Brief Description
"The Architectural, Residential and Cultural Complex of the Radziwill Family at Nesvizh is located in central Belarus. The Radziwill dynasty, who built and kept the ensemble from the 16th century until 1939, gave birth to some of the most important personalities in European history and culture. Due to their efforts, the town of Nesvizh came to exercise great influence in the sciences, arts, crafts and architecture. The complex consists of the residential castle and the mausoleum Church of Corpus Christi with their setting. The castle has ten interconnected buildings, which developed as an architectural whole around a six-sided courtyard. The palaces and church became important prototypes marking the development of architecture throughout Central Europe and Russia."
"涅斯维日的拉济维乌家族城堡建筑群位于 白俄罗斯中部,由拉济维乌王朝(the Radziwill dynasty)从16世纪开始建造,到1939年完工。拉济维乌王朝诞生了许多欧洲历史和文化领域的重要人物,由于他们的努力,涅斯维日在科学、艺术、 工艺和建筑方面产生了巨大影响。建筑群包括寝宫、基督圣体教堂及相应的环境景观,宫殿内有10座相连的建筑,形成一个六边形庭院建筑体系。宫殿和基督圣体 教堂这样意义非凡的建筑原型,显示了整个欧洲中部和俄罗斯的建筑发展。"
Source UNESCO WH website
"涅斯维日的拉济维乌家族城堡建筑群位于 白俄罗斯中部,由拉济维乌王朝(the Radziwill dynasty)从16世纪开始建造,到1939年完工。拉济维乌王朝诞生了许多欧洲历史和文化领域的重要人物,由于他们的努力,涅斯维日在科学、艺术、 工艺和建筑方面产生了巨大影响。建筑群包括寝宫、基督圣体教堂及相应的环境景观,宫殿内有10座相连的建筑,形成一个六边形庭院建筑体系。宫殿和基督圣体 教堂这样意义非凡的建筑原型,显示了整个欧洲中部和俄罗斯的建筑发展。"
Source UNESCO WH website
Courtesy of LeraDluzhnevskaya from postcrossing
Courtesy of Oduvanhik from postcrossing
Courtesy of Irisha_K from postcrossing

Courtesy of Snezhana from postcrossing

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