Wednesday 28 August 2024

1708 IT - Via Appia. Regina Viarum (2024)

More than 800 kilometres long, the Via Appia is the oldest and most important of the great roads built by the Ancient Romans. Constructed and developed from 312 BCE to the 4th century CE, it was originally conceived as a strategic road for military conquest, advancing towards the East and Asia Minor. The Via Appia later enabled the cities it connected to grow and new settlements emerged, facilitating agricultural production and trade. This property, composed of 22 component parts, is a fully developed ensemble of engineering works, illustrating the advanced technical skill of Roman engineers in the construction of roads, civil engineering projects, infrastructure and sweeping land reclamation works, as well as a vast series of monumental structures including, for example, triumphal arches, baths, amphitheatres and basilicas, aqueducts, canals, bridges, and public fountains.


阿庇亚道(Via Appia)全长800多公里,是古罗马人修筑的最古老、最重要的大道。工程始于公元前312年,最初目的是作为军事征服的战略要道,向东方和小亚细亚延伸。直至公元4世纪,它不断得到完善和扩展。后来,阿庇亚道的存在使其连接的城市不断发展壮大,新的居住区涌现,从而促进了农业生产和贸易。该遗产包含22个部分,组成完整的工程建筑群,展现了罗马工程师在道路建设、土木工程项目、基础设施、大规模土地开垦方面的高超技术,以及在建造凯旋门、浴场、圆形剧场和大教堂、渡槽、运河、桥梁、公共喷泉等大型建筑上的精湛技艺。

Source UNESCO WH website

Roma. Via Appla Antica

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