Tuesday 10 November 2009

1084 GB - Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (2003)

Brief Description
"This historic landscape garden features elements that illustrate significant periods of the art of gardens from the 18th to the 20th centuries. The gardens house botanic collections (conserved plants, living plants and documents) that have been considerably enriched through the centuries. Since their creation in 1759, the gardens have made a significant and uninterrupted contribution to the study of plant diversity and economic botany."


Source UNESCO WH website http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/1084

Palm House
Palm House

Temperate House
The Japanese Gateway (Chokushi-Mon)
Princess of Wales conservatory
Great Pagoda
Sackler Crossing bridge
Bluebell field


  1. In fact, the seed bank is not a UNESCO site as the location is not in Richmond, Surrey, which is not a MC as well.

  2. interesting, the problem with official MC. Thanks for the info. I really have to do more research. Please do more proof check for my blog. I will update this one.
