the cultural spiritual and political values of the states that existed prior to Korea’s unification under the Koryo Dynasty. The integration of Buddhist, Confucian, Taoist and geomantic concepts is manifest in the planning of the site and the architecture of its monuments.

Source UNESCO WH website

  • 1278rev-001 Manwoldae & Kaesong Chomsongdae 满月台 (만월대)& 开城瞻星台 (개성 첨성대)
  • 1278rev-002 Kaesong Walls 开城城墙
  • 1278rev-003 Kaesong Namdae Gate 开城南大门
  • 1278rev-004 Koryo Songgyungwan 高丽成均馆
  • 1278rev-005 Sungyang Sowon 崧阳书院
  • 1278rev-006 Sonjuk Bridge and Phyochung Monuments 善竹桥和表忠碑
  • 1278rev-007 Mausoleum of King Wang Kon 王建王陵, Seven Tombs Cluster & Myongrung Cluster  (명릉/明陵 Hyonjongrung)
  • 1278rev-008 Mausoleum of King Kongmin (현정릉/玄正陵 Hyonjongrung )
1278rev-001 Manwoldae  满月台 (만월대)
1278rev-003 Kaesong Namdae Gate 开城南大门
1278rev-004 Koryo Songgyungwan 高丽成均馆 (Taesong Temple)

1278rev-005 Sungyang Sowon 崧阳书院
1278rev-006 Sonjuk Bridge 善竹桥
1278rev-006 Phyochung Monuments 表忠碑
1278rev-007 Mausoleum of King Wang Kon 王建王陵
1278rev-008 Mausoleum of King Kongmin (현정릉/玄正陵 Hyonjongrung )

1587 LA - Megalithic Jar Sites in Xiengkhuang – Plain of Jars (2019)

The Plain of Jars, located on a plateau in central Laos, gets its name from more than 2,100 tubular-shaped megalithic stone jars used for funerary practices in the Iron Age. This serial property of 15 components contains large carved stone jars, stone discs, secondary burials, tombstones, quarries and funerary objects dating from 500 BCE to 500 CE. The jars and associated elements are the most prominent evidence of the Iron Age civilization that made and used them until it disappeared, around 500 CE.



Source UNESCO WH website

494 MG - Andrefana Dry Forests (1990)

 This serial property in western Madagascar comprises karstic landscapes and limestone uplands cut into impressive 'tsingy' peaks and a 'forest' of limestone needles, the spectacular canyon of the Manambolo river, rolling hills and high peaks. Undisturbed forests, lakes and mangrove swamps are the habitat for rare and endangered lemurs and birds. The component parts of the property cover almost the full range of ecological and evolutionary variation within the western forests of Madagascar, including western dry forests and southwestern spiny forest-thicket. These sites contain a spectacular array of endemic and threatened biodiversity, including baobabs, flame trees (Delonix), as well as unique evolutionary lineages such as the Mesitornithiformes, an order of birds which is 54 million years old.



Source UNESCO WH website

  • 494bis-001 Réserve Spéciale d’Analamerana (2023)
  • 494bis-002 Réserve Spéciale d’Ankarana  (2023)
  • 494bis-003 Parc National d’Ankarafantsika (2023)
  • 494bis-004 Parc National du Tsingy de Bemaraha (1990)
  • 494bis-005 Parc National de Mikea (2023)
  • 494bis-006 Parc National de Tsimanampesotse (2023)
494bis-004 Parc National du Tsingy de Bemaraha

1432 BW - Okavango Delta (2014)

 This delta in north-west Botswana comprises permanent marshlands and seasonally flooded plains. It is one of the very few major interior delta systems that do not flow into a sea or ocean, with a wetland system that is almost intact. One of the unique characteristics of the site is that the annual flooding from the River Okavango occurs during the dry season, with the result that the native plants and animals have synchronized their biological cycles with these seasonal rains and floods. It is an exceptional example of the interaction between climatic, hydrological and biological processes. The Okavango Delta is home to some of the world’s most endangered species of large mammal, such as the cheetah, white rhinoceros, black rhinoceros, African wild dog and lion.

