Brief Description
The Parthian Fortresses of Nisa consist of two tells of Old and New Nisa, indicating the site of one of the earliest and most important cities of the Parthian Empire, a major power from the mid 3rd century BC to the 3rd century AD. They conserve the unexcavated remains of an ancient civilization which skilfully combined its own traditional cultural elements with those of the Hellenistic and Roman west. Archaeological excavations in two parts of the site have revealed richly decorated architecture, illustrative of domestic, state and religious functions. Situated at the crossroads of important commercial and strategic axes, this powerful empire formed a barrier to Roman expansion while serving as an important communication and trading centre between east and west, north and south.
尼莎帕提亚要塞由新旧两组台形遗址构成,展示了帕提亚王国最早和最重要的城市遗址。帕提亚王国是公元前3世纪中期至公元3 世纪的大国。在近两千年的历史中,这里几乎从未遭到破坏,将古代文明的发掘遗址保存下来,并巧妙地将自身的传统文化元素和希腊及西罗马元素结合起来。对两 处遗址进行的考古挖掘发现了装饰精美的建筑,展示了室内、城邦和宗教方面的功能。挖掘工作一直在皇家城堡内进行,现在被称为“老尼莎”。这处遗址还包括被 称为“新尼莎”的古代城镇。老尼莎是占地14公顷的台形土墩,形状为不规则的五边形,四周是建有40多个矩形塔台的防御土墙,与各个墙角侧面相接的是坚固 的棱堡。占地25公顷的新尼莎四周是高达9米的围墙,有两个入口。坐落在重要的商业和战略枢纽交叉路口的尼莎考古遗址,生动地展现了中亚和地中海地区对大 国文化影响之间的互动,在充当东西方、南北方之间重要的通讯和贸易中心的同时阻挡了罗马的扩张。这一遗址见证了帝国的重要性、财富和文化。
Source UNESCO WH website

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