Brief Description
"The Novodevichy Convent, in south-western Moscow, built in the 16th and 17th centuries in the so-called Moscow Baroque style, was part of a chain of monastic ensembles that were integrated into the defence system of the city. The convent was directly associated with the political, cultural and religious history of Russia, and closely linked to the Moscow Kremlin. It was used by women of the Tsar’s family and the aristocracy. Members of the Tsar’s family and entourage were also buried in its cemetery. The convent provides an example of the highest accomplishments of Russian architecture with rich interiors and an important collection of paintings and artefacts."

"新圣女修道院坐落于莫斯科的西南面,建于16世纪至17世 纪,是莫斯科市纳入防御体系的一系列修道院建筑的一部分。该修道院与俄罗斯的政治、文化和宗教历史直接相关,同莫斯科的克里姆林宫紧密相连,供沙皇家族及 贵族的妇女使用。沙皇家族的成员和后代也被埋在修道院的墓场。该女修道院的内部装饰华丽,收集了重要的绘画艺术品,是俄罗斯最高建筑成就的典范。"
Source UNESCO WH website of nadine_jam from postcrossing