Wednesday, 27 November 2024

96 RS - Stari Ras and Sopoćani (1979)

Stari Ras and Sopoćani

On the outskirts of Stari Ras, the first capital of Serbia, there is an impressive group of medieval monuments consisting of fortresses, churches and monasteries. The monastery at Sopoćani is a reminder of the contacts between Western civilization and the Byzantine world.



Source UNESCO WH website

  • 96-001 Mediaeval Town of Ras Serbia
  • 96-002 Sopoćani Monastery
  • 96-003 St. Peter's Church
  • 96-004 Monastery of Djurdjevi Stupovi
96-002 Sopoćani Monastery

RS5538 - Smederevo Fortress (2010)


Monday, 25 November 2024

740 GB - Gough and Inaccessible Islands (1995)

Gough and Inaccessible Islands
The site, located in the south Atlantic, is one of the least-disrupted island and marine ecosystems in the cool temperate zone. The spectacular cliffs of Gough and Inaccessible Islands, towering above the ocean, are free of introduced mammals and home to one of the world’s largest colonies of sea birds. Gough Island is home to two endemic species of land birds, the gallinule and the Gough rowettie, as well as to 12 endemic species of plants, while Inaccessible Island boasts two birds, eight plants and at least 10 invertebrates endemic to the island.


Source UNESCO WH website

740-001 Gough Island Wildlife Reserve
740-002 Inaccessible Island

Courtesy of Iris from Tristan da Cunha
740-002 Inaccessible Island

AD6505 - Les témoignages matériels de la construction de l’État des Pyrénées : la Co-principauté d’Andorre (2021)

  1. Église de Sant Joan de Caselles
  2. Église de Sant Romà de les Bons
  3. Église de Sant Martí de la Cortinada
  4. Église de Sant Climent de Pal
  5. Casa de la Vall
  6. Église de Santa Coloma
  7. Église de Sant Serni de Nagol
  8. Église de Sant Miquel d’Engolasters
  9. Zone archéologique du Roc d’Enclar
  10. Zone archéologique de la Roureda de la Margineda
  11. Château de Foix
  12. L’ensemble de la cathédrale de la Seu d’Urgell

Courtesy of Svea from Germany
01 Església de Sant Joan de Caselles

Courtesy of Svea from Germany
06 Église de Santa Coloma

Wednesday, 20 November 2024

TN6537 - Le site archéologique de Sbeïtla


TN5689 - Médina de Sfax


Les Remparts, Vierge

TN6444 - Habitat troglodytique et le monde des ksour du Sud tunisien


Matmata el Guédima

Matmata el Guédima

1058 MA - Portuguese City of Mazagan (El Jadida) (2004)

 Portuguese City of Mazagan (El Jadida)

The Portuguese fortification of Mazagan, now part of the city of El Jadida, 90-km southwest of Casablanca, was built as a fortified colony on the Atlantic coast in the early 16th century. It was taken over by the Moroccans in 1769. The fortification with its bastions and ramparts is an early example of Renaissance military design. The surviving Portuguese buildings include the cistern and the Church of the Assumption, built in the Manueline style of late Gothic architecture. The Portuguese City of Mazagan - one of the early settlements of the Portuguese explorers in West Africa on the route to India - is an outstanding example of the interchange of influences between European and Moroccan cultures, well reflected in architecture, technology, and town planning.



Source UNESCO WH website

Courtesy of abouelhouda from postcrossing forum

1229 SY - Crac des Chevaliers and Qal’at Salah El-Din (2006)

Crac des Chevaliers and Qal’at Salah El-Din

These two castles represent the most significant examples illustrating the exchange of influences and documenting the evolution of fortified architecture in the Near East during the time of the Crusades (11th - 13th centuries). The Crac des Chevaliers was built by the Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem from 1142 to 1271. With further construction by the Mamluks in the late 13th century, it ranks among the best-preserved examples of the Crusader castles. The Qal’at Salah El-Din (Fortress of Saladin), even though partly in ruins, represents an outstanding example of this type of fortification, both in terms of the quality of construction and the survival of historical stratigraphy. It retains features from its Byzantine beginnings in the 10th century, the Frankish transformations in the late 12th century and fortifications added by the Ayyubid dynasty (late 12th to mid-13th century).

