Thursday, 29 December 2011
UA1187 Struve Geodetic Arc available for swap
UA1187-1 Struve Geodetic Arc (0 available)
06/02/12 1 card on its way to Saint (received) in exchange for Ruinas de Copan (Completed)

940 SR - Historic Inner City of Paramaribo (2002)
Brief Description
"Paramaribo is a former Dutch colonial town from the 17th and 18th centuries planted on the northern coast of tropical South America. The original and highly characteristic street plan of the historic centre remains intact. Its buildings illustrate the gradual fusion of Dutch architectural influence with traditional local techniques and materials."
Source UNESCO WH website http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/940
518 ES - Poblet Monastery (1991)
Brief Description
"This Cistercian abbey in Catalonia is one of the largest in Spain. At its centre is a 12th-century church. The austere, majestic monastery, which has a fortified royal residence and contains the pantheon of the kings of Catalonia and Aragon, is an impressive sight."
Source UNESCO WH website http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/518
Source UNESCO WH website http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/518
1158 IT - Etruscan Necropolises of Cerveteri and Tarquinia (2004)
Brief Description
"These two large Etruscan cemeteries reflect different types of burial practices from the 9th to the 1st century BC, and bear witness to the achievements of Etruscan culture. Wich over nine centuries developed the earliest urban civilization in the nothern Mediterranean. Some of the tombs are monumental, cut in rock and topped by impressive tumuli (burial mounds). Many feature carvings on their walls, others have wall paintings of outstanding quality. The necropolis near Cerveteri, known as Banditaccia, contains thousands of tombs organized in a city-like plan, with streets, small squares and neighbourhoods. The site contains very different types of tombs: trenches cut in rock; tumuli; and some, also carved in rock, in the shape of huts or houses with a wealth of structural details. These provide the only surviving evidence of Etruscan residential architecture. The necropolis of Tarquinia, also known as Monterozzi, contains 6,000 graves cut in the rock. It is famous for its 200 painted tombs, the earliest of which date from the 7th century BC."
"这两座巨大的伊特鲁立亚人墓葬反映了公元前9世纪至公元前1世纪不同的墓葬形式,是伊特鲁立亚文化成就的见证。它们在九个多世纪里 推动了地中海北部地区最早的城市文明的发展。有些坟墓以岩石刻成,上面是给人深刻印象的墓丘。坟墓的墙壁上有很多质量精美的壁画和岩石雕刻。靠近塞尔维托 里的墓地又以公墓见称,包括数千个以类似城市规划的模式安置的墓地,带有街道、小广场和邻近居所。这里有不同类型的墓葬: 岩刻沟渠和坟墓,也有一些石刻的棚屋或房舍形状的墓室,带有许多更加精致的建筑结构。这些是伊特鲁立亚人民居建筑的仅存证明。塔尔奎尼亚墓葬群一般称之为 曼特罗契(Monterozzi),包括了6000座岩石刻成的坟墓。其中200座有壁画的墓葬最著名,最早的可以追溯到公元前7世纪。"
Source UNESCO WH website http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/1158
Etruscan Necropolises of Cerveteri
1343 AE - Cultural Sites of Al Ain (Hafit, Hili, Bidaa Bint Saud and Oases Areas) (2011)
Brief Description
"The Cultural Sites of Al Ain (Hafit, Hili, Bidaa Bint Saud and Oases Areas) constitute a serial property that testifies to sedentary human occupation of a desert region since the Neolithic period with vestiges of many prehistoric cultures. Remarkable vestiges in the property include circular stone tombs (ca 2500 B.C.), wells and a wide range of adobe constructions: residential buildings, towers, palaces and administrative buildings. Hili moreover features one of the oldest examples of the sophisticated aflaj irrigation system which dates back to the Iron Age. The property provides important testimony to the transition of cultures in the region from hunting and gathering to sedentarization."
由一系列遗产所组成,这些遗产拥有大量史前文化遗迹,为人类自新石器时代起就在沙漠地区活动定居这一事实提供了见证。突出的遗迹包括圆形石墓葬群(约公元前2500年)、水井及大量的土坯建筑物,如住宅、塔楼、宫殿及行政建筑等。特别是西里(Hili)的阿夫拉贾(aflaj)精密的灌溉体系是这种源自铁器时代的灌溉体系的最古老例证之一。艾恩文化遗址的遗产是这一地区由狩猎与采集文化向 定居文化的过渡的重要见证。
Source UNESCO WH website http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/1343
- 1343-001 Jebel Hafit Desert Park (1.1)
- 1343-002 Jebel Hafit North Tombs (1.2)
- 1343-003 Al Naqfa Ridge (1.5)
1343-004 Al Ain Oasis (4.1)- 1343-005 Al Ain Wildlife Park Tombs (1.3)
- 1343-006 West Ridge Hafit Tombs (1.4)
- 1343-007 Hili Archaeological Park (2.1)
- 1343-008 Hili 2 (2.2)
- 1343-009 Hili North Tomb A (2.3)
- 1343-010 Hili North Tomb B (2.4)
- 1343-011 Rumailah Site (2.5)
- 1343-012 Hili Oasis (4.2)
- 1343-013 Bidaa Bint Saud (3.1)
- 1343-014 Al Jimi Oasis (4.3)
- 1343-015 Al Qattara Oasis (4.4)
- 1343-016 Mutaredh Oasis (4.5)
- 1343-017 Al Muwaiji Oasis (4.6)
Courtesy of elbe from postcrossing forum
1343-4.1.3 Al Ain Oasis - Al Ain Palace Museum

