Thursday 1 August 2024

1625 FR - Cordouan Lighthouse (2021)

The Lighthouse of Cordouan rises up on a shallow rocky plateau in the Atlantic Ocean at the mouth of the Gironde estuary in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region, in a highly exposed and hostile environment. Built in white limestone dressed blocks at the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries, it was designed by engineer Louis de Foix and remodelled by engineer Joseph Teulère in the late 18th century. A masterpiece of maritime signalling, Cordouan’s monumental tower is decorated with pilasters, columns modillions and gargoyles. It embodies the great stages of the architectural and technological history of lighthouses and was built with the ambition of continuing the tradition of famous beacons of antiquity, illustrating the art of building lighthouses in a period of renewed navigation, when beacons played an important role as territorial markers and as instruments of safety. Finally, the increase of its height, in the late 18th century, and the changes to its light chamber, attest to the progress of science and technology of the period. Its architectural forms drew inspiration from ancient models, Renaissance Mannerism and the specific architectural language of France’s engineering school École des Ponts et Chaussées 

 科尔杜昂灯塔耸立在大西洋中吉伦特河口的一块礁石平台上,其所处环境高度暴露且十分恶劣。灯塔于16和17世纪之交以白色石灰石砌成,由工程师德福瓦(Louis de Foix)设计。在18世纪末,工程师特莱尔(Joseph Teulère)主持了改造工作。灯塔塔身饰有壁柱、立柱托饰和滴水嘴,是海事通信的杰作。它体现了灯塔建筑和技术史上的伟大阶段。建造者意欲延续古代著名灯塔的传统,在灯塔作为重要领土标志和安全工具的新航海时期展示灯塔建筑艺术。18世纪末灯塔加高和照明设备的更换展示了这一时期科学技术的进步。其建筑形式借鉴了古代范式、文艺复兴时期的风格主义,以及路桥学院特定的建筑语言。 

 Source UNESCO WH website 

 Courtesy of martinha from Postcrossing Forum

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