Saturday 31 August 2024

39 TZ - Ngorongoro Conservation Area (1979)

The Ngorongoro Conservation Area spans vast expanses of highland plains, savanna, savanna woodlands and forests. Established in 1959 as a multiple land use area, with wildlife coexisting with semi-nomadic Maasai pastoralists practicing traditional livestock grazing, it includes the spectacular Ngorongoro Crater, the world’s largest caldera. The property has global importance for biodiversity conservation due to the presence of globally threatened species, the density of wildlife inhabiting the area, and the annual migration of wildebeest, zebra, gazelles and other animals into the northern plains. Extensive archaeological research has also yielded a long sequence of evidence of human evolution and human-environment dynamics, including early hominid footprints dating back 3.6 million years.



Source UNESCO WH website

 Common Zebras at Ngorongoro Crater, Conservation Area

1107 IL - Incense Route - Desert Cities in the Negev (2005)

Incense Route - Desert Cities in the Negev

The four Nabatean towns of Haluza, Mamshit, Avdat and Shivta, along with associated fortresses and agricultural landscapes in the Negev Desert, are spread along routes linking them to the Mediterranean end of the incense and spice route. Together they reflect the hugely profitable trade in frankincense and myrrh from south Arabia to the Mediterranean, which flourished from the 3rd century BC until the 2nd century AD. With the vestiges of their sophisticated irrigation systems, urban constructions, forts and caravanserai, they bear witness to the way in which the harsh desert was settled for trade and agriculture.



Source UNESCO WH website

  • 1107-001 The route, including Avdat
  • 1107-002 Haluza
  • 1107-003 Mamshit
  • 1107-004 Shivta

1635 FR - Nice, Winter Resort Town of the Riviera (2021)

 Nice, located on the Mediterranean, at the foot of the Alps, near the Italian border, in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region, reflects the development of a city devoted to winter tourism, making the most of its mild climate and its coastal situation, between sea and mountains. From the mid-18th century, the site attracted growing numbers of aristocratic and upper-class families, mainly British, who developed the habit of spending their winters there. In 1832, Nice, then part of the Kingdom of Sardinia, set up the “Consiglio d’Ornato” which drew up a city planning scheme and architectural requirements designed to make the city attractive to foreigners. Thus, the “Camin dei Ingles”, a modest path which had been created along the coastline by British winter visitors in 1824, subsequently became the prestigious Promenade des Anglais. After the city was ceded to France in 1860, and thanks to its connection to the European rail network, an increasing number of winter visitors from all countries flocked to the city. This led to successive phases of development of new districts beyond the medieval old town. The diverse cultural influences of the winter visitors and the desire to make the most of the weather conditions and the coastal landscape have shaped the urban development and eclectic architectural styles of these districts, contributing to Nice’s reputation as a cosmopolitan winter resort.



Source UNESCO WH website

Nice stamp with matching postmark

Thursday 29 August 2024

184 LY - Archaeological Site of Sabratha (1982)

 Archaeological Site of Sabratha

A Phoenician trading-post that served as an outlet for the products of the African hinterland, Sabratha was part of the short-lived Numidian Kingdom of Massinissa before being Romanized and rebuilt in the 2nd and 3rd centuries A.D.



Source UNESCO WH website

LIBYA Sabratha. Theatre

Wednesday 28 August 2024

1633 GB - The Slate Landscape of Northwest Wales (2021)

The Slate Landscape of Northwest Wales illustrates the transformation that industrial slate quarrying and mining brought about in the traditional rural environment of the mountains and valleys of the Snowdon massif. The territory, extending from mountain-top to sea-coast, presented opportunities and constraints that were used and challenged by the large-scale industrial processes undertaken by landowners and capital investors, which reshaped the agricultural landscape into an industrial centre for slate production during the Industrial Revolution (1780-1914). The serial property comprises six components each encompassing relict quarries and mines, archaeological sites related to slate industrial processing, historical settlements, both living and relict, historic gardens and grand country houses, ports, harbours and quays, and railway and road systems illustrating the functional and social linkages of the relict slate industrial landscape. The property was internationally significant not only for the export of slates, but also for the export of technology and skilled workers from the 1780s to the early 20th century. It played a leading role in the field and constituted a model for other slate quarries in different parts of the world. It offers an important and remarkable example of interchange of materials, technology and human values. 



