Brief Description
"武陵源景色奇丽壮观,位于中国湖南省境内,连绵26 000多公顷,景区内最独特的景观是3 000余座尖细的砂岩柱和砂岩峰,大部分都200余米高。在峰峦之间,沟壑、峡谷纵横,溪流、池塘和瀑布随处可见,景区内还有40多个石洞和两座天然形成 的巨大石桥。除了迷人的自然景观,该地区还因庇护着大量濒临灭绝的动植物物种而引人注目。"
Source UNESCO WH website

The blog is to showcase my postcard collection of UNESCO world heritage sites
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374-001 Beaumaris Castle |
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374-003 Conwy Castle and Town Walls |
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374-003 Conwy Castle inside view |
374-003 Conwy Castle West view |
"公元8世纪,摩尔人占领了西班牙,于是科尔多瓦进入了它 的鼎盛时期,在这段全盛时期中,城中建起了约300座清真寺、数不清的宫殿和公共建筑与君士坦丁堡、大马士革和巴格达的辉煌繁荣相媲美。公元13世纪,西 班牙国王费尔南德三世时期,科尔多瓦大清真寺被改建成大教堂,一些新的防御性建筑也修建起来,特别著名的有基督教国王城堡和卡拉奥拉高塔要塞。"
Source UNESCO WH website
GB728-MC2 Edinburgh Castle (0 available only for Maxicard swap)
GB728-1 Edinburgh castle (0 available)
29/02/12 1 postcard on its way to Galina (received) in exchange for The Golden Gate Vladimir (Completed)
UK728-1 Edinburgh castle (0 available)14/01/10 1 postcard on its way to kryx87 (received) in exchange for PT505 - Monastery of Alcobaça (Completed)
UK728-2 Old and New Towns of Edinburgh (0 available)08/01/10 1 postcard on its way to Laure_ny512 (received) in exchange for BE943 - Belfries of Belgium (Belfort en Hallen, Brugge) (Completed)
UK728-3 Old and New Towns of Edinburgh (0 available)05/01/10 1 postcard on its way to Asa (received) in exchange for FR773 - Pyrénées Mont Perd (Completed)
UK728-4 Old and New Towns of Edinburgh (0 available)17/12/09 1 postcard on its way to Blue79 (received) in exchange for NL965 - Rietveld Schröderhuis (Rietveld Schröder House) (Completed)
UK728-5 Old and New Towns of Edinburgh (0 available)18/01/10 1 postcard on its way to mysonictruth (received) in exchange for US76 - Everglades National Park (Completed)
UK728-6 Edinburgh Castle (0 available)20/01/10 1 postcard on its way (TAG) to YUKI3 in exchange (TAG) Kaurry for RU657 - Architectural Ensemble of the Trinity Sergius Lavra in Sergiev Posad (received)
UK728-7 Edinburgh Castle (0 available)18/01/10 1 postcard on its way to Hexentrio (received) in exchange for DE546 - Maulbronn Monastery Complex (Completed)
UK728-8 Edinburgh Castle (0 available)14/04/10 1 postcard on its way to Paultry (received) in exchange for RU632 - Cultural and Historic Ensemble of the Solovetsky Islands (Completed)