Brief Description
"The Cultural Sites of Al Ain (Hafit, Hili, Bidaa Bint Saud and Oases Areas) constitute a serial property that testifies to sedentary human occupation of a desert region since the Neolithic period with vestiges of many prehistoric cultures. Remarkable vestiges in the property include circular stone tombs (ca 2500 B.C.), wells and a wide range of adobe constructions: residential buildings, towers, palaces and administrative buildings. Hili moreover features one of the oldest examples of the sophisticated aflaj irrigation system which dates back to the Iron Age. The property provides important testimony to the transition of cultures in the region from hunting and gathering to sedentarization."
由一系列遗产所组成,这些遗产拥有大量史前文化遗迹,为人类自新石器时代起就在沙漠地区活动定居这一事实提供了见证。突出的遗迹包括圆形石墓葬群(约公元前2500年)、水井及大量的土坯建筑物,如住宅、塔楼、宫殿及行政建筑等。特别是西里(Hili)的阿夫拉贾(aflaj)精密的灌溉体系是这种源自铁器时代的灌溉体系的最古老例证之一。艾恩文化遗址的遗产是这一地区由狩猎与采集文化向 定居文化的过渡的重要见证。
Source UNESCO WH website
- 1343-001 Jebel Hafit Desert Park (1.1)
- 1343-002 Jebel Hafit North Tombs (1.2)
- 1343-003 Al Naqfa Ridge (1.5)
1343-004 Al Ain Oasis (4.1)- 1343-005 Al Ain Wildlife Park Tombs (1.3)
- 1343-006 West Ridge Hafit Tombs (1.4)
- 1343-007 Hili Archaeological Park (2.1)
- 1343-008 Hili 2 (2.2)
- 1343-009 Hili North Tomb A (2.3)
- 1343-010 Hili North Tomb B (2.4)
- 1343-011 Rumailah Site (2.5)
- 1343-012 Hili Oasis (4.2)
- 1343-013 Bidaa Bint Saud (3.1)
- 1343-014 Al Jimi Oasis (4.3)
- 1343-015 Al Qattara Oasis (4.4)
- 1343-016 Mutaredh Oasis (4.5)
- 1343-017 Al Muwaiji Oasis (4.6)
Courtesy of elbe from postcrossing forum
1343-4.1.3 Al Ain Oasis - Al Ain Palace Museum

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