Source UNESCO WH website

  • 1229-001 Crac des Chevaliers
  • 1229-002 Qal’at Salah El-Din

403 TZ - Kilimanjaro National Park (1987)

 Kilimanjaro National Park

At 5,895 m, Kilimanjaro is the highest point in Africa. This volcanic massif stands in splendid isolation above the surrounding plains, with its snowy peak looming over the savannah. The mountain is encircled by mountain forest. Numerous mammals, many of them endangered species, live in the park.



Source UNESCO WH website

Friday, 15 November 2024

TR5900 - İznik

 Known as Nicaea since ancient times, İznik is located on eastern shore of Lake İznik (Askania Limne) surrounded by ranges of hills within the Bithynia (Marmara) region of Anatolia. There has been human settlement on İznik since prehistory, as witnessed by discoveries of several mounds and tumuli around. According to geographer Strabo, the ancient town was founded in 316 BC by Antigonos, the commanders of Alexander the Great (356-323 B.C). It is also reported that Lysimachos, another general of Alexander, took the city and renamed it after his wife Nicaea. It was during this Hellenistic period that the settlement was planned as a rectangular city with its four gates and two major roads intersecting at the centre.

Thursday, 14 November 2024

1359 SN - Saloum Delta (2011)

 Saloum Delta

Fishing and shellfish gathering have sustained human life in the 5,000 km2 property, which is formed by the arms of three rivers. The site comprises brackish channels encompassing over 200 islands and islets, mangrove forest, an Atlantic marine environment, and dry forest.

The site is marked by 218 shellfish mounds, some of them several hundreds metres long, produced by its human inhabitants over the ages. Burial sites on 28 of the mounds take the form of tumuli where remarkable artefacts have been found. They are important for our understanding of cultures from the various periods of the delta's occupation and testify to the history of human settlement along the coast of West Africa.

萨卢姆河三角洲(Saloum Delta,塞内加尔)是作为文化遗产列入名录的,占地5000平方公里,区内物种丰富的生态系统为生活在此的2000多人提供了生活的保障,他们的主要生活来源是捕鱼业和贝类采集。三角洲位于三条河流的河汊之间,由半咸水水道环绕着200多座大小岛屿、红树林、大西洋海洋环境及干树林所组成。 在三角洲内发现了由当地居民在数千年中建造的218座人工贝冢,有些贝冢长达几百米。在28座采取了古坟的形制的埋葬场所中,出土了不同寻常的人工制品,为我们了解三角洲不同时期文化提供了重要的依据,同时它们也是西非海岸人居历史的重要见证。

Source UNESCO WH website

Wednesday, 13 November 2024

1490 UZ - Western Tien-Shan (2016)

 Western Tien-Shan

The transnational property is located in the Tien-Shan mountain system, one of the largest mountain ranges in the world. Western Tien-Shan ranges in altitude from 700 to 4,503 m. It features diverse landscapes, which are home to exceptionally rich biodiversity. It is of global importance as a centre of origin for a number of cultivated fruit crops and is home to a great diversity of forest types and unique plant community associations. 



Source UNESCO WH website

  • 1490-001 Karatau State Nature Reserve (Kazakhstan)
  • 1490-002 Aksu-Jabagly State Nature Reserve – main part
  • 1490-003 Aksu-Jabagly State Nature Reserve – Karabastau paleontological area
  • 1490-004 Aksu-Jabagly State Nature Reserve – Aulie paleontological area
  • 1490-005 Sairam-Ugam State National Nature Park – Boraldaitau area
  • 1490-006 Sairam-Ugam State National Nature Park – Irsu-Daubabin area
  • 1490-007 Sairam-Ugam State National Nature Park – Sairam-Ugam area
  • 1490-008 Sary-Chelek State Biosphere Nature Reserve
  • 1490-009 Besh-Aral State Nature Reserve – main part
  • 1490-010 Besh-Aral State Nature Reserve - Shandalash area
  • 1490-011 Padysha-Ata State Nature Reserve
  • 1490-012 The Chatkal State Biosphere Nature Reserve – Maidantal area
  • 1490-013 The Chatkal State Biosphere Nature Reserve – Bashkizilsay area
1490-012 The Chatkal State Biosphere Nature Reserve – Maidantal area

1519 TR - Aphrodisias (2017)

 Located in southwestern Turkey, in the upper valley of the Morsynus River, the site consists of two components: the archaeological site of Aphrodisias and the marble quarries northeast of the city. The temple of Aphrodite dates from the 3rd century BC and the city was built one century later. The wealth of Aphrodisias came from the marble quarries and the art produced by its sculptors. The city streets are arranged around several large civic structures, which include temples, a theatre, an agora and two bath complexes.

