"The site encompasses a series of twenty three component parts, mainly located in the southwest of Japan. It bears testimony to the rapid industrialization of the country from the middle of the 19
th century to the early 20
th century, through the development of the iron and steel industry, shipbuilding and coal mining. The site illustrates the process by which feudal Japan sought technology transfer from Europe and America from the middle of the 19
th century and how this technology was adapted to the country’s needs and social traditions. The site testifies to what is considered to be the first successful transfer of Western industrialization to a non-Western nation."
Source UNESCO WH website
Hagi Proto-industrial Heritage
1484-001 Hagi Reverbatory Furnace (萩反射炉 Hagi hansharo)
1484-002 Ebisugahana shipyard (恵美須ヶ鼻造船所跡 Ebisugahana zōsensho ato)
1484-003 Ohitayama Tatara Iron Works (大板山たたら製鉄遺跡 Ōitayama tatara seitetsui ato)
1484-004 Hagi castle town (萩城下町 Hagi jōkamachi)
(The Ruins of Hagi Castle, Hagi jōkamachi, Gofukumachi)
1484-005 Shōkasonjuku Academy (松下村塾 Shōkason juku)
1484-006 Former Shūseikan (旧集成館 kyū Shūseikan)
- 旧集成館反射炉跡
- 旧集成館機械工場
- 旧鹿児島紡績所技師館
1484-007 Terayama Charcoal Kiln (寺山炭窯跡)
1484-008 Shuseikan / Sekiyoshi Sluice gate of Yoshino leat (関吉の疎水溝)
1484-009 Niirayama reverberatory furnace (韮山反射炉 Niirayama hansharo)
1484-010 Hashino iron mining and smelting site (橋野鉄鉱山および関連施設 Hashino tetsu kōzan oyobi kanren shisetsu
1484-011 Mietsu naval facility site (三重津海軍所跡 Mietsu kaigunsho ato)
Nagasaki Shipyard
1484-012 Kosuge Slip Dock (小菅修船場跡 Kosuge shūsenba ato)
1484-013 Mitsubishi No.3 Dry Dock (長崎造船所関連施設 Nagasaki zōsenjo kanren shisetsu)
1484-014 Mitsubishi Senshokaku Guest House (占勝閣)
1484-015 Mitsubishi Giant Cantilever Crane (ジャイアント・カンチレバークレーン)
1484-016 Mitsubishi Former Pattern Shop (旧木型場)
Takashima Coal Mine
1484-017 Takashima Coal Mine (高島炭坑) including 北渓井坑跡 Hokkei seikō ato
1484-018 Hashima coal mine (端島炭坑 Hashima tankō)
1484-019 Former Glover House (旧グラバー住宅 kyū Gulabā jūtaku)
Miike Coal Mine and Miike Port
1484-020 Miike port and coal mine industrial railway (三池港・三池炭鉱専用鉄道 Miikekō ・Miike tankō senyō tetsudō)
1484-021 Misumi West Port (三角西港 Misumi nishikō)
1484-022 The State-owned Yawata Steel Works (旧官営八幡製鐵所関連施設 kyū kanei Yahata seitetsusho kanren shisetsu)
1484-023 Onga River pumping station (遠賀川ポンプ場 Ongagawa ponpujyō)
1484-001 Hagi Reverbatory Furnace (萩反射炉 Hagi hansharo)
1484-004 The Ruins of Hagi Castle
1484-005 Shōkasonjuku Academy (松下村塾 Shōkason juku)
Courtesy of haaruu from postcrossing forum
1484-009 Niirayama reverberatory furnace (韮山反射炉 Niirayama hansharo)
Courtesy of jennifermuliadi from postcrossing forum
1484-012 Kosuge Slip Dock (小菅修船場跡 Kosuge shūsenba ato) |
Upper right 1484-013 Mitsubishi No.3 Dry Dock
(長崎造船所関連施設 Nagasaki zōsenjo kanren shisetsu)
1484-015 Mitsubishi Giant Cantilever Crane (ジャイアント・カンチレバークレーン) |
1484-017 Takashima Coal Mine (高島炭坑) including 北渓井坑跡 Hokkei seikō ato |
Courtesy of Wakka from Postcrossing forum
1484-018 Hashima coal mine (端島炭坑 Hashima tankō) |
Courtesy of Akiko.s from postcrossing forum
1484-019 Former Glover House (旧グラバー住宅 kyū Gulabā jūtaku) |