Source UNESCO WH website

Wednesday 3 July 2024

1589 CZ - Landscape for Breeding and Training of Ceremonial Carriage Horses at Kladruby nad Labem (2019)

The property is situated on the Elbe (Labe) River flood plain where there is sandy soil, ox bow lakes and the relic of a riparian forest. The structure and functional use of plots of land (pastures, meadows, forests, fields, park), network of paths, avenues, trees in regimented lines and arranged clusters as well as the solitary trees, the network of watercourses, ensembles of buildings in the farmsteads and the overall composition including functional relations and links between these components - all this fully serves the needs of breeding and training of the Baroque draught horses of the Kladruber breed which were used during the ceremonies at the Habsburg Imperial Court. The composition of the landscape is the evidence of the intentional artistic approach to the landscape. The property is a rare example of the synthesis of two types of cultural landscape - living and organically developing landscape where its key function dominates and the manmade landscape intentionally designed and created using the principles of the French and English landscape architecture which is an outstanding example of the specialised decorative farm - ferme ornée. The Imperial Stud Farm was founded in 1579 and its landscape has been used for this purpose since then.


该遗产地位于易北河平原,是Střední Polabí地区的一处平坦沙地,内有田野、围栏牧场、森林及建筑物,其设计用途为驯养克拉德鲁伯马(哈布斯堡王室的仪式马车用马的一种)。王室种马场于1579建成并沿用至今,是欧洲最重要的马匹繁育场之一。在马场的发展时期,马匹不仅在运输、农业、军事等领域发挥着巨大的作用,也是贵族身份的象征。

Source UNESCO WH website

Courtesy of hs87 from Czechia

537 GR - Monasteries of Daphni, Hosios Loukas and Nea Moni of Chios (1990)

Although geographically distant from each other, these three monasteries (the first is in Attica, near Athens, the second in Phocida near Delphi, and the third on an island in the Aegean Sea, near Asia Minor) belong to the same typological series and share the same aesthetic characteristics. The churches are built on a cross-in-square plan with a large dome supported by squinches defining an octagonal space. In the 11th and 12th centuries they were decorated with superb marble works as well as mosaics on a gold background, all characteristic of the 'second golden age of Byzantine art'.



Source UNESCO WH website

  • 537-001 Monastery of Hosios Loukas in Phocida near Delphi
  • 537-002 Monastery of Daphni, in Attica, near Athens
  • 537-003 Monastery of Nea Moni of Chios, on an island in the Aegean Sea, near Asia Minor
537-001 Monastery of Hosios Loukas in Phocida near Delphi

Monday 1 July 2024

CN1665 - Old Tea Forests of the Jingmai Mountain available for swap

CN1665-1 Old Tea Forests of the Jingmai Mountain (2 available)
26/06/2024 1 postcard on its way to Jordi_65 (received) in exchange for Spanish UNESCO Prehistoric Sites of Talayotic Menorc (Completed)
26/06/2024 1 postcard on its way to hidalgo (received) in exchange for Iran unesco Takht-e Soleyman (Completed)
04/07/2024 1 postcard on its way to (TAG) livi16 (received) in exchange for (TAG) Xiaoi for Speyer ShuM site (Completed)
12/07/2024 1 postcard on its way to Nagi (received) in exchange for Morocco Unesco site (Completed)
05/08/2024 1 postcard on its way to helent (received) in exchange for Australian unesco max (Completed)
14/08/2024 1 postcard on its way to (TAG) Sriramrang (received) in exchange for (TAG) edo for TelAviv white city (Completed)

CN1665-2 Old Tea Forests of the Jingmai Mountain (0 available)
26/06/2024 1 postcard on its way to (TAG) martinha (received) in exchange (TAG) edo-padova for Venice Padova (completed)
04/07/2024 1 postcard on its way to Tatie in exchange for Ukraine Odessa card (received)
15/07/2024 1 postcard on its way to SLLiew (received) in exchange for Cambodia Preah Vihear (Completed)
10/09/2024 1 postcard on its way to DavidJason in exchange for Dawson card for hidalgo and in exchange for Azerbaijan Seki card

CN1665-3 Old Tea Forests of the Jingmai Mountain (2 available)
26/06/2024 1 postcard on its way to TwasBrillig (received) in exchange for Botswana’s - Okavango Delta 1 (Completed)
12/08/2024 1 postcard on its way to kara_ann in exchange for Greenland Unesco