Brief Description
"The Port of the Moon, port city of Bordeaux in south-west France, is inscribed as an inhabited historic city, an outstanding urban and architectural ensemble, created in the age of the Enlightenment, whose values continued up to the first half of the 20th century, with more protected buildings than any other French city except Paris. It is also recognized for its historic role as a place of exchange of cultural values over more than 2,000 years, particularly since the 12th century due to commercial links with Britain and the Low Lands. Urban plans and architectural ensembles of the early 18th century onwards place the city as an outstanding example of innovative classical and neoclassical trends and give it an exceptional urban and architectural unity and coherence. Its urban form represents the success of philosophers who wanted to make towns into melting pots of humanism, universality and culture."
"作为历史中心的波尔多,人称“月亮港”,是位于法国西南的一 座港口城市,建立于启蒙运动时期,汇集了大量城市建筑,其价值观念一致延续到20世纪前半叶。这里作为历史古城列入世界遗产,除巴黎外,这里是法国受保护 建筑最多的城市。2000多年来,特别是从12世纪开始同英国和低地国家开展商业往来以来,月亮港作为文化价值交流中心发挥了重要的历史作用。18世纪初 期以来的城市规划和建筑群体现了创造性古典主义和新古典主义趋势,展示了城市与建筑的完美结合与统一。这里的城市布局是哲学家的胜利,他们把城市变成了人 文主义、普遍性和文化的融炉。"
Source UNESCO WH website

"作为历史中心的波尔多,人称“月亮港”,是位于法国西南的一 座港口城市,建立于启蒙运动时期,汇集了大量城市建筑,其价值观念一致延续到20世纪前半叶。这里作为历史古城列入世界遗产,除巴黎外,这里是法国受保护 建筑最多的城市。2000多年来,特别是从12世纪开始同英国和低地国家开展商业往来以来,月亮港作为文化价值交流中心发挥了重要的历史作用。18世纪初 期以来的城市规划和建筑群体现了创造性古典主义和新古典主义趋势,展示了城市与建筑的完美结合与统一。这里的城市布局是哲学家的胜利,他们把城市变成了人 文主义、普遍性和文化的融炉。"
Source UNESCO WH website

Courtesy of Sacha73 from postcrossing forum
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