Source UNESCO WH website

  • 1519-001 Archaeological Site of Aphrodisias
  • 1519-002 Ancient Marble Quarries

1103 KZ - Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi (2003)

 Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi

The Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi, in the town of Yasi, now Turkestan, was built at the time of Timur (Tamerlane), from 1389 to 1405. In this partly unfinished building, Persian master builders experimented with architectural and structural solutions later used in the construction of Samarkand, the capital of the Timurid Empire. Today, it is one of the largest and best-preserved constructions of the Timurid period.



Source UNESCO WH website

1654 RU - Petroglyphs of Lake Onega and the White Sea (2021)

 Petroglyphs of Lake Onega and the White Sea

The site contains 4,500 petroglyphs carved in the rocks during the Neolithic period dated about 6-7 thousand years ago and located in the Republic of Karelia in the Russian Federation. It is one of the largest such sites in Europe with petroglyphs that document Neolithic culture in Fennoscandia. The serial property encompasses 33 rock art panels in two component parts 300km apart: 22 petroglyph groups at Lake Onega in the District of Pudozhsky featuring a total of over 1,200 figures and 3,411 figures in 11 groups by the White Sea in the District of Belomorsky. The rock art figures at Lake Onega mostly represents birds, animals, half human and half animal figures as well as geometric shapes that may be symbols of the moon and the sun. The petroglyphs of the White Sea are mostly composed of carvings depicting hunting and sailing scenes including their related equipment as well as animal and human footprints. They show significant artistic qualities and testify to the creativity of the Stone Age. The petroglyphs are associated with sites including settlements and burial grounds.



Source UNESCO WH website

  • 1654-001 Petroglyphs of the Lake Onega
  • 1654-002 Petroglyphs of the White Sea
1654-001 Petroglyphs of the Lake Onega

1685 TJ - Tugay forests of the Tigrovaya Balka Nature Reserve (2023)

 Tugay forests of the Tigrovaya Balka Nature Reserve

This property is located between the Vakhsh and Panj rivers in southwestern Tajikistan. The Reserve includes extensive riparian tugay ecosystems, the sandy Kashka-Kum desert, the Buritau peak, as well as the Hodja-Kaziyon mountains. The property is composed of a series of floodplain terraces covered by alluvial soils, comprising tugay riverine forests with very specific biodiversity in the valley. The tugay forests in the reserve represent the largest and most intact tugay forest of this type in Central Asia, and this is the only place in the world where the Asiatic poplar tugay ecosystem has been preserved in its original state over an area of this size.



Source UNESCO WH website

1252 TJ - Tajik National Park (Mountains of the Pamirs) (2013)

Tajik National Park (Mountains of the Pamirs)

Tajikistan National Park covers more than 2.5 million hectares in the east of the country, at the centre of the so-called “Pamir Knot”, a meeting point of the highest mountain ranges on the Eurasian continent. It consists of high plateaux in the east and, to the west, rugged peaks, some of them over 7,000 meters high, and features extreme seasonal variations of temperature. The longest valley glacier outside the Polar region is located among the 1,085 glaciers inventoried in the site, which also numbers 170 rivers and more than 400 lakes. Rich flora species of both the south-western and central Asian floristic regions grow in the Park which shelters nationally rare and threatened birds and mammals (Marco Polo Argali sheep, Snow Leopards and Siberian Ibex and more). Subject to frequent strong earthquakes, the Park is sparsely inhabited, and virtually unaffected by agriculture and permanent human settlements. It offers a unique opportunity for the study of plate tectonics and subduction phenomena.

