Friday 21 June 2024

1614 DE - Mathildenhöhe Darmstadt (2021)

The Darmstadt Artists’ Colony on Mathildenhöhe, the highest elevation above the city of Darmstadt in west-central Germany, was established in 1897 by Ernst Ludwig, Grand Duke of Hesse, as a centre for emerging reform movements in architecture, arts and crafts. The buildings of the colony were created by its artist members as experimental early modernist living and working environments. The colony was expanded during successive international exhibitions in 1901, 1904, 1908 and 1914. Today, it offers a testimony to early modern architecture, urban planning and landscape design, all of which were influenced by the Arts and Crafts movement and the Vienna Secession. The serial property consists of two component parts including 23 elements, such as the Wedding Tower (1908), the Exhibition Hall (1908), the Plane Tree Grove (1833, 1904-14), the Russian Chapel of St. Maria Magdalena (1897-99), the Lily Basin, the Gottfried Schwab Memorial (1905), the Pergola and Garden (1914), the “Swan Temple” Garden Pavilion (1914), the Ernst Ludwig Fountain, and the 13 houses and artists’ studios that were built for the Darmstadt Artists’ Colony and for the international exhibitions. A Three House Group, built for the 1904 exhibition is an additional component.


达姆施塔特艺术家村位于德国中西部达姆施塔特市的制高点玛蒂尔德高地上,由黑森大公路德维希(Ernst Ludwig)创建于1897年,是当时建筑、艺术和手工艺领域新兴改革运动的中心。这里的建筑由其艺术家成员设计,用作实验性的早期现代主义生活和工作环境。随着在1901、1904、1908和1914年接连举办的国际展览,艺术村不断扩张。如今,早期的现代建筑、城市规划和景观设计都在这里留下了印迹,所有这些都受到了工艺美术运动和维也纳分离派的影响。该遗产地包含2个组成部分,共23处遗产点。第一部分为婚礼塔(1908年)、展览厅(1908年)、梧桐林(1833年,1904-14年)、抹大拉的玛丽亚俄罗斯小教堂(1897-99年)、百合池、戈特弗里德•施瓦布纪念雕塑(1905年)、凉棚与花园(1914年)、“天鹅殿”凉亭(1914年)、恩斯特•路德维希喷泉,以及为达姆施塔特艺术家村和国际展览而建造的13处艺术家住宅与工作室。第二部分是为1904年展览建造的、由3部分组成的建筑群

Source UNESCO WH website

  • 1614-001 Exhibition grounds 1901, 1908, 1914
  • 1614-002 Exhibition grounds 1904

Courtesy of Cassiopheia from Postcrossing Forum

Third Exhibition (Hesse regional exhibition) 1908
Wedding Tower (left) and Russian Chapel in Darmstadt (right)

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