Monday, 26 December 2011
VN949 My Son Sanctuary available for swap
VN949-1 My Son (0 available)
VN949-2 My Son (0 available)
28/12/11 1 postcard on its way to Childish (received) in exchange for Syria - Bosra (Completed)
VN949-3 My Son (0 available)
06/02/12 1 postcard on its way to Saint (received) in exchange for Peninsula Valdes (Completed)
VN949-4 My Son (0 available)

VN949-2 My Son (0 available)

VN949-3 My Son (0 available)

VN949-4 My Son (0 available)

VN949-5 My Son (1 available) poor quality postcard
JP5097 Asuka-Fujiwara available for swap
JP870 Historic Monuments of Ancient Nara available for swap
JP870-1-1 Tōdai-ji (1 available)
JP870-1-2 Tōdai-ji (1 available)
JP870-1-2-2 Tōdai-ji (1 available)
JP870-1-3 Tōdai-ji (1 available)
JP870-2-1 Kōfuku-ji (0 available)
16/08/18 1 postcard on its way to dore92 (received) in exchange for Historic Villages of Korea: Hahoe (Completed)
JP870-6-1 Yakushi-ji (1 available)
JP870-1 Nara park in Winter (1 available) in the buffer zone

JP870-1-2 Tōdai-ji (1 available)

JP870-1-2-2 Tōdai-ji (1 available)
JP870-1-3 Tōdai-ji (1 available)

JP870-2-1 Kōfuku-ji (0 available)

16/08/18 1 postcard on its way to dore92 (received) in exchange for Historic Villages of Korea: Hahoe (Completed)
JP870-6-1 Yakushi-ji (1 available)

JP776 Itsukushima Shinto Shrine available for swap
JP776-01 Itsukushima Shinto Shrine (1 available)
JP776-02 Itsukushima Shinto Shrine (0 available)
JP776-03 Itsukushima Shinto Shrine (1 available)
JP776-04 Itsukushima Shinto Shrine (1 available)
JP776-05 Itsukushima Shinto Shrine (1 available)
JP776-06 Itsukushima Shinto Shrine (1 available)
JP776-10 Itsukushima Shinto Shrine (1 available)

JP776-02 Itsukushima Shinto Shrine (0 available)

JP776-03 Itsukushima Shinto Shrine (1 available)

JP776-04 Itsukushima Shinto Shrine (1 available)

JP776-05 Itsukushima Shinto Shrine (1 available)

JP776-06 Itsukushima Shinto Shrine (1 available)

JP776-07 Itsukushima Shinto Shrine (0 available)
01/02/2020 1 postcard on its way to Javier (received) in exchange for Spain card (Completed)

