Brief Description
"The Late Roman fortified palace compound and memorial complex of Gamzigrad-Romuliana, Palace of Galerius, in the east of Serbia, was commissioned by Emperor Caius Valerius Galerius Maximianus, in the late 3rd and early 4th centuries. It was known as Felix Romuliana, named after the emperor’s mother. The site consists of fortifications, the palace in the north-western part of the complex, basilicas, temples, hot baths, memorial complex, and a tetrapylon. The group of buildings is also unique in its intertwining of ceremonial and memorial functions."
"贾姆济格勒-罗慕利亚纳的加莱里乌斯宫位于塞尔维亚东部,建于3世纪末至4世纪初的罗马帝国末期,是皇帝加莱里乌斯下令修 建的。这座堡垒式宫殿以皇太后菲利克斯•罗慕利亚纳的名字命名,包括城堡、位于建筑群西北部的宫殿、教堂、修道院、浴室、礼拜堂和一座凯旋门。这处遗产是 罗马传统建筑的典型代表,同时带有第二次四君主制时期的思想烙印。这处建筑群的独特之处,还在于将举行仪式和纪念活动的功能集于一身。整个建筑群分为两大 部分,中间以凯旋门相连。巨大的拱门横跨道路,一侧是堡垒和宫殿。另一侧是墓地和纪念碑。"
Source UNESCO WH website

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