Brief Description
"The history of the town of Røros is linked to the copper mines. Established in the 17th century, they were exploited for 333 years until 1977. Completely rebuilt after its destruction by Swedish troops in 1679, Røros contains about 2000 wooden one- and two-storey houses and a smelting house. Many of these buildings have preserved their blackened wooden façades, giving the town a medieval appearance. The site was inscribed on the World Heritage List in 1980. The extension is a serial site and comprises the Town and its industrial-rural cultural landscapes; Femundshytta, a smelter with its associated area; and the Winter Transport Route. Surrounded by a buffer zone, coincident with the area of privileges (the Circumference) granted to the mining enterprise by the Danish-Norwegian Crown (1646), the property illustrates the establishment and flourishing of a lasting culture based on copper mining in a remote region with a harsh climate."
"勒罗斯城的历史与当地的铜矿紧密相连,这一发现于17世纪的铜矿,其开采利用一直持续到1977年。勒罗斯城在1679年 被瑞典军队夷为平地后,得到了彻底的重建,迄今城中仍有约2000幢木结构的一家庭和两家庭建筑以及一座铸造厂。许多木屋仍然保持着黑色的建筑外墙,呈现 出一派中世纪的城市风格。勒罗斯城于1980年被正式列入《世界遗产名录》。此次扩展的部分由包括勒罗斯城及其工农业文化景观;费门兹塔 (Femundsytta)铸造厂及其相关区域,以及冬季运输道路等一系列遗址组成。勒罗斯周边的缓冲区与优惠区是丹麦-挪威王室向当地的矿产开发公司授 予的(1646年)。这一遗产的价值在于体现了如何在气候严酷而偏远的地区,建立起一种以铜矿开采为基础的文化。"
Source UNESCO WH website

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