Brief Description
"The Mauritanian capital, founded in the 3rd century B.C., became an important outpost of the Roman Empire and was graced with many fine buildings. Extensive remains of these survive in the archaeological site, located in a fertile agricultural area. Volubilis was later briefly to become the capital of Idris I, founder of the Idrisid dynasty, who is buried at nearby Moulay Idris."
"古城建于公元前3世纪,曾是北非古国毛里塔尼亚的首都,是罗马帝国的一个重要前哨,有着许多优雅精致的建筑物。该考古遗址 是一个富饶的农业区,在这里挖掘出土过许多重要遗迹和文物。瓦卢比利斯后来曾有一段时期成了伊德里斯王朝的首都,王朝的创立者伊德里斯一世就葬在附近的穆 莱伊德里斯。"
Source UNESCO WH website
Courtesy of Loly from postcrossing forum

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