Sunday 28 October 2012

1137 LT - Kernavė Archaeological Site (2004)

Brief Description

"The Kernavė Archaeological site, about 35 km north-west of Vilnius in eastern Lithuania, represents an exceptional testimony to some 10 millennia of human settlements in this region. Situated in the valley of the River Neris, the site is a complex ensemble of archaeological properties, encompassing the town of Kernavė, forts, some unfortified settlements, burial sites and other archaeological, historical and cultural monuments from the late Palaeolithic Period to the Middle Ages. The site of 194,4 ha has preserved the traces of ancient land-use, as well as remains of five impressive hill forts, part of an exceptionally large defence system. Kernavė was an important feudal town in the Middle Ages. The town was destroyed by the Teutonic Order in the late 14th century, however the site remained in use until modern times."

"克拿维考古遗址位于立陶宛东部,在维 尔纽斯西北约35公里处,是该地区人类居住约10 000年历史的特别例证。遗址群坐落在涅里斯河谷地,包括克拿维城、堡垒、一些未设防的居住地、墓地和从旧石器时代晚期到中世纪时其他的考古、历史和文化 遗迹。该遗址面积为194.4公顷,保留有古代土地使用的遗迹,还有五个山上堡垒(大型防御系统的一部分)的残留部分。克拿维是中世纪一个重要的封建城 镇。 虽然该城在14世纪晚期受到条顿骑士团规约的破坏,但是直到现代还在继续使用中。"
Source UNESCO WH website
Courtesy of kosmonautas from postcrossing

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