Brief Description
"With 500 ha of parks and 150 buildings constructed between 1730 and 1916, Potsdam's complex of palaces and parks forms an artistic whole, whose eclectic nature reinforces its sense of uniqueness. It extends into the district of Berlin-Zehlendorf, with the palaces and parks lining the banks of the River Havel and Lake Glienicke. Voltaire stayed at the Sans-Souci Palace, built under Frederick II between 1745 and 1747."
"拥有500公顷的公园和150座1730年至1916年期间的建筑物,波兹坦宫殿和庭园共同构成了一个艺术整体,其折衷性强化了其独特性。遗址一直延伸到柏林-采伦多夫区(Berlin- Zehlendorf),其间的宫殿和庭园把哈弗尔河(River Havel)和格列尼克湖(Lake Glienicke)连接起来。位于桑图谢-苏西宫殿(Sans-Souci Palace)的伏尔泰宫是1745年至1747年期间弗雷德里克二世(Frederick II)在位期间修建的。"
Source UNESCO WH website

"拥有500公顷的公园和150座1730年至1916年期间的建筑物,波兹坦宫殿和庭园共同构成了一个艺术整体,其折衷性强化了其独特性。遗址一直延伸到柏林-采伦多夫区(Berlin- Zehlendorf),其间的宫殿和庭园把哈弗尔河(River Havel)和格列尼克湖(Lake Glienicke)连接起来。位于桑图谢-苏西宫殿(Sans-Souci Palace)的伏尔泰宫是1745年至1747年期间弗雷德里克二世(Frederick II)在位期间修建的。"
Source UNESCO WH website
1990 designation
Palace and Park of Sanssouci, PotsdamNeuer Garten (New Garden),Marmorpalais (Marble Palace), andSchloss Cecilienhof,northeast of Sanssouci, PotsdamPark BabelsbergandSchloss Babelsberg, Potsdam- Schloss Glienicke and Park Klein-Glienicke, Berlin
- Nikolskoe log house, Berlin
- Pfaueninsel (Peacock Island), Berlin
- Böttcherberg (Mount Böttcher), Berlin
- Jagdschloß Glienicke (Glienicke hunting lodge), Berlin
1992 extension
- Heilandskirche (Church of the Redeemer), Sacrow (Potsdam)
- Palace and Park of Sacrow, Potsdam
1999 extension
- Lindenallee, Potsdam
- Königliche Gärtnerlehranstalt (former gardeners' school) and the Kaiserbahnhof, Potsdam
- Palace and Park of Lindstedt, Potsdam
- Village of Bornstedt, church, cemetery and landscape north of Park Sanssouci, Potsdam
- The Seekoppel (landscape area west of Ruinenberg (Mount of Ruins)), Potsdam
- Voltaireweg (greenbelt and road between Park Sanssouci and Neuer Garten), Potsdam
- Entrance area of Park Sanssouci, Potsdam
- Alexandrowka log houses ("Russian colony"), Potsdam
The Pfingstberg and Belvedere auf dem Pfingstberg, Potsdam- An area between Pfingstberg and Neuer Garten, Potsdam
- Southern shore of the Jungfernsee, Potsdam
- Königswald (King's Forest, forests surrounding Palace and Park of Sacrow), Potsdam
- Approaches to Babelsberg Park, Potsdam
- Observatory in Babelsberg, Potsdam

Palace and Park of Sanssouci, Potsdam

Courtesy of Janet from postcrossing forum

Courtesy of atlantidochka from postcrossing forum
Courtesy of catlove84 from postcrossing forum

Courtesy of catlove84 from postcrossing forum

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