Saturday 10 April 2010

1200 IT - Syracuse and the Rocky Necropolis of Pantalica (2005)

Brief Description

"The site consists of two separate elements, containing outstanding vestiges dating back to Greek and Roman times: The Necropolis of Pantalica contains over 5,000 tombs cut into the rock near open stone quarries, most of them dating from the 13th to 7th centuries BC. Vestiges of the Byzantine era also remain in the area, notably the foundations of the Anaktoron (Prince’s Palace). The other part of the property, Ancient Syracuse, includes the nucleus of the city’s foundation as Ortygia by Greeks from Corinth in the 8th century BC. The site of the city, which Cicero described as ‘the greatest Greek city and the most beautiful of all’, retains vestiges such as the Temple of Athena (5th century BC, later transformed to serve as a cathedral), a Greek theatre, a Roman amphitheatre, a fort and more. Many remains bear witness to the troubled history of Sicily, from the Byzantines to the Bourbons, interspersed with the Arabo-Muslims, the Normans, Frederick II of the Hohenstaufen dynasty (1197–1250), the Aragons and the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. Historic Syracuse offers a unique testimony to the development of Mediterranean civilization over three millennia."

"锡拉库扎和潘塔立克石墓群由两个单独的成分组成,拥有希腊和罗马时期的显著痕迹:潘塔立克石墓群共有5000多个靠近露天 采石场的石刻坟墓,大部分可追溯至公元前13世纪到公元前7世纪。这里保留有拜占庭时期的遗迹,特别是王子的宫殿阿纳托伦宫室的废墟。锡拉库萨古城的另外 一部分是市中心的奥提伽城,在公元前8世纪时由来自科林斯城的希腊人修建。这个被西塞罗描述为“希腊最伟大、最美丽的城市”遗址保留有雅典娜胜利女神庙 (建于公元前5世纪,后改造为大教堂)、希腊剧院、罗马圆形剧场、堡垒等。许多遗迹见证了西西里从拜占庭到波旁家族时期阿拉伯-穆斯林人、诺曼底人、腓特 烈二世(公元1197年到1250年的霍亨斯道芬家族)、阿拉贡和两西西里王国之间纷乱的历史。锡拉库扎遗址展示了地中海文明在近3000年时间里的发 展。"

Source UNESCO WH website

1200-001 Necropolis of Pantalica
1200-002 Epipolae,Achradina,Tyche and Neapolis, Euryalus Castle, Dionysian forti fications and the Scala Greca area
1200-003 Ortygia

1200-002 Greek theatre
1200-002 Roman amphitheatre
1200-002 Euryalus Castle 
1200-003 Ortygia

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