Monday 9 August 2010

946 BA - Old Bridge Area of the Old City of Mostar (2005)

Brief Description

"The historic town of Mostar, spanning a deep valley of the Neretva River, developed in the 15th and 16th centuries as an Ottoman frontier town and during the Austro-Hungarian period in the 19th and 20th centuries. Mostar has long been known for its old Turkish houses and Old Bridge, Stari Most, after which it is named. In the 1990s conflict, however, most of the historic town and the Old Bridge, designed by the renowned architect Sinan, was destroyed. The Old Bridge was recently rebuilt and many of the edifices in the Old Town have been restored or rebuilt with the contribution of an international scientific committee established by UNESCO. The Old Bridge area, with its pre-Ottoman, eastern Ottoman, Mediterranean and western European architectural features, is an outstanding example of a multicultural urban settlement. The reconstructed Old Bridge and Old City of Mostar is a symbol of reconciliation, international co-operation and of the coexistence of diverse cultural, ethnic and religious communities."


"莫斯塔尔(Mostar)古镇横跨雷特瓦河深谷,是15和 16世纪作为土耳其边境小镇建立起来的,于19和20世纪的奥匈帝国时期得到了进一步发展。莫斯塔尔一直以来因其古老的土耳其房屋和老桥(Stari Most) 而闻名,并因此桥而得名。然而,在1990年冲突期间,这个古镇的大部分地方和由著名建筑师思南(Sinan)设计的老桥都遭到了摧毁。由于联合国教科文 组织成立的国际科学委员会的努力,老桥于近期得到了重建,古镇的许多建筑也得到了修复或重建。老桥地区融合了前土耳其、土耳其东部、地中海和西欧建筑风 格,是一个典型的多文化城市住区。重建后的老桥和莫斯塔尔旧城是协调和解、国际合作的象征,也是不同文化、种族和宗教社会之间和睦相处的象征。"

Source UNESCO WH website
Courtesy of Jasmin from postcrossing forum

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