The Great Spa Towns of Europe
"The transnational site of The Great Spa Towns of Europe
comprises 11 towns, located in seven European countries: Baden bei Wien
(Austria); Spa (Belgium); Františkovy Lázně (Czechia); Karlovy Vary
(Czechia); Mariánské Lázně (Czechia); Vichy (France); Bad Ems
(Germany); Baden-Baden (Germany); Bad Kissingen (Germany); Montecatini
Terme (Italy); and City of Bath (United Kingdom). All of these towns
developed around natural mineral water springs. They bear witness to the
international European spa culture that developed from the early
18th century to the 1930s, leading to the emergence of grand
international resorts that impacted urban typology around ensembles of
spa buildings such as the kurhaus and kursaal (buildings and rooms
dedicated to therapy), pump rooms, drinking halls, colonnades and
galleries designed to harness the natural mineral water resources and to
allow their practical use for bathing and drinking. Related facilities
include gardens, assembly rooms, casinos, theatres, hotels and villas,
as well as spa-specific support infrastructure. These ensembles are all
integrated into an overall urban context that includes a carefully
managed recreational and therapeutic environment in a picturesque
landscape. Together, these sites embody the significant interchange of
human values and developments in medicine, science and balneology."
Source UNESCO WH website
1613-001 Baden bei Wien Austria 1613-002 Spa Belgium 1613-003 Frantiskovy Lazne Czechia 1613-004 Karlovy Vary Czechia1613-005 Marianske Lazne Czechia 1613-006 Vichy France - 1613-007 Bad Ems Germany
1613-008 Baden-Baden Germany 1613-009 Bad Kissingen Germany 1613-010 Montecatini Terme Italy 1613-011 City of Bath United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
1613-001 Baden bei Wien Austria
Postmark from Place of Origin Baden bei Wien
Courtesy of hs87 from Postcrossing Forum
1613-003 Frantiskovy Lazne Czechia
Courtesy of Emerich from Czech
1613-004 Karlovy Vary
1613-005 Marianske Lazne Czechia
Courtesy of Julie7745 from Postcrossing Forum
1613-006 Vichy France

1613-008 Baden-Baden Germany

Courtesy of Cassiopheia from Postcrossing Forum
1613-008 Baden-Baden Germany

Courtesy of Cassiopheia from Postcrossing Forum
1613-009 Bad Kissingen Germany |
Courtesy of Cri from Postcrossing Forum
1613-010 Montecatini
stamp showing Unesco WHS site Pisa leaning tower
Courtesy of martinha from postcrossing forum
1613-010 Montecatini Terme Park |
011 - City of Bath