Friday 11 February 2011

1305 CN - Historic Monuments of Dengfeng in “The Centre of Heaven and Earth” (2010)

Brief Description

"Mount Songshang is considered to be the central sacred mountain of China. At the foot of this 1500 metre high mountain, close to the city of Dengfeng in Henan province and spread over a 40 square-kilometre circle, stand eight clusters of buildings and sites, including three Han Que gates - remains of the oldest religious edifices in China -, temples, the Zhougong Sundial Platform and the Dengfeng Observatory. Constructed over the course of nine dynasties, these buildings are reflections of different ways of perceiving the centre of heaven and earth and the power of the mountain as a centre for religious devotion. The historical monuments of Dengfeng include some of the best examples of ancient Chinese buildings devoted to ritual, science, technology and education."

登封 “天地之中”历史古迹
"位于中国河南省的嵩山,被认为是具有神圣意义的中岳。在海拔1500米的嵩山脚下,距河南省登封市不远,有8 座占地共40平方公里的建筑群,其中包括三座汉代古阙,以及中国最古老的道教建筑遗址——中岳庙、周公测景台与登封观星台等等。这些建筑物历经九个朝代修 建而成,它们不仅以不同的方式展示了天地之中的概念,还体现了嵩山作为虔诚的宗教中心的力量。登封历史建筑群是古代建筑中用于祭祀、科学、技术及教育活动 的最佳典范之一。"

Source UNESCO WH website

1305-001 太室阙、中岳庙 Taishi Que Gates, Zhongyue Temple
1305-002 少室阙 Shaoshi Que Gates
1305-003 启母阙 Qimu Que Gates
1305-004 嵩岳寺塔 Songye Temple Pagoda
1305-005 少林寺建筑群(常住院、塔林、初祖庵)Architectural Complex of Shaolin Temple (Kernel Compound, Pagoda Forest,Chuzu Temple)

1305-006 会善寺 Huishan Temple
1305-007 嵩阳书院 Songyang Academy of Classical Learning
1305-008 周公测景台、观星台 The Zhougong Sundial Platform,The Dengfeng Observatory

1305-001 中岳庙 Zhongyue Temple

1305-004 嵩岳寺塔 Songye Temple Pagoda

1305-005 少林寺建筑群(常住院)少林寺山门
Architectural Complex of Shaolin Temple (Kernel Compound)

千佛殿 壁画
方丈院 达摩一苇渡江图
白衣殿 北壁 少林寺武僧徒手演武
白衣殿 东壁北端 十三和尚救唐王
1305-005 少林寺建筑群(初祖庵) Chuzu Temple
1305-005 少林寺建筑群(塔林)Architectural Complex of Shaolin Temple (Pagoda Forest)

达摩洞 远眺

1305-007 嵩阳书院 Songyang Academy of Classical Learning

1305-008 周公观星台 The Dengfeng Observatory

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