Source UNESCO WH website

  • 1633-001 Penrhyn Slate Quarry and Bethesda, and the Ogwen valley to Port Penrhyn
  • 1633-002 Dinorwig Slate Quarry Mountain Landscape
  • 1633-003 Nantlle Valley Slate Quarry Landscape
  • 1633-004 Gorseddau and Prince of Wales Slate Quarries, Railways and Mill
  • 1633-005 Ffestiniog: its Slate Mines and Quarries, ‘city of slates’ and Railway to Porthmadog
  • 1633-006 Bryneglwys Slate Quarry, Abergynolwyn Village and the Talyllyn Railway

1633-002 Dinorwig Slate Quarry Mountain Landscape
Special Postmark from Caernarfone

1633-005 Ffestiniog: its Slate Mines and Quarries

829 IT - Archaeological Areas of Pompei, Herculaneum and Torre Annunziata (1997)

Brief Description

"When Vesuvius erupted on 24 August AD 79, it engulfed the two flourishing Roman towns of Pompei and Herculaneum, as well as the many wealthy villas in the area. These have been progressively excavated and made accessible to the public since the mid-18th century. The vast expanse of the commercial town of Pompei contrasts with the smaller but better-preserved remains of the holiday resort of Herculaneum, while the superb wall paintings of the Villa Oplontis at Torre Annunziata give a vivid impression of the opulent lifestyle enjoyed by the wealthier citizens of the Early Roman Empire."

"公元79年8月24日维苏威火山的爆发,吞没了两个繁盛的罗马城市:庞培和赫库兰尼姆以及那个地区的许多富家别墅。从18 世纪中叶始,被掩埋的一切都逐渐挖掘出来并向公众公开开放。庞培商业城的广阔,与规模不大却保存完好的赫库兰尼姆假日胜地相得益彰,而托雷安农齐亚塔的奥 普隆蒂斯别墅的壮丽壁画,呈现给我们一幅早期罗马帝国富裕的市民生活方式的生动画面。"

Source UNESCO WH website
829-001 Pompeii
829-002 Villa dei Misteri (Pompei)
829-003 Herculaneum
829-004 Villa dei Papiri (Herculaneum)
829-005 Theatre of Herculaneum
829-006 Torre Annunziata: Villa A
829-007 Torre Annunziata: Villa B

829-001 Pompeii

Courtesy of MoxisPilot from postcrossing forum
Courtesy of enzonix from postcrossing
829-002 Villa dei Misteri (Pompei) Dionysius & Arianna

829-003 Herculaneum

829-003 Herculaneum
829-006 Torre Annunziata - Scavi di Oplonti - La Villa di Poppea
829-006 Torre Annunziata - Scavi di Oplonti - La Villa di Poppea

1708 IT - Via Appia. Regina Viarum (2024)

More than 800 kilometres long, the Via Appia is the oldest and most important of the great roads built by the Ancient Romans. Constructed and developed from 312 BCE to the 4th century CE, it was originally conceived as a strategic road for military conquest, advancing towards the East and Asia Minor. The Via Appia later enabled the cities it connected to grow and new settlements emerged, facilitating agricultural production and trade. This property, composed of 22 component parts, is a fully developed ensemble of engineering works, illustrating the advanced technical skill of Roman engineers in the construction of roads, civil engineering projects, infrastructure and sweeping land reclamation works, as well as a vast series of monumental structures including, for example, triumphal arches, baths, amphitheatres and basilicas, aqueducts, canals, bridges, and public fountains.


