Brief Description
"In the valley of the Roussenski Lom River, in north east Bulgaria, a complex of rock-hewn churches, chapels, monasteries and cells developed in the vicinity of the village of Ivanovo. This is where the first hermits had dug out their cells and churches during the 12th century. The 14th-century murals testify to the exceptional skill of the artists belonging to the Tarnovo School of painting."
"伊凡诺沃岩洞教堂位于保加利亚东北部洛姆河流域伊凡诺沃村一带,由岩洞教堂、小教堂、修道院和洞穴组成。12世纪,第一批 隐士开始在这里开挖洞穴和建造教堂。绘于14世纪的壁画向人们展示了塔尔诺沃(Tarnovo)画派艺术家们杰出的艺术表现力。"
Source UNESCO WH website

"伊凡诺沃岩洞教堂位于保加利亚东北部洛姆河流域伊凡诺沃村一带,由岩洞教堂、小教堂、修道院和洞穴组成。12世纪,第一批 隐士开始在这里开挖洞穴和建造教堂。绘于14世纪的壁画向人们展示了塔尔诺沃(Tarnovo)画派艺术家们杰出的艺术表现力。"
Source UNESCO WH website
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