Wednesday 9 October 2024

167 AU - Willandra Lakes Region (1981)

The fossil remains of a series of lakes and sand formations that date from the Pleistocene can be found in this region, together with archaeological evidence of human occupation dating from 45–60,000 years ago. It is a unique landmark in the study of human evolution on the Australian continent. Several well-preserved fossils of giant marsupials have also been found here.


该湖区有更新世(the Pleistocene)系列湖泊和沙滩构造的化石,考古研究还发现了4.5至6万年前人类居住的证据。这对于研究澳洲大陆人类进化史有着里程碑式的意义。湖区还有一些保存完好的大型有袋动物化石。

Source UNESCO WH website

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