Brief Description
"The Varberg Radio Station at Grimeton in southern Sweden (built 1922–24) is an exceptionally well-preserved monument to early wireless transatlantic communication. It consists of the transmitter equipment, including the aerial system of six 127-m high steel towers. Although no longer in regular use, the equipment has been maintained in operating condition. The 109.9-ha site comprises buildings housing the original Alexanderson transmitter, including the towers with their antennae, short-wave transmitters with their antennae, and a residential area with staff housing. The architect Carl Åkerblad designed the main buildings in the neoclassical style and the structural engineer Henrik Kreüger was responsible for the antenna towers, the tallest built structures in Sweden at that time. The site is an outstanding example of the development of telecommunications and is the only surviving example of a major transmitting station based on pre-electronic technology."
"位于瑞典南部格里默通市的威堡广播站建于1922-1924 年,是早期无线电通信的完好见证。该站由无线发射设备组成,包括6座高达127米的发射铁塔。尽管已经不再正常运转,但所有设备都保存如初。占地 109.9公顷,除了放置原先的亚历山德森发射装置的建筑,包括发射塔及其天线和短波发射机及其天线之外,还有员工的住宅。建筑师Carl Åkerblad将主建筑设计成新古典主义风格,结构工程师Henrik Kreüger则负责天线塔的设计。天线塔是当时瑞典最高的建筑物。该遗产地是电讯事业发展的杰出代表,并且是现存唯一基于前电气技术建造的主要发射站。"
Source UNESCO WH website

"位于瑞典南部格里默通市的威堡广播站建于1922-1924 年,是早期无线电通信的完好见证。该站由无线发射设备组成,包括6座高达127米的发射铁塔。尽管已经不再正常运转,但所有设备都保存如初。占地 109.9公顷,除了放置原先的亚历山德森发射装置的建筑,包括发射塔及其天线和短波发射机及其天线之外,还有员工的住宅。建筑师Carl Åkerblad将主建筑设计成新古典主义风格,结构工程师Henrik Kreüger则负责天线塔的设计。天线塔是当时瑞典最高的建筑物。该遗产地是电讯事业发展的杰出代表,并且是现存唯一基于前电气技术建造的主要发射站。"
Source UNESCO WH website

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