Saturday 10 April 2010

1024 IT - Late Baroque Towns of the Val di Noto (South-Eastern Sicily) (2002)

Brief Description

"The eight towns in south-eastern Sicily: Caltagirone, Militello Val di Catania, Catania, Modica, Noto, Palazzolo, Ragusa and Scicli, were all rebuilt after 1693 on or beside towns existing at the time of the earthquake which took place in that year. They represent a considerable collective undertaking, successfully carried out at a high level of architectural and artistic achievement. Keeping within the late Baroque style of the day, they also depict distinctive innovations in town planning and urban building."

"维琴查城于公元前2世纪修建在意大利北部,在威尼斯人的统治下,维琴查于15世纪早期到18世纪末达到全盛时期。意大利建 筑师安德烈亚·帕拉第奥(1508-1580年)对古罗马建筑进行了详细研究,赋予了这座城市独特的风貌。帕拉第奥的市区建筑,以及散布在威尼托区的别 墅,对意大利的建筑发展产生了决定性影响。帕拉第奥的建筑作品形成了一个与众不同的建筑风格,就是人们熟知的帕拉迪恩风格,这种建筑风格也传播到了英国、 其他欧洲国家和北美。"
1024-001 Caltagirone
1024-002 Catania
1024-003 Militello Val di Catania
1024-004 Modica
1024-005 Noto
1024-006 Palazzolo Acreide
1024-007 Ragusa
1024-008 Scicli
Source UNESCO WH website
1024-002 Catania - Duomo
1024-004 Modica

Modica - St George
1024-005 Noto - St Paolo

1024-007 Ragusa

1024-008 Scicli

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