Brief Description
"Itchan Kala is the inner town (protected by brick walls some 10 m high) of the old Khiva oasis, which was the last resting-place of caravans before crossing the desert to Iran. Although few very old monuments still remain, it is a coherent and well-preserved example of the Muslim architecture of Central Asia. There are several outstanding structures such as the Djuma Mosque, the mausoleums and the madrasas and the two magnificent palaces built at the beginning of the 19th century by Alla-Kulli-Khan."
"伊钦·卡拉城是一座古老的希瓦绿洲的内城,由10米高的砖墙保护着,它是通往伊朗的沙漠中商队的最后一个驿站。尽管只有很 少的一些古老纪念性建筑保存在那里,但它依然是中亚保存完好的穆斯林建筑群中的典范,其中著名的建筑如德尤马清真寺、陵墓以及19世纪初由阿拉-库里可汗 修建的两座辉煌的宫殿。"
Source UNESCO WH website
"伊钦·卡拉城是一座古老的希瓦绿洲的内城,由10米高的砖墙保护着,它是通往伊朗的沙漠中商队的最后一个驿站。尽管只有很 少的一些古老纪念性建筑保存在那里,但它依然是中亚保存完好的穆斯林建筑群中的典范,其中著名的建筑如德尤马清真寺、陵墓以及19世纪初由阿拉-库里可汗 修建的两座辉煌的宫殿。"
Source UNESCO WH website
Courtesy of SLLiew postcrossing forum

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