Sunday 16 December 2012

1209 MX - Agave Landscape and Ancient Industrial Facilities of Tequila (2006)

Brief Description

"The 34,658 ha site, between the foothills of the Tequila Volcano and the deep valley of the Rio Grande River, is part of an expansive landscape of blue agave, shaped by the culture of the plant used since the 16th century to produce tequila spirit and for at least 2,000 years to make fermented drinks and cloth. Within the landscape are working distilleries reflecting the growth in the international consumption of tequila in the 19th and 20th centuries. Today, the agave culture is seen as part of national identity. The area encloses a living, working landscape of blue agave fields and the urban settlements of Tequila, Arenal, and Amatitan with large distilleries where the agave ‘pineapple' is fermented and distilled. The property is also a testimony to the Teuchitlan cultures which shaped the Tequila area from AD 200-900, notably through the creation of terraces for agriculture, housing, temples, ceremonial mounds and ball courts."

"在特基拉火山脚和格兰德河河谷间有一个面积34 658公顷的遗址,它是广袤的蓝色龙舌兰生长地的一部分。这里因龙舌兰的种植而发生改变。自16世纪以来,人们就用这种植物生产龙舌兰酒。在过去的两千多 年里,人们用它酿造各种饮料,并用来织布。该景观内有很多酿酒厂仍在生产,反映了19世纪和20世纪全世界龙舌兰酒消费量上升的趋势。现在种植龙舌兰已经 成为墨西哥不可缺少的一部分。该遗址拥有一大片生机盎然的龙舌兰种植地,同时也是特基拉、阿雷纳和阿玛提坦城的城市聚落。很多大型酿酒厂在这里酿制和提取 龙舌兰“菠萝”。列入《名录》的遗产包括龙舌兰种植地、酿酒厂、工厂(包括仍然开展生产的和已经停产的)、酒坊(西班牙统治时期的非法酿酒厂)、小镇和塔 木西兰 考古遗址。遗产中还有很多农庄,即不动产,有些可以追溯到18世纪。工厂和农庄都是石砖和土砖结构,墙上涂有赭色石灰,建筑内有石拱、榫子和窗上装饰物, 以及设计整齐的新古典主义风格或巴洛克风格的装饰品。这些建筑反映了前西班牙统治时期酿制龙舌兰酒的传统与欧洲提取工艺的融合,以及当地技术与从欧洲和美 国引进的技术的融合。该遗产还包括见证塔栖兰文化的考古遗址。从公元200年到900年,特基拉地区就因塔栖兰文化的影响而发生了改变,主要表现在修造梯 田以促进农业发展,建造房屋、庙宇和用于纪念仪式的土墩及球场。 "

Source UNESCO WH website

Courtesy of SLLiew from postcrossing forum

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