JP776-08 Itsukushima Shinto Shrine (1 available)
JP776-10 Itsukushima Shinto Shrine (1 available)
Sunday, 25 December 2011
JP660 Buddhist Monuments in the Horyu-ji Area available for swap
JP660-2-1 Hokki-ji (0 available)
10/09/12 1 postcard on its way to Diaboluke (received) in exchange for Royal House of Savoy (Completed)
JP660-2-2 Hokki-ji (0 available)
10/07/12 1 postcard on its way to famalubel (received) in exchange for Heritage of Mercury. Almadén (Completed)
JP660-2-3 Hokki-ji (0 available)
12/07/18 1 postcard on its way to mucciniale (received) in exchange for IT789 - Historic Centre of the City of Pienza (Completed)
JP660-2-4 Hokki-ji (1 available)

JP660-2-2 Hokki-ji (0 available)

10/07/12 1 postcard on its way to famalubel (received) in exchange for Heritage of Mercury. Almadén (Completed)
JP660-2-3 Hokki-ji (0 available)

12/07/18 1 postcard on its way to mucciniale (received) in exchange for IT789 - Historic Centre of the City of Pienza (Completed)
JP660-2-4 Hokki-ji (1 available)

JP1142 Sacred Sites and Pilgrimage Routes in the Kii Mountain Range available for swap
01/08/12 1 postcard on its way to Ansajo (received) in exchange for Macedonia Kokino (Completed)
JP1142-1-02 Mt Yoshino (2 available)
VN678 Complex of Hué Monuments available for swap
VN678-01 Hué Citadel - Mieu Mon (0 available)
28/12/11 1 postcard on its way to Childish (received) in exchange for Syria - Aleppo (Completed)
VN678-10-1 Thien Mu Pagoda (0 available)
06/02/12 1 postcard on its way to Saint (received) in exchange for Orkhon River Valley (Completed)
VN678-10-2 Thien Mu Pagoda (1 available)
VN678-10-3 Thien Mu Pagoda (1 available)

VN678-10-1 Thien Mu Pagoda (0 available)

VN678-10-2 Thien Mu Pagoda (1 available)

VN678-10-3 Thien Mu Pagoda (1 available)

JP5570 Mozu-Furuichi Kofungun available for swap
JP5570-01 Nintoku-tennô-ryô Kofun (0 available)
28/12/11 1 postcard on its way to Childish (received) in exchange for Austria - HeiligenKreuz (Completed)
JP5570-02 Nintoku-tennô-ryô Kofun (0 available)
30/12/11 1 postcard on its way to elbe (received) in exchange for a tentative card (Completed)
16/03/12 1 postcard on its way to SLLiew (received) in exchange for a tentative card (Completed)

JP5570-02 Nintoku-tennô-ryô Kofun (0 available)

16/03/12 1 postcard on its way to SLLiew (received) in exchange for a tentative card (Completed)
Friday, 23 December 2011
988 ES - Catalan Romanesque Churches of the Vall de Boí (2000)
Brief Description
"The narrow Vall de Boí is situated in the high Pyrénées, in the Alta Ribagorça region and is surrounded by steep mountains. Each village in the valley contains a Romanesque church, and is surrounded by a pattern of enclosed fields. There are extensive seasonally-used grazing lands on the higher slopes."
Source UNESCO WH website http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/988
988-001 Eglésia de Sant Feliu, Barruera
988-002 Eglésia de Sant Joan de Boí, Boí
988-003 Eglésia de Santa Maria, Taüll
988-004 Eglésia de Sant Climent, Taüll
988-005 Eglésia de Santa Maria de l'Assumpció, Coll
988-006 Eglésia de Santa Maria, Cardet
988-007 Eglésia de la Nativitat, Durro
988-008 Ermitage de Sant Quirc, Durro
988-009 Eglésia de Santa Eulàlia, Erill la Vall
Source UNESCO WH website http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/988
Courtesy of famalubel from postcrossing forum
988-001 Eglésia de Sant Feliu, Barruera
988-002 Eglésia de Sant Joan de Boí
988-003 Eglésia de Santa Maria, Taüll
988-004 Eglésia de Sant Climent

988-005 Eglésia de Santa Maria de l'Assumpció, Coll
988-006 Eglésia de Santa Maria, Cardet
988-007 Eglésia de la Nativitat, Durro
988-008 Ermitage de Sant Quirc, Durro
988-009 Eglésia de Santa Eulàlia, Erill la Vall
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