Brief Description
"Located in a mountainous region that was cut off from the rest of the world for a long period of time, these villages with their Gassho-style houses subsisted on the cultivation of mulberry trees and the rearing of silkworms. The large houses with their steeply pitched thatched roofs are the only examples of their kind in Japan. Despite economic upheavals, the villages of Ogimachi, Ainokura and Suganuma are outstanding examples of a traditional way of life perfectly adapted to the environment and people's social and economic circumstances."
"白川乡和五屹山村落,地处山区,长期以来与外界隔绝。这些村落的居民以种桑养蚕为生,当地的农舍很有特色,在日本是独一无 二的,它们比一般农舍略大,为两层结构,屋顶坡面很陡,用茅草覆盖。尽管经历了严重的经济动荡,荻町、相仓和菅沼这些村落依旧体现了当地人那种与自然生活 环境和社会经济环境完美适应的传统生活方式。"
Source UNESCO WH website
734-001 Ogimachi Village
734-002 Ogimachi Village 2
734-003 Ainokura Village
734-004 Suganuma Village

"白川乡和五屹山村落,地处山区,长期以来与外界隔绝。这些村落的居民以种桑养蚕为生,当地的农舍很有特色,在日本是独一无 二的,它们比一般农舍略大,为两层结构,屋顶坡面很陡,用茅草覆盖。尽管经历了严重的经济动荡,荻町、相仓和菅沼这些村落依旧体现了当地人那种与自然生活 环境和社会经济环境完美适应的传统生活方式。"
Source UNESCO WH website
734-002 Ogimachi Village 2
734-004 Suganuma Village
734-001 Ogimachi Village |
Courtesy of Origami from postcrossing
Gokayama 五箇山-Ainokura相仓
Courtesy of Kenji from postcrossing forum

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