阿庇亚道(Via Appia)全长800多公里,是古罗马人修筑的最古老、最重要的大道。工程始于公元前312年,最初目的是作为军事征服的战略要道,向东方和小亚细亚延伸。直至公元4世纪,它不断得到完善和扩展。后来,阿庇亚道的存在使其连接的城市不断发展壮大,新的居住区涌现,从而促进了农业生产和贸易。该遗产包含22个部分,组成完整的工程建筑群,展现了罗马工程师在道路建设、土木工程项目、基础设施、大规模土地开垦方面的高超技术,以及在建造凯旋门、浴场、圆形剧场和大教堂、渡槽、运河、桥梁、公共喷泉等大型建筑上的精湛技艺。

Source UNESCO WH website

Roma. Via Appla Antica

1028 GB - Saltaire (2001)

Brief Description

Saltaire, West Yorkshire, is a complete and well-preserved industrial village of the second half of the 19th century. Its textile mills, public buildings and workers' housing are built in a harmonious style of high architectural standards and the urban plan survives intact, giving a vivid impression of Victorian philanthropic paternalism.

Source UNESCO WH website
Courtesy of gran7 from postcrossing forum

United Reformed Church. Saltaire

GR5860 - Minoan Palatial Centres (Knossos, Phaistos, Malia, Zakros, Kydonia) (2014)

The Minoan palatial centres are the main witnesses to the Minoan civilisation, that of a great Bronze Age maritime power which exercised an enormous influence on cultures - both contemporary and later - of the East Mediterranean.

They highlight an early form of complex urban society, with marvellous buildings, a groundbreaking water and drainage system, masterpieces of art and early writing systems (“Cretan Hieroglyphic” and Linear A, which have not yet been deciphered).

Through the Minoan palaces arose the first organised form of exercising foreign policy through diplomacy in the Aegean, leading to the development of relationships with other civilisations of the East Mediterranean, such as those of Egypt and Syro-Palestine, a fact proven beyond doubt by the archaeological finds.

The myths connected to the Minoan palaces (the Minotaur and the Labyrinth, Daedalus and Icarus, Theseus and Ariadne, etc.) exercised a great influence on mythology and the arts throughout the ancient world and remain a source of inspiration for world art, music and literature today.

Knossos Palace The Great Limestone Sacral Horns Nr South Entrance Crete

FR224 - Sites mégalithiques de Carnac (1996)

The remains of megalithic civilizations (-5000 -2000) are scattered in the Department of Morbidhan and in the commune of Carnac. On the latter, there is a unique complex composed of three alignments, one of which (Le Ménec) presents an original composition consisting of its two enclosures and its rows of aligned menhirs. The complex composed of 4000 menhirs stretching over nearly 4 kilometers and 40 hectares is completed by a covered alley, a cromlech of isolated menhirs to the North and a very large tumulus to the South, a typical monument representative of Carnacean-type tumulus (125m x 60m x 12m high) and a corridor dolmen.

Carnac (Morbihan). Les Allgnements Du Menec. Brittany France

1657 FR - Volcanoes and Forests of Mount Pelée and the Pitons of Northern Martinique (2023)

The global significance of Mount Pelée and Pitons du Carbet is based on its representation of volcanic processes and forest types. The 1902 eruption is considered the deadliest volcanic event of the 20th century, and a worldwide reference for the history of volcanology. All the forest types and the diversity of endemic plants of the Lesser Antilles are represented in the serial property, within forest continuums ranging from the seashore to the volcanic summits. The property is home to globally threatened species such as the Martinique Volcano Frog (Allobates chalcopis) and the Martinique Oriole (Icterus bonana), two strict endemics. 


培雷火山和卡尔贝山脉因其火山地貌、喷发物和形成过程而具有全球意义。1902-1905年的火山喷发被视为火山学史上的重要事件,对圣皮埃尔市造成严重影响,酿成众多人丧生的悲剧,有关记忆也成为马提尼克文化的一部分。这一系列遗产是多个全球受威胁物种的家园,例如马提尼克火山蛙(Allobates chalcopis)、拉塞佩德地蛇(Erythrolamprus cursor)和当地特有的马提拟鹂(Icterus bonana)。

Source UNESCO WH website

Mount Pelée (View from village Le Morne Rouge)

1457 TR - Pergamon and its Multi-Layered Cultural Landscape (2014)

Pergamon and its Multi-Layered Cultural Landscape

This site rises high above the Bakirçay Plain in Turkey’s Aegean region. The acropolis of Pergamon was the capital of the Hellenistic Attalid dynasty, a major centre of learning in the ancient world. Monumental temples, theatres, stoa or porticoes, gymnasium, altar and library were set into the sloping terrain surrounded by an extensive city wall. The rock-cut Kybele Sanctuary lies to the north-west on another hill visually linked to the acropolis. Later the city became capital of the Roman province of Asia known for its Asclepieion healing centre. The acropolis crowns a landscape containing burial mounds and remains of the Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman empires in and around the modern town of Bergama on the lower slopes.

