Brief Description
"The Greater Blue Mountains Area consists of 1.03 million ha of sandstone plateaux, escarpments and gorges dominated by temperate eucalypt forest. The site, comprised of eight protected areas, is noted for its representation of the evolutionary adaptation and diversification of the eucalypts in post-Gondwana isolation on the Australian continent. Ninety-one eucalypt taxa occur within the Greater Blue Mountains Area which is also outstanding for its exceptional expression of the structural and ecological diversity of the eucalypts associated with its wide range of habitats. The site provides significant representation of Australia's biodiversity with ten percent of the vascular flora as well as significant numbers of rare or threatened species, including endemic and evolutionary relict species, such as the Wollemi pine, which have persisted in highly-restricted microsites."
"大蓝山山脉地区占地103万公顷,由砂岩高原、悬崖和峡谷构成,大部分被温带桉树林覆盖。这一遗产地有八个保护区,展示了 澳洲大陆在冈瓦纳(Gondwana)分离后桉树种群进化的适应性和多样性。大蓝山山脉地区共有91种桉树,因而这一地区也以其桉树结构和生态多样性以及 栖息物种的丰富性而著名。同时,这一地区还充分展示了澳大利亚的生物多样性,有占世界数量百分之十的维管植物以及大量珍稀濒危物种,包括当地堪称活化石的 物种,例如生存范围非常有限的瓦勒迈松。"
Source UNESCO WH website
Blue Mountains National Park
Wollemi National Park
Yengo National Park
Nattai National Park
Kanangra-Boyd National Park
Gardens of Stone National Park
Thirlmere Lakes National Park
Jenolan Caves Karst Conservation Reserve
Blue Mountains National Park
Three Sisters' names are Meehni (922 m), Wimlah (918 m), and Gunnedoo (906 m)

"大蓝山山脉地区占地103万公顷,由砂岩高原、悬崖和峡谷构成,大部分被温带桉树林覆盖。这一遗产地有八个保护区,展示了 澳洲大陆在冈瓦纳(Gondwana)分离后桉树种群进化的适应性和多样性。大蓝山山脉地区共有91种桉树,因而这一地区也以其桉树结构和生态多样性以及 栖息物种的丰富性而著名。同时,这一地区还充分展示了澳大利亚的生物多样性,有占世界数量百分之十的维管植物以及大量珍稀濒危物种,包括当地堪称活化石的 物种,例如生存范围非常有限的瓦勒迈松。"
Source UNESCO WH website
Wollemi National Park
Yengo National Park
Nattai National Park
Gardens of Stone National Park
Thirlmere Lakes National Park
Jenolan Caves Karst Conservation Reserve
Courtesy of Carole from Australia

Three Sisters' names are Meehni (922 m), Wimlah (918 m), and Gunnedoo (906 m)
Courtesy of Helmyne from postcrossing

Courtesy of Carole from Australia
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