Saturday 3 August 2024

1647 IR - Cultural Landscape of Hawraman/Uramanat (2021)

 The remote and mountainous landscape of Hawraman/Uramanat bears testimony to the traditional culture of the Hawrami people, an agropastoral Kurdish tribe that has inhabited the region since about 3000 BCE. The property, at the heart of the Zagros Mountains in the provinces of Kurdistan and Kermanshah along the western border of Iran, encompasses two components: the Central-Eastern Valley (Zhaverud and Takht, in Kurdistan Province); and the Western Valley (Lahun, in Kermanshah Province). The mode of human habitation in these two valleys has been adapted over millennia to the rough mountainous environment. Tiered steep-slope planning and architecture, gardening on dry-stone terraces, livestock breeding, and seasonal vertical migration are among the distinctive features of the local culture and life of the semi-nomadic Hawrami people who dwell in lowlands and highlands during different seasons of each year. Their uninterrupted presence in the landscape, which is also characterized by exceptional biodiversity and endemism, is evidenced by stone tools, caves and rock shelters, mounds, remnants of permanent and temporary settlement sites, and workshops, cemeteries, roads, villages, castles, and more. The 12 villages included in the property illustrate the Hawrami people’s evolving responses to the scarcity of productive land in their mountainous environment through the millennia. 


处在偏远山区的豪拉曼/乌拉玛纳特景观展现了豪拉曼人的传统文化,这个库尔德农牧部落自公元前3000年以来一直居住在这里。该遗产地位于伊朗西部边陲库尔德斯坦省和克尔曼沙赫省的扎格罗斯山脉腹地,由两部分组成:库尔德斯坦省的山谷中东部(扎韦鲁德和塔赫特)和克尔曼沙赫省的山谷西部 (拉洪)。这里的居民几千年来生活在恶劣的山地环境中,居住方式逐渐与之相适应。半游牧的豪拉曼人随着季节变化在高低和低地之间迁移,梯级陡坡上的规划和建筑、干石梯田上的种植、牲畜养殖和季节性垂直迁徙是当地文化和生活的显著特征。石器、洞穴与岩居、土丘、永久和临时定居点的遗迹、作坊、墓地、古道、村庄、堡垒等等证明了他们从未间断地生活在这片极具生物多样性和地域特性的地区。遗产地中包括的12个村庄体现了豪拉曼人数千年来因应山区生产用地稀缺而采取的措施。

Source UNESCO WH website

1647-001 Central-Eastern Valley

1647-002 Western Valley

Courtesy of hidalgo from Postcrossing Forum

1647-001 Central-Eastern Valley - Uraman Takht

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