Source UNESCO WH website

Theater of Acropolis Pergamon
Temple of Trajan
Nicea figirine (Temple of Dionysos)

190 LY - Archaeological Site of Cyrene (1982)

 Archaeological Site of Cyrene A colony of the Greeks of Thera, Cyrene was one of the principal cities in the Hellenic world. It was Romanized and remained a great capital until the earthquake of 365. A thousand years of history is written into its ruins, which have been famous since the 18th century.



Source UNESCO WH website

Cyrene. Temple Of Apollo

1565 PS - Hebron/Al-Khalil Old Town (2017)

 Hebron/Al-Khalil Old Town

The use of a local limestone shaped the construction of the old town of Hebron/Al-Khalil during the Mamluk period between 1250 and 1517. The centre of interest of the town was the site of Al-Ibrahimi Mosque/The tomb of the Patriarchs whose buildings are in a compound built in the 1st century AD to protect the tombs of the patriarch Abraham/Ibrahim and his family. This place became a site of pilgrimage for the three monotheistic religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The town was sited at the crossroads of trade routes for caravans travelling between southern Palestine, Sinai, Eastern Jordan and the north of the Arabian Peninsula. Although the subsequent Ottoman Period (1517-1917) heralded an extension of the town to the surrounding areas and brought numerous architectural additions, particularly the raising of the roof level of houses to provide more upper stories, the overall Mamluk morphology of the town is seen to have persisted with its hierarchy of areas, quarters based on ethnic, religious or professional groupings, and houses with groups of rooms organized according to a tree-shaped system.

Source UNESCO WH website

1396 MY - Archaeological Heritage of the Lenggong Valley (2012)

Archaeological Heritage of the Lenggong Valley

Situated in the lush Lenggong Valley, the property includes four archaeological sites in two clusters which span close to 2 million years, one of the longest records of early man in a single locality, and the oldest outside the African continent. It features open-air and cave sites with Palaeolithic tool workshops, evidence of early technology. The number of sites found in the relatively contained area suggests the presence of a fairly large, semi-sedentary population with cultural remains from the Palaeolithic, Neolithic and Metal ages.

Source UNESCO WH website

Courtesy of dieya from Postcrossing Forum

Thursday 22 August 2024

1014 MY - The Archaeological Heritage of Niah National Park’s Caves Complex (2024)

 The Archaeological Heritage of Niah National Park’s Caves Complex

This complex of colossal, interconnected caverns is located near the west coast of Borneo Island at the centre of Niah National Park.  It contains the longest known records of human interaction with rainforest, spanning at least 50,000 years, from the Pleistocene to the Mid-Holocene periods. The rich archaeological deposits, prehistoric rock paintings and boat-shaped burials found at the northern edge of the massif illustrate biological and human life during this time, and contribute greatly to the knowledge of human development, adaptation and migration in southeast Asia, as well as in a global context. Local communities still observe an ancient tradition of molong – ‘take only what you need’— when harvesting guano and valuable edible bird’s nests from the caves.



Source UNESCO WH website

Courtesy of SLLiew from Postcrossing Forum

1667 KH - Koh Ker: Archaeological Site of Ancient Lingapura or Chok Gargyar (2023)

 Koh Ker: Archaeological Site of Ancient Lingapura or Chok Gargyar

The archaeological site of Koh Ker is a sacred urban ensemble of numerous temples and sanctuaries including sculptures, inscriptions, wall paintings, and archaeological remains. Constructed over a twenty-three-year period, it was one of two rival Khmer Empire capitals – the other being Angkor – and was the sole capital from 928 to 944 CE. Established by King Jayavarman IV, his sacred city was believed to be laid out on the basis of ancient Indian religious concepts of the universe. The new city demonstrated unconventional city planning, artistic expression and construction technology, especially the use of very large monolithic stone blocks.



