Thursday, 5 August 2021

759 NL - Dutch Water Defence Lines (1996/2021)

Brief Description

"The significant boundary modification of the property first inscribed in 1996 stretches from the IJsselmeer (previously known as Zuiderzee) at Muiden to the Biesbosch estuary at Werkendam. This modification adds the New Dutch Waterline to the existing Defence Line of Amsterdam World Heritage site, to become the Dutch Water Defence Lines World Heritage property and also includes a number of small extensions and reductions to the boundaries of the Defence Line of Amsterdam World Heritage property. In particular, the extension illustrates a single military defence system, which was based on inundation fields, hydraulic installations and on a series of fortifications and military posts stretching over an area of 85 km. It also includes three smaller components: Fort Werk IV, the Tiel Inundation Canal and Fort Pannerden near the German border. Built from 1814 to 1940, they complement the already inscribed site, which is the only example of a fortification based on the principle of controlling the waters. Since the 16th century, the people of the Netherlands have used their expert knowledge of hydraulic engineering for defence purposes. The centre of the country was protected by a network of 45 armed forts, acting in concert with temporary flooding from polders and an intricate system of canals and locks."

"这个1996年首次被列入名录的遗产区对其边界进行了重大调整,从穆登的艾瑟尔湖 (旧称“须德海”)一直延伸到韦尔肯丹的莎草河口。这一修改将荷兰水防线的较新部分与原有世界遗产“阿姆斯特丹的防御线”融合,成为“荷兰水防线”世界遗产。此次调整还包括对原遗产区的边界的一些小的扩展和缩减,其中扩展部分特别展现了一个由低地水网、水利设施以及一系列防御工事和军事哨所组成的绵延85公里长的军事防御系统。荷兰水防线还包括3个较小的组成部分:哥伦布绿堡、蒂尔洪水运河和靠近德国边境的潘纳登堡。它们建成于1814-1940年之间,是对已经列入名录的遗产区的补充。原遗产是唯一一个以水量控制原则为基础建成的防御工事。自16世纪起,荷兰人民就把他们的水利工程专业知识用于防御目的。国家的中心部分由45个武装堡垒组成的防线保护着,这些堡垒与圩田上的蓄洪以及错综复杂的水渠和水闸系统相互配合。"

Source UNESCO WH website

2021 extension 759-001 Foritified town of Naarden
759-006 Fort along the Pampus

1613 CZ/DE/FR/IT/GB - The Great Spa Towns of Europe (2021)

The Great Spa Towns of Europe

"The transnational site of The Great Spa Towns of Europe comprises 11 towns, located in seven European countries: Baden bei Wien (Austria); Spa (Belgium); Františkovy Lázně (Czechia); Karlovy Vary (Czechia); Mariánské Lázně (Czechia); Vichy (France); Bad Ems (Germany); Baden-Baden (Germany); Bad Kissingen (Germany); Montecatini Terme (Italy); and City of Bath (United Kingdom). All of these towns developed around natural mineral water springs. They bear witness to the international European spa culture that developed from the early 18th century to the 1930s, leading to the emergence of grand international resorts that impacted urban typology around ensembles of spa buildings such as the kurhaus and kursaal (buildings and rooms dedicated to therapy), pump rooms, drinking halls, colonnades and galleries designed to harness the natural mineral water resources and to allow their practical use for bathing and drinking. Related facilities include gardens, assembly rooms, casinos, theatres, hotels and villas, as well as spa-specific support infrastructure. These ensembles are all integrated into an overall urban context that includes a carefully managed recreational and therapeutic environment in a picturesque landscape. Together, these sites embody the significant interchange of human values and developments in medicine, science and balneology."



Source UNESCO WH website

  • 1613-001     Baden bei Wien     Austria              
  • 1613-002     Spa     Belgium              
  • 1613-003     Frantiskovy Lazne     Czechia           
  • 1613-004     Karlovy Vary     Czechia
  • 1613-005     Marianske Lazne     Czechia              
  • 1613-006     Vichy     France      
  • 1613-007     Bad Ems     Germany              
  • 1613-008     Baden-Baden     Germany        
  • 1613-009     Bad Kissingen     Germany           
  • 1613-010     Montecatini Terme     Italy   
  • 1613-011     City of Bath     United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

1613-001     Baden bei Wien     Austria     
Postmark from Place of Origin Baden bei Wien

1613-002     Spa     Belgium     
1613-002     Spa     Belgium   

Courtesy of hs87 from Postcrossing Forum
1613-003     Frantiskovy Lazne     Czechia 

Courtesy of Emerich from Czech
1613-004     Karlovy Vary 

1613-005     Marianske Lazne     Czechia 

Courtesy of Julie7745 from Postcrossing Forum
1613-006     Vichy     France         

1613-008     Baden-Baden     Germany

Courtesy of Cassiopheia from Postcrossing Forum
1613-008     Baden-Baden     Germany           

Courtesy of Cassiopheia from Postcrossing Forum
1613-009     Bad Kissingen     Germany

Courtesy of Cri from Postcrossing Forum
1613-010     Montecatini 
stamp showing Unesco WHS site Pisa leaning tower 

Courtesy of martinha from postcrossing forum
1613-010     Montecatini Terme Park

011 - City of Bath

Wednesday, 4 August 2021

1623 IT - Padua’s fourteenth-century fresco cycles (2021)

Padua’s fourteenth-century fresco cycles

"The site is composed of eight religious and secular building complexes, within the historic walled city of Padua, which house a selection of fresco cycles painted between 1302 and 1397 by different artists for different types of patron and within buildings of diverse functions. Nevertheless, the frescos maintain a unity of style and content. They include Giotto’s Scrovegni Chapel fresco cycle, considered to have marked the beginning of a revolutionary development in the history of mural painting, as well as other fresco cycles of different artists, namely Guariento di Arpo, Giusto de’ Menabuoi, Altichiero da Zevio, Jacopo Avanzi and Jacopo da Verona. As a group, these fresco cycles illustrate how, over the course of a century, fresco art developed along a new creative impetus and understanding of spatial representation. "



Source UNESCO WH website

  • 1623-001     Scrovegni Chapel, Church of the Eremitani 
  • 1623-002     Palazzo de la Ragione, Chapel of the Cararesi, Palace Cathedral Baptistery 
  • 1623-003     Basilica and Monastery of St. Anthony, Oratory of St. George 
  • 1623-004     Oratory of St.Michael 

001 - Cappella degli Scrovegni

Courtesy of edo-padova from Postcrossing Forum
1623-002     Palazzo de la Ragione
Courtesy of edo-padova from Postcrossing Forum
Basilica and Monastery of St. Anthony