Source UNESCO WH website

Sunday, 10 November 2024

1661 LT - Modernist Kaunas: Architecture of Optimism, 1919-1939 (2023)

 Modernist Kaunas: Architecture of Optimism, 1919-1939

This property testifies to the rapid urbanization that transformed the provincial town of Kaunas into a modern city that became Lithuania’s provisional capital between the First and Second World Wars. Its community-driven transformation of an urban landscape was adapted from an earlier town layout. The quality of modern Kaunas was manifested through the spatial organization of the Naujamiestis (New Town) and Žaliakalnis (Green Hill) areas, and in public buildings, urban spaces and residences constructed during the interwar period that demonstrate a variety of styles in which the Modern Movement found architectural expression in the city.



Source UNESCO WH website

Vytautas the Great War Museum

M.K. Čiurlionis Museum of Art

516 ML - Cliff of Bandiagara (Land of the Dogons) (1989)

Brief Description

"The Bandiagara site is an outstanding landscape of cliffs and sandy plateaux with some beautiful architecture (houses, granaries, altars, sanctuaries and Togu Na, or communal meeting-places). Several age-old social traditions live on in the region (masks, feasts, rituals, and ceremonies involving ancestor worship). The geological, archaeological and ethnological interest, together with the landscape, make the Bandiagara plateau one of West Africa's most impressive sites."



Source UNESCO WH website

Courtesy of vykortsfantast from postcrossing forum

99 AL/MK - Natural and Cultural Heritage of the Ohrid region (1979)

Brief Description

"Situated on the shores of Lake Ohrid, the town of Ohrid is one of the oldest human settlements in Europe. Built mainly between the 7th and 19th centuries, it has the oldest Slav monastery (St Pantelejmon) and more than 800 Byzantine-style icons dating from the 11th to the end of the 14th century. After those of the Tretiakov Gallery in Moscow, this is considered to be the most important collection of icons in the world."



Source UNESCO WH website

Courtesy of Animak from Macedonia

Courtesy of MsMoney from postcrossing forum
Courtesy of Saint from Finland
Monastery of Saint Naum (Southern end of the lake)

Courtesy of anagahan from RR578
Saint Panteleimon, Ohrid

Courtesy of hidalgo from Postcrossing forum
Lake Ohrid on the Albanian side

Friday, 8 November 2024

1640 TN - Djerba: Testimony to a settlement pattern in an island territory (2023)

Djerba: Testimony to a settlement pattern in an island territory

This serial property is a testimony to a settlement pattern that developed on the island of Djerba around the 9th century CE amidst the semi-dry and water-scarce environment. Low‑density was its key characteristic: it involved the division of the island into neighbourhoods, clustered together, that were economically self-sustainable, connected to each other and to the religious and trading places of the island, through a complex network of roads. Resulting from a mixture of environmental, socio-cultural and economic factors, the distinctive human settlement of Djerba demonstrates the way local people adapted their lifestyle to the conditions of their water-scarce natural environment.



Source UNESCO WH website


  1. Mosquée Sidi Salem 
  2. Mosquée Sidi Smain 
  3. Mosquée Sidi Zekri 
  4. Mosque Moghzel 
  5. Mosquée Sidi Yeti 
  6. Mosquée Guellala 
  7. Mosquée Imghar 
  8. Mosquée Berdaoui 
  9. Mosquée Sidi Jmour 
  10. Mosquée Abou Messouer 
  11. Mosquée Tajdit 
  12. Mosquée Tlakine
  13. Mosquée Medrajen 
  14. Mosquée Esselaouti 
  15. Mosquée Fadhloun 
  16. Mosquée Mthanya 
  17. Mosquée El Fguira 
  18. Mosquée El Bessi 
  19. Mosquée Cheikh 
  20. Mosquée Louta 
  21. Mosquée Welhi 
  22. Mosquée Ben Biène 
  23. Synagogue La Ghriba 
  24. Eglise Saint Nicolas


  5. MEJMEJ  
  7. HOUMT-SOUK    

Z7 HOUMT-SOUK - Mosque of the Turks (In the buffer zone)

ZA1676 - Nelson Mandela Legacy Sites available for swap

 ZA1676-01-1 Union building (1 available)

 ZA1676-01-2 Union building (1 available)

 ZA1676-01-3 Union building (1 available) the border is a bit yellowish