Source UNESCO WH website

Courtesy of SLLiew from Postcrossing Forum

Wednesday 21 August 2024

1683 NL - Eisinga Planetarium in Franeker (2023)

 Eisinga Planetarium in Franeker

Built between 1774 and 1781, this property is a moving mechanical scale model of the solar system as it was known at the time. Conceived and built by an ordinary citizen – the wool manufacturer Eise Eisinga – the model is built into the ceiling and south wall of the former living room/bedroom of its creator. Powered by one single pendulum clock, it provides a realistic image of the positions of the Sun, the Moon, the Earth and five other planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn). The planets revolve around the Sun in real time and the distance between the planets is at scale. The model fills the entire ceiling of the room, making it one of the earliest predecessors of the ceiling and projection planetariums of the 20th and 21st centuries.


天文馆建于1774-1781年间,是基于当时对太阳系的认知建造的动态机械比例模型。构思和建造都由普通市民、羊毛织造商艾辛哈(Eise Eisinga)完成,模型建于他的原起居室/卧室的天花板和南墙。它由单一摆钟驱动,力求真实还原太阳、月亮、地球和其他5颗行星(水星、金星、火星、木星、土星)的位置。这些行星围绕太阳实时运转,行星之间的距离也按比例变化。模型占满了房间的整个天花板,使其成为20和21世纪天花板及投影天文馆的雏形之一。

Source UNESCO WH website

Courtesy of Xiaoi from Postcrossing Forum

1471 IL - Necropolis of Bet She’arim: A Landmark of Jewish Renewal (2015)

 Necropolis of Bet She’arim: A Landmark of Jewish Renewal

Consisting of a series of catacombs, the necropolis developed from the 2nd century AD as the primary Jewish burial place outside Jerusalem following the failure of the second Jewish revolt against Roman rule. Located southeast of the city of Haifa, these catacombs are a treasury of artworks and inscriptions in Greek, Aramaic, Hebrew and Palmyrene. Bet She’arim bears unique testimony to ancient Judaism under the leadership of Rabbi Judah the Patriarch, who is credited with Jewish renewal after 135 AD.



Source UNESCO WH website

Courtesy of Xiaoi from Postcrossing Forum

Tuesday 20 August 2024

CN1509 Hubei Shennongjia available for swap

CN1509-01 Hubei Shennongjia (0 available) 

21/01/20 1 postcard on its way to prashanth (received) in exchange for India UNESCO  Great Himalayan NP (Completed)
12/05/20 1 postcard on its way to (TAG) verooro in exchange (TAG) claire2107 for Windmere (received)
20/09/2020 1 postcard on its way to ogait (Received) in exchange for Portugal - Central Zone of the Town of Angra do Heroismo in the Azores (Completed)

CN1509-B1 Hubei Shennongjia (0 available)

02/09/2024 1 postcard on its way to julie7745 in exchange for Fortified city of Bergamo (received)

CN1509-B2 Hubei Shennongjia (0 available) 

30/08/2024 1 postcard on its way to sebiusz in exchange for 1424-010 Radruż-Tserkva of Saint Paraskeva

CN1509-B2 Hubei Shennongjia (1 available) 

CN1509-B4 Hubei Shennongjia (1 available) 

Monday 19 August 2024

811 CN - Old Town of Lijiang (1997)

Brief Description

"The Old Town of Lijiang, which is perfectly adapted to the uneven topography of this key commercial and strategic site, has retained a historic townscape of high quality and authenticity. Its architecture is noteworthy for the blending of elements from several cultures that have come together over many centuries. Lijiang also possesses an ancient water-supply system of great complexity and ingenuity that still functions effectively today."


Source UNESCO WH website
811-001     Dayan Old Town 
811-002     Heilongtan Pool
811-003     Baisha Village 
811-004     Shuhe Town 

Courtesy of sunshinesmile from postcrossing forum


