Brief Description
"The Mehmed Paša Sokolović Bridge of Višegrad across the Drina River in the east of Bosnia and Herzegovina was built at the end of the 16th century by the court architect Mimar Koca Sinan on the orders of Grand Vizier Mehmed Paša Sokolović. Characteristic of the apogee of Ottoman monumental architecture and civil engineering, the bridge has 11 masonry arches with spans of 11 m to 15 m, and an access ramp at right angles with four arches on the left bank of the river. The 179.5 m long bridge is a representative masterpiece of Sinan, one of the greatest architects and engineers of the classical Ottoman period and a contemporary of the Italian Renaissance, with which his work may be compared. The unique elegance of proportion and monumental nobility of the whole site bear witness to the greatness of this style of architecture."
"迈赫迈德·巴什·索科罗维奇的古桥横跨于波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那东部的德里那河(Drina River)上,建于16世纪末,由宮廷建筑师思南(Sinan)在土耳其帝国的首相迈赫迈德·巴什·索科罗维奇(Mehmed Paša Sokolović)的命令下所建造。这是土耳其帝国纪念性建筑和土木工程的巅峰之作。大桥共有11个石拱,每个石拱跨度11至15米,右侧的入口斜坡有 四个拱门,位于德里那河左岸,桥身长179.50米。它是土耳其和意大利文艺复兴时期最伟大的建筑师和工程师之一米玛尔·科卡·思南(Mimar Koca Sinan)的代表性杰作。这处遗产比例结构优美,气势宏伟壮观,见证了此类建筑风格的独特魅力。"
Source